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California Pizza Kitchen Inc.

Essay Instructions:
THE SAME WRITER THAT WROTE MY MGT599 Module 1 - SLP (ORDER NUMBER 00012079) PLEASE CONTUINUE THIS WORK. ITS A CONTUINATION FROM THAT WORK. The case in this course is a "ongoing" case, which means that we will be taking an intense look at one company over the course of 5 modules. This term, we will be conducting a strategic analysis of the California Pizza Kitchen. In order to be best prepared and perform well on the cases, you should complete the background readings and the SLP before writing the case. Most companies have something that resembles a vision, mission, set of values, and or stated goals/objectives that define who the company is and how they do business. However, they may not always label these statements properly - calling a vision a mission or values a set of beliefs. Sometimes, they do not have a mission at all, operating instead on a set of goals. After studying the background materials and completing the SLP, you are in an excellent position to evaluate a company's published mission, vision, values, and objectives/goals. This case asks you to begin your strategic analysis of California Pizza Kitchen by evaluating their mission, vision, values and goals. To do this, follow the following procedure: Step 1: Visit Claifornia Pizza Kitchen's (CPK) official company website and identify their vision, mission, values, and goals. (Hint: Click on the "investor relations" link".) Be sure to look at the most recent annual report. Step 2: Critically evaluate these elements. Use the criteria in the background materials as well as the readings for the SLP to support your assessment of the quality of the vision, mission, values and goals. Step 3: Determine which (if any) of the elements consider the goals and needs of specific stakeholder groups. Write down any examples. Step 4: Consider what changes are needed to improve the vision and mission statements, statement of values, and statement of objectives/goals. Step 5: Case Instructions: In a 3-5 page paper, identify the company's mission, vision, values and goals. Keep in mind that this may not be how the company labels these elements, use your knowledge of such statements to identify them. Critically evaluate these elements, including consideration of how these elements do or do not account for stakeholder's interests. Suggest any changes that would strengthen these elements and bring them more into line with what the background readings suggest. Prepare your report with proper documentation of sources, both internal citations and a complete reference list - or footnotes, whichever you perfer. Case expectations: Business school case assignments are meant to offer practice opportunities for future business people who are earning their MBA degrees. Consider yourself a consultant hired by the company to make these critical assessments. There are no right or wrong answers to the Case question, so long as your position is well-defended. Study the theoretical concepts provided you in the Background Materials section of the module, and identify main strategy concepts. Analyze the mission statement (etc.) according to the criteria presented in the background material. Be very critical and do not let yourself be influenced by a company's "spin". Do not hesitate to criticize the current statements. Many companies do not get this right! Format: Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as CPK's company consultant. This is a professional document. · Executive summary: a synopsis of the main points, conclusions and recommendations made in the longer report. If you have never written an executive summary before, or would like a refresher, check this website http://www(dot)highendfinance(dot)com/CommercialLoans/Docs/07-4%20ES%20Guidelines.doc · Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it. · Main Body: The "meat" of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Delineate separate topics or sections with headings. · Conclusion: Summarize paper in the light of your thesis statement. Module 1 - Background NOTE: ALL READINGS AND PRESENTATIONS ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED AS "OPTIONAL" Strategic management is a company-wide process that includes a long-term plan of action that assists in achieving an organization's objectives and fulfills company vision. Process of Strategic Management This course focuses on the steps and stages of preparing and implementing a strategic plan. Though we do not have time in one short course to go through the entire process in detail, buy the end of the course you will know what you would need to do and have the tools to develop a plan, if you needed to participate in the process. The following two readings give an overview of the planning process and serve as a good introduction and overview of the course. McNamara, C. (2009). Developing your strategic plan. Retrieved from Free Management Library. Web site: http://www(dot)managementhelp(dot)org/np_progs/sp_mod/str_plan.htm The strategic planning process. (2007). Retrieved May 14, 2009, from QuickMBA. Web site: http://www(dot)quickmba(dot)com/strategy/strategic-planning/ Overview Developing a Vision/Mission/Goals and Objectives (Module 1) Analyzing the company (internal) and environment (external) (Modules 2 and 3) Identifying internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Threats and Opportunities (SWOT) (Modules 2 and 3) Articulating strategic choices at the business, functional, and corporate levels (Module 4) Implementing strategic choices through structures and culture, as well as controls to ensure vision/mission/goals accomplishments. (Module 5) Click here for a Power Point presentation summarizing Strategic Management by Professor Anastasia M. Luca Missions, Visions, and Goals We will begin by studying the first step of the strategic planning process. It is this step that gives guidance to the rest of the process and insures that all parties to the strategic plan are on the same page. Mission statements spell out the reason for an organization's existance. At the very most basic level, mission statements articulate who the company is, why it exists, and what it does. They set up the long-term direction of the company, incorporate the goals of the main stakeholders (shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees), and can stand the test of time. Examples of Mission Statements (from http://sbinformation(dot)about(dot)com/cs/businessplans/a/mission.htm) The Elephant Sanctuary: "A Natural-Habitat Refuge Where Sick, Old and Needy Elephants Can Once Again Walk The Earth In Peace and Dignity." One powerful statement that evokes emotion and instant attachment to the cause of this organization. Sun Microsystems: "Solve complex network computing problems for governments, enterprises, and service providers." A simple mission statement identifying who their market is and what they do. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream: A product mission stated as: "To make, distribute & sell the finest quality all natural ice cream & euphoric concoctions with a continued commitment to incorporating wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment." This mission inspired Ben and Jerry to build a cause-related company. Joe Boxer: "JOE BOXER is dedicated to bringing new and creative ideas to the market place, both in our product offerings as well as our marketing events. We will continue to develop our unique brand positioning, to maintain and grow our solid brand recognition, and to adhere to high quality design standards. Because everyone wants to have fun everyday, JOE BOXER will continue to offer something for everyone with fun always in mind." Some mission statements are epic in scope. Here are some examples of mission statements from the past that promised nothing less than revolutionizing industry: Ford Motor Company (early 1900's): "Ford will democratize the automobile" Sony (early 1950's): "Become the company most known for changing the worldwide poor-quality image of Japanese products" Boeing (1950): "Become the dominant player in commercial aircraft and bring the world into the jet age" Wal-Mart (1990): "Become a $125 billion company by the year 2000" The mission statement should be the first consideration for anyone engaged in strategic planning or decisions which have strategic implications. Any action taken by the organization should be compatible with their expressed mission. Vision statements are similar to missions in that they also define the organization's purpose, but they do so by focusing on the organizations core beliefs in how things should be done. They establish an image of a future that the organization aspires to create. Vision statements are meant to be inspiring. They give direction to employees concerning how they should carry out their jobs, and signal customers on the values of the organization. Examples of Vision Statements Heinz: "THE WORLD'S PREMIER FOOD COMPANY, OFFERING NUTRITIOUS, SUPERIOR TASTING FOODS TO PEOPLE EVERYWHERE." Being the premier food company does not mean being the biggest but it does mean being the best in terms of consumer value, customer service, employee talent, and consistent and predictable growth. Chevron: At the heart of The Chevron Way is our vision ..."to be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance". Pfizer: "We will become the world's most valued company to patients, customers, colleagues, investors, business partners, and the communities where we work and live". Value statements identify the ethos of a company - or the ethics under which an organization plans to conduct business. Every mission and vision inherently is based on the organization's core values. Some organizations articulate those values (often in rather lengthy treatises), others just depend on their mission and vision to communicate their values. Goals and objectives parcel out the vision into achievable units that are further subdivided into smaller and smaller units. Goals are quantifiable and measurable, are important, and attainable. They can include deadlines and are expressed in terms of market share, revenue, profit for the organization as a whole. The following short articles will give you a better idea about the functions and content of mission and vision statements. The business vision and company mission statement. (2007). Retrieved from QuickMBA. Web site: http://www(dot)quickmba(dot)com/strategy/vision/ Heathfield, S.M. (2009). Build a strategic framework: mission statement, vision, values. Retrieved from About.com. Web site: http://humanresources(dot)about(dot)com/cs/strategicplanning1/a/strategicplan.htm McNamara, C. (2009). Basics of developing mission, vision and values statements. Retrieved from Free Management Library. Web site: http://www(dot)managementhelp(dot)org/plan_dec/str_plan/stmnts.htm Stakeholders Read the following short piece on Stateholder Analysis: n.a. (2009). Stakeholder analysis. Assessing who or what really counts. 12manage: The executive fast track. Retrieved from http://www(dot)12manage(dot)com/methods_stakeholder_analysis.html Organizational Stakeholders are all individuals and groups of individuals who have an interest (give-and-take) relationship with the firm. Many people think only of shareholders when they think about stakeholders. However, we will see that shareholders are only one of many groups of stakeholders. It may be helpful to remember what you learned in elementary school about the relationships between squares and rectangles. That is, "all squares must be rectangles but not all rectangles are squares". Similarly, all shareholders are stakeholders, but not all stakeholders must be shareholders! Classification of Stakeholders Internal Stakeholders External Stakeholders Stockholders Customers Employees Suppliers CEO and executives Government Managers and Supervisors Unions Board Members Communities (local and beyond) The General Public Click here for a Power Point presentation summarizing this material about Organizational Stakeholders by Professor Anastasia M. Luca REQUIRED READING Heathfield, S.M. (2009). Build a strategic framework: mission statement, vision, values. Retrieved from About.com. Web site: http://humanresources(dot)about(dot)com/cs/strategicplanning1/a/strategicplan.htm Luca, A. M. (2007). Organizational Stakeholders. Power Point Presentation. Luca, A. M. (2007). Strategic Management. Power Point Presentation. McNamara, C. (2009). Basics of developing mission, vision and values statements. Retrieved from Free Management Library. Web site: http://www(dot)managementhelp(dot)org/plan_dec/str_plan/stmnts.htm McNamara, C. (2009). Developing your strategic plan. Retrieved from Free Management Library. Web site: http://www(dot)managementhelp(dot)org/np_progs/sp_mod/str_plan.htm The strategic planning process. (2007). Retrieved May 14, 2009, from QuickMBA. Web site: http://www(dot)quickmba(dot)com/strategy/strategic-planning/ n.a. (2009). Stakeholder analysis. Assessing who or what really counts. 12manage: The executive fast track. Retrieved from http://www(dot)12manage(dot)com/methods_stakeholder_analysis.html n.a. (2007) The business vision and company mission statement. Retrieved from QuickMBA. Web site: http://www(dot)quickmba(dot)com/strategy/vision/ Case Readings n.a. Guidelines for writing the executive summary. Retrieved from http://www(dot)highendfinance(dot)com/CommercialLoans/Docs/07-4%20ES%20Guidelines.doc SLP Readings Welch, J., & Welch, S. (2008). State your business: Too many mission statements are loaded with fatheaded jargon. Play it straight. Business Week, (4066)80. Retrieved from http://www(dot)businessweek(dot)com/magazine/content/08_02/b4066080139784.htm?chan=search Optional Readings: Hammonds, K. (2007). Michael Porter's Big ideas, Fast Company, (44), Retrieved from Fast Company. Web site: http://www(dot)fastcompany(dot)com/magazine/44/porter.html
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running Head: California Pizza Kitchen Inc.
California Pizza Kitchen Inc.
California Pizza Kitchen.
Executive summary
This paper analyzes the mission, vision and goals of the California pizza kitchen and how the company has achieved the goals.
It first starts by identifying the vision, mission and goals of the restaurant and examine them then discusses the strategies that have been employed to achieve them and finally draw a conclusion on the effectiveness of the strategies. These strategies have been summarized as formation of partnerships, expansion and distributions of branches and employee relationship.
After a background study of the restaurant a conclusion was reached that in order for the company to continue enjoying success a few changes were needed to enhance the strategies. These changes include introducing variety of specialties in the hotel menu, careful and planned expansion and flexibility in terms of values and ideas.
Introduction. .
The company was initiated as a casual family restaurant that specialized in pizza in 1985 by Rick Rosenfield and Larry Flax and had its first branch in Beverly Hills.
Although the restaurant chains experienced a rocky start at the beginning due to lack of finances to fund its expansion, the partnership contracts that were entered bailed it out with outstanding success (Howard, T. 1992). At one time, the restaurant had to go public to raise funds for expansion but the end results were desirable. Currently, California Pizza Kitchen operates over 150 restaurants offering full services and 24 quick serve joints in 27 different states. Their main competitors in the food industry are the Brinker International Inc and Chang’s China Bistro Inc. (Morris, K. 1998).With increasing sales and growing revenues annually, the restaurant chains is definitely headed for much success.
Vision, Mission, and goals.
Founded with a sole aim of making good food an opportunity that was realized by its founders after touring the world for a long time, the California pizza kitchen operates with a vision of being the best casual family restaurant that provide good food prepared in a healthy manner and in a clean environment. Their specialty being pizza made with unique toppings. (Heathfield, S.M. 2009),
The mission of the company is to provide the best pizza in the world and to do this they have to open many branches in the most affluent areas where they can reach a large number of customers.
California pizza kitchen has established its own values that have over time ensured good relationships among its stakeholders, employees and their partners. These core values are Respect, Opportunity, Communication and Kindness “R.O.C.K”. ( Martin, R. 1993). with these values in place, California Pizza Kitchen becomes the best place for both its employees and customers. Good values in any organization are key elements in ensuring the success of the business, a business with values that are not acceptable is likely to fail.
The organization aims at profiting from a business opportunity in selling food to clients in the most appealing manner and also to expand its business throughout the state through partnering with other large companies that are already established. (McCarthy, M J. 1992).
To support their quest for support, California Pizza Kitchen has employed some tactics to ensure their business survival. They include the following:
California Pi...
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