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Customer Relationship Management

Essay Instructions:
I will send you everthing as an attachment. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE SOURCDE FOR EACH MODULE HAVE MIN. OF 5 AND THEY ARE LIST SPERATLY IN EACH MODULE TUI_MGT_515_TD_1-6.doc Please read each module and answer each module separately. Make sure to mark every module separately because they are 6 different assignments MGT515 :: Module 1 CRM Experience Many companies relate to customers by creating communities. The most famous online community is probably amazon.com. Customers also form communities on their own -- for or against a company. Take a look at www(dot)untied(dot)com and www(dot)movingscam(dot)com Now that you've read the course material, how do you relate these communities to CRM principles? How are consumers' relationships to companies changed by belonging to these communities? Since many of you are military, how does the military create a sense of community to develop relationships with customers -- i.e., new recruits and voluntary members? The TD's give you a chance to express your opinions, demonstrate analytical skill and stimulate discussion. I encourage you to frame your own post as a response to a previous post. I like TD posts that are a little edgy but thoughtful and analytical. MGT515 :: Module 2 Customer Loyalty Your grandparents (and maybe your parents) remember when stores had their own charge cards. They actually managed their own credit. Today, even stores with their own credit systems will accept major charge cards. Examples include Victoria's Secret and Sears. Stores with their own charge cards typically form alliances with credit card companies or other credit organizations to manage their bill payment and collection systems. An Amazon credit card comes to you from Chase. These days, they often give you discounts and financial incentives to motivate you to get their credit cards. So...does credit play a role in your loyalty to a store? For example: Will you take out a credit card because you want that discount? Will you keep coming back to the store ? And in general, what keeps you loyal to a particular retailer, online or offline? Or are you loyal at all? Remember: There are no right answers. Your answer will be graded based on thoughtfulness of reply and your ability to integrate your own experience with what you have read in this course. These threads are for discussion, so feel free to comment directly on anyone else's post. MGT515 :: Module 3( PART ONE) Credit, Returns and Adjustments Research shows that stores develop better relationships with customers when they make it easy to obtain refunds and adjustments. However, some customer will take advantage. They'll buy a product for $10 at Wal-Mart and return it for $14 at Target. They'll download an electronic product and keep it on their hard drives after demanding a refund. At the other extreme, giving a customer a spectacular refund or make-good can create amazing loyalty. I once got upgraded to the Concierge Floor after the hotel lost my reservation. What's been your own experience with refunds and adjustments? Do you have first-hand knowledge of customers who abuse the system? Have you ever been blown away by the generosity of a complaint resolution? Frame your response in terms of the readings. This module offers a good opportunity for some dialogue. MGT515 :: Module 3 Wheel of Retailing The "wheel of retailing" suggests that evolution of retailing is more circular that linear (eg what goes around comes around again). In terms of the "wheel of retailing," does any one retail format have a sustainable advantage relative to other retail formats MGT515 :: Module 4 CRM Efficiency and Effectiveness The Background material includes this quote: Marketers always are looking for new audiences to talk to, relationships to build and customers to serve. IT, on the other hand, typically defines its role at least partially by how well it keeps the world at bay through systems security and takes price in the raw power and efficiency of its program. Therefore, the IT vs Marketing culture clash might be one obstacle to implementing a CRM program. In this TD, discuss this obstacle OR identify another realistic obstacle to implementing a CRM program, preferably from your own experience. Use the background material to create a context for understanding the challenge. Your response should generate discussion and responses. It's not enough to toss out an opinion - you have to give some reasons. MGT515 :: Module 5 Conflict in Policies A retired woman grew tired of retirement and started part-time work at a Hallmark Card Shop. One day a customer asked for something that was not in stock. The new part-time employee took the customer's name and phone number and promised to let her know when the item became available. A few days later the item arrived and the part-time employee phoned to let the customer know she could stop by the store and purchase the item. The phone call was made from the employee's home because she had inadvertently taken the note with the customer's name and phone number home in her jacket pocket. The next day the customer came to the store and not only purchased the item, but also purchased other items for a total of over $100. Upon learning about the employee's actions, the store owner threatened to fire her if she ever again phoned a customer from her home. She stated “This is company policy and you should have known it.” Take a position relative to whether the owner was right or wrong in emphasizing a policy that states customer contact employees should not contact customers about work related issues when those customer contact employees are not physically located at work relative to emphasizing a policy that states the role of the customer contact employee is to help the store build/maintain relationships with its potential/existing customers. Note that there is no clear-cut answer. Try to see the situation from the perspectives of owner, customer and employee. MGT515 :: Module 6 Integration and Reflection Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and briefly discuss two important concepts applicable to your professional discipline.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running Head: Customer Relationship Management
Customer relationship management is a strategy used by many business owners and organizations to enhance their communication with the customers, clients, etc. CRM help to interrelate various business processes such as marketing, sales and customer service. It helps a business maintain its current customers, attract new ones and increase its sales.
Module I: CRM Experience
The CRM has various principles. These include the involvement of top management who have a vision and will to work, Employee compensation, Emphasis on customer satisfaction and respond to their views and training new employees. In this module, the customer communities that are against the company may influence other customers not to be involved in the company thus leading to company`s failure. These communities may also discourage the involvement of new customers in the business (Pivotal CRM, 2009). The employees should be compensated and trained so as to make CRM successful. Poor employee management may lead to business failure and the failure to follow the business policies may lead to legal issues. However if a company maintains its relationship with the customers, the communities may be formed to support the company leading to increased customer participation. These communities can also channel new customers into the business.
Module II: Customer Loyalty
Customer royalty refers to the behavior of frequent customers. It also includes the benefits that the customer gets that keeps them coming back for more in the same business. It is achieved through free offers, rewards, discounts, extended warrantees, credit cards and others incentives (Sherry 2010). These makes the customers to come back and also bring new customers in the business leading to increased business profits. Good customer service has to be coupled with incentives like use of credit cards to increase customer royalty. The customers usually use their credit cards or reward cards or even spend more so as to get a discount. The reward cards also are used which accumulate points that are later converted into discounts or even special offers (Walt 2009).
Module III: Credit, Returns and Adjustments
Businesses and organizations have good relationships with their customers when they make it easy to get returns and adjustments. This is part of customer service. If a product is faulty, the company should replace it or refund the customer. This increases the customer`s royalty to the company. In case of a customer complain, immediate action should be taken. This helps to maintain the customers (Steve 2010). The customers who struggle to get satisfaction will look for an alternative provider of the service. A customer complaint should be seen as a way of building a stronger relationship. Usually customers are not...
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