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Reflection paper on Grammar

Essay Instructions:
I'm going to attach the instructions, but please consider I'm not a native speaker. Guidelines for E-portfolio Reflections  Each student must submit an INDIVIDUAL reflection on this course. Reflections are due via e-mail by 5pm on Sunday, December 30.  Your reflection for the e-portfolio counts for 5% of your final grade.  Each reflection should be AT LEAST 2 double-spaced pages in length, in Times New Roman font size 12. There is no maximum number of pages for this assignment.  Keep in mind when writing your reflection that the BTC Teacher Competency that this course helps you acquire is the first competency-- Content Knowledge. This means that the aim of this course is to help you improve your knowledge and grasp of your subject matter, which is the English language (in the specific area of public speaking).  Each reflection should address the following points:  A brief introduction explaining what this course is about in your own words. The course is about grammar  A detailed analysis and explanation of your competence level in English grammar. What have you learned about yourself in terms of your level in grammar in this course? My grammar is not bad because I studied in private schools and I studied the topics that we covered and it was revision to me  A detailed description of what you did over the course of the semester in order to improve your grammar based on what you learned during the course. Make sure that your explanation includes specific examples from the content of the course that you found particularly useful in helping you better your grammar in English. I will attach what I learned  An explanation of how this content course- which focused primarily on improving your English language competence- can help you become a better English language teacher in the future. In other words, what have you learned in this course that you could possibly transfer to your English language classes in the future and how?  Important Note! Your individual reflection is mostly based on opinion and personal experience, so there are no wrong answers to the questions above. However, you must support your opinion with logical evidence and clear examples. Your reflection must include clear references to the content of the course including the terminology that you learned in class. In addition, your reflection must be honest, thoughtful, thorough, and well-written. You will lose major points if your reflection does not exhibit these attributes.  See the grading rubric below for additional guidelines and grading criteria for this assignment.  Questions? Concerns? Fears? See me.  Grading Rubric for E-portfolio Reflections Score Criteria Points /20 Required Components Reflection includes all components and meets all requirements indicated in the guidelines & instructions /10 Each question or part of the assignment is addressed thoroughly /10 /35 Evidence of Analysis/Critical Thinking Reflection moves beyond simple description to a thoughtful analysis of how the course contributed to student understanding of self and course concepts /10 Reflection demonstrates connections between the course and personal and/or professional goals /10 Viewpoints, experiences, and interpretations are insightful and well supported with clear, detailed examples and logical arguments /15 /20 Evidence of Reflective Thinking Reflection demonstrates ability to question personal biases, stereotypes, work ethics, preconceptions, and/or assumptions /5 Reflection conveys an in-depth reflection on, and personalization of, the assignment questions /5 Reflection includes evidence of personal growth and self awareness /10 /25 Mechanics Language is clear and expressive /3 Writing is well organized with appropriate transitions used /6 Grammar & Spelling /5 Punctuation /2 Reflection meets minimum length requirement /2 Correct formatting followed (Times New Roman, size 12 font; double-spaced document) /2 Quality of writing, style & word choice (vocabulary) are appropriate /5 /100 Total: /5%
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection paper on Grammar
Professor Name:
(December, 2012)

Reflection paper on Grammar
A Word About language is around us everywhere and without it life today would be impossible. Business leaders use words in planning production and in promoting their products. Politicians use language in discussing the issues, drawing up laws explaining their stand to the voters. Newspapers keep us informed through words. Teachers, lawyer, ministers and any other profession could do their work without language. The study of English grammar is so crucial in helping people use language easily and effectively. Above all, it helps individuals to speak and write effectively, to understand the workings of language and to listen and read with profit and pleasure.
The course is about grammar that explains the proper way of writing. It includes sentence structure and explains further the usage of prepositions, pronouns, punctuations, and articles in a sentence structure. Right usage of words enhances proper communication and especially while using English language. Since I studied in a private school and we learned the same topics that we covered I had less challenges in the course. However, I would spend time thinking the right choice of words to be accurate in my writing. The course really enhanced my keenness as I read other literature materials. It has strengthened the keenness I had in the use of the right words, applying the right punctuations, Pronouns, propositions and article in my writing.
The Role of my English Language Teacher helped a lot in developing my language skills because the teacher was role model. The teachers’ influence and knowledge on the language in speaking, writing and reading influenced me a lot. The teacher played an active role to prepare me to face the challenges of the profession. I developed a Lifelong Interest in Words Success in English through knowledge of words. Paying attention to new words and looking them up in the dictionary has now been my hobby. Words are interesting in themselves. They are basic building blocks in speech and writing because no one can communicate without words that convey exact meaning. Both in school and in every day life, people who want to do well must be articulate. They must be able to use words easily and well.
I can not forget how the course enlightened me to understand how to construct pr...
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