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Essay Instructions:
Read all the articles In the background section. Refer to this article which you can find in ProQuest for your Case assignment Pazzanese, Christina. 2007. To get a train-delay refund, you must click the link. Boston Globe. Boston, Mass.: Oct 21. Your Case Assignment "Customers are angry because they feel they are not treated fairly." Discuss, using the background articles that address customer fairness. Your discussion should demonstrate an understanding of the 3 types of fairness discussed in the assigned articles. You may use additional sources (but not Wikipedia). Write an organized, logical paper, 700-1500 words. Your answer should: ==> Demonstrate understanding of impact of FAIRNESS on CRM ==> Include application of fairness concepts, as described in the readings ==>Take a strong position (not wishy-washy) ==>Avoid repeating definitions ==>Evidence of use of required references and background materials (necessary for a grade of "B" or higher) ==>Use APA formatting Guidelines here CITING SOURCES Please refer to this page every time you submit an assignment. The way you cite sources will affect your grade at TUI. (1) You are required to use concepts from the assigned readings. The only way to demonstrate that you apply the readings is to cite sources. (2) Citing your sources will demonstrate that you are not trying to pass off other people's ideas as your own-- that is, you aren't engaging in plagiarism. Plagiarism is taken seriously at TUI. Please refer to Page 13 of the TUI Student Handbook. Guidelines for how to cite your sources are in the TUI Style Guide, but a short introduction to citing your sources is provided below. Citing your sources has two parts: citatios in the body of your paper (in-text citations), and the list of references at the end of the paper. IN-TEXT CITATIONS. "In-text citation" is the term used to describe the citation of a source in the body of a paper. When you are citing the source of an idea in a paper, it should look like this: The Myers Briggs Type Indicator has been largely discredited because it is neither valid nor reliable (Jones & Schmidt, 2005). Note that the citation is in parentheses, and the authors' last names are included, followed by a comma. This is followed by the year of the publication. Do not refer to the authors' first names ==> When quoting exact words or closely paraphrasing, you must use page numbers. So your in-text citation would look like this: Critics have noted the author seems “out of touch with reality” (Smith & Jones, 2005, p. 37). ==.>Note that long quotations are not appropriate for business and academic writing. As a guideline, quote only phrases – rarely a whole sentence and never more than a single sentence. You would only use exact quotes when the author's opinion seems particularly important and/or you want to distance yourself from the author's words. LIST OF REFERENCES. Reference lists at the end of a paper are always required. List only references you have cited in the text and list all references you cited in the text. Use a standard format for the references, like APA. The TUI General Style Sheet explains how to make a list of references. A link to the TUI Style Guide is in the syllabus. However, a short introduction to the format of a reference is provided here, for your convenience. The citation for a book look like this: McCormick, D. (1990). Business Communication. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall. Note that the author's name is first, followed by the initial of the first and middle name. Next comes the year of publication, in parentheses. Then comes the book's title, followed by the city and state of the publisher. It ends with the name of the publisher. Below is an example of a journal article: Hungadunga, J. A., Hungadunga, R. Q., & McCormick, D. W. (1987). Spirituality and Management. Journal of Business, 3(2), 55-74. When there are two or more authors, the last two names are separated by an ampersand, not the word "and." Next is the year of publication. Then comes the name of the article [Spirituality and management], the name of the journal [Journal of Business], the volume number [3], the issue in the volume is in parentheses [(2)] and finally the page numbers [55-74.]. Periodical titles and book titles are italicized. Citations of web pages and other works from the internet in a list of References have a special format. Below is an explanation of how to do this, taken from the TUI General Style Sheet: "While there are no established protocols for this new medium, there are acceptable formats to follow. Please see the information at this site for a variety of citation styles as they differ depending if the source is an online book, online article, email message, website forum, etc. http://www(dot)bedfordstmartins(dot)com/online/citex.html In general, follow the convention: Author's name (last name, first and any middle initials). (Date of Internet publication). Document Title. Title of complete work [if applicable]. Retrieval statement.” For example: Benton Foundation (1998). Losing ground bit by bit: Low-income communities in the information age [Electronic version]. Retrieved June 27, 2001, from http://www(dot)benton(dot)org/publibrary/losing-ground/home.html ==>Use very few quotes and absolutely no copying or close paraphrasing from any source without appropriate citation (see p. 30 of the TUI Student Handbook) ==>No definitions and no summaries from the text ==>No general statements with "all," "any," "none," "must," "should," "mandatory," and similar terms Module Three Background info Birud Sindhav, Jonna Holland, Amy Risch Rodie, Phani Tej Adidam, Louis G Pol. 2006. The Impact of Perceived Fairness on Satisfaction: Are Airpor Security Measures Fair? Does it Matter? Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. Vol. 14, Iss. 4; pg. 323. http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1161380301&sid=7& Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Dang, Dan Thanh, 2007. Tenacity more help than warranty. The Baltimore Sun Tribune Business News. Washington DC. http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1375530491&sid=8& Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Pazzanese, Christina. 2007. To get a train-delay refund, you must click the link. Christina Pazzanese. Boston Globe. Boston, Mass.: Oct 21, 2007. http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1375530491&sid=8& Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Seiders, Kathleen, & Berry, Leonard L. 1998. Service fairness: What it is and why it matters The Academy of Management Executive. Briarcliff Manor: May 1998. Vol. 12, Iss. 2; pg. 8, 13 pgs http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=29808993&sid=10& Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running head: MGT515 Module 3 case
November 2, 2010
When a customer leaves a place feeling unsatisfied with the service given, definitely customer fairness seems to be lacking (Barlow J, 2009, p168). A business person should try to find loyalty and trust in his customers so that he can have people to serve tomorrow. Customers get angry when not treated justly and hence move to another place where they will find the satisfaction they want. Issues that come along with fairness include customer service, service refunds and delay and warranty issues.
The Baltimore Sun Tribune Business News (2007), describes warranty as one of the issues that a customer goes through while trying to fight for fairness. Most of you will bear me witness that warranty issues can consume ones time and money almost equivalent to replacing the item. According to the example given by, The Baltimore Sun Tribune Business News (2007) ,consumers use a lot of money travelling to the point of purchase or calling the people concerned without any action being taken. Most of the time, one has to talk to the top executives for his or her claim to be resolved. Mostly, warranties are supposed to last for a year but you find that if the purchased item wears out or gets damaged before that, one is made to part with an amount of money to get the item repaired. In the actual sense, warranties are meant to replace, repair or remedy a service or product that has a problem in functioning.
When one purchases for an item, he or she is made to believe that in case of any damage the warranty will cover but you find that most companies do not respond to warranties in case of fire, misuse, accidents, theft or even in cases of normal wear and tear(The Baltimore Sun Tribune Business News, 2007). According to the example, most sellers or business people will consider the damage as the customers fault. Unless the consumer has enough proof to show that he or she is not responsible most of the times the claim will be denied. When a consumer is purchasing for an item, he or she is treated with respect and value which is very opposite as to when he or she is requesting for a claim to be considered. They are branded as liars by the unreliable staff and mostly they are accused of misusing or abusing the item. This has made many consumers not to rely on warranty as a solution for their damaged assets.
Customer service is another issue that consumers perceive to as fair or unfair. Service customers are able to perceive treatment as fair or unfair, prior or even after purchase and are likely to be exploited since the service cannot be evaluated (The Academy of Management, 2005). Consumers satisfaction most of the time is determined by fairness. Firms have to establish the image of fairness for them to earn customer confidence and loyalty. Service firms have a bigger duty of trying to show fairness because they don’t have tangible products and so they have to make their customers have trust in them.
Barlow J, 2009 p168 says that, when consumers feel that they are treated unjustly, in a vulnerable or disadvantaged manner, they perceive this as an unfair treatment. Mostl...
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