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Verizon approaches to CRM

Essay Instructions:
Please read these 2 articles In the ProQuest data base find Snel, Ross (2000, Sep 18). Telecommunications (A Special Report): Keeping the Customer The Wall Street Journal. pg. R36 Available in ProQuest on July 26, 2007 Krill, Paul (2001, Jul 30). Answering customers. ProQuest. 23(31) pg. R36. Available in ProQuest on July 26, 2007 Assignment: Excluding your title page, your written CASE4 paper should be approximately 650-800 words. Using the background material and any other resources you feel relevant (NOT Wikipedia), answer the following question You are a marketing consultant retained by Verizon to comment on these approaches to CRM. Here is what happened (purely imaginary). One Senior VP has 2 VPs reporting to her. VP Blue thinks Verizon should view technology as the savior of CRM. VP Green thinks Verizon is over-relying on technology and is missing the point of CRM So what do Senior VP?s do when faced with this situation -- 2 fighting VPs and excess budget? (This is not always imaginary!) They hire a consultant. Your company is being paid big bucks to write a report to address this question. Don?t waste time on background or definitions. Use this space to help the Senior VP deal with these diverse opinions and get on with the real work of helping customers who lose their cell phones and want Verizon to buy them new ones. Remember to cite sources correctly. Guidelines CITING SOURCES Please refer to this page every time you submit an assignment. The way you cite sources will affect your grade at TUI. (1) You are required to use concepts from the assigned readings. The only way to demonstrate that you apply the readings is to cite sources. (2) Citing your sources will demonstrate that you are not trying to pass off other people's ideas as your own-- that is, you aren't engaging in plagiarism. Plagiarism is taken seriously at TUI. Please refer to Page 13 of the TUI Student Handbook. Guidelines for how to cite your sources are in the TUI Style Guide, but a short introduction to citing your sources is provided below. Citing your sources has two parts: citatios in the body of your paper (in-text citations), and the list of references at the end of the paper. IN-TEXT CITATIONS. "In-text citation" is the term used to describe the citation of a source in the body of a paper. When you are citing the source of an idea in a paper, it should look like this: The Myers Briggs Type Indicator has been largely discredited because it is neither valid nor reliable (Jones & Schmidt, 2005). Note that the citation is in parentheses, and the authors' last names are included, followed by a comma. This is followed by the year of the publication. Do not refer to the authors' first names ==> When quoting exact words or closely paraphrasing, you must use page numbers. So your in-text citation would look like this: Critics have noted the author seems “out of touch with reality” (Smith & Jones, 2005, p. 37). ==.>Note that long quotations are not appropriate for business and academic writing. As a guideline, quote only phrases – rarely a whole sentence and never more than a single sentence. You would only use exact quotes when the author's opinion seems particularly important and/or you want to distance yourself from the author's words. LIST OF REFERENCES. Reference lists at the end of a paper are always required. List only references you have cited in the text and list all references you cited in the text. Use a standard format for the references, like APA. The TUI General Style Sheet explains how to make a list of references. A link to the TUI Style Guide is in the syllabus. However, a short introduction to the format of a reference is provided here, for your convenience. The citation for a book look like this: McCormick, D. (1990). Business Communication. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall. Note that the author's name is first, followed by the initial of the first and middle name. Next comes the year of publication, in parentheses. Then comes the book's title, followed by the city and state of the publisher. It ends with the name of the publisher. Below is an example of a journal article: Hungadunga, J. A., Hungadunga, R. Q., & McCormick, D. W. (1987). Spirituality and Management. Journal of Business, 3(2), 55-74. When there are two or more authors, the last two names are separated by an ampersand, not the word "and." Next is the year of publication. Then comes the name of the article [Spirituality and management], the name of the journal [Journal of Business], the volume number [3], the issue in the volume is in parentheses [(2)] and finally the page numbers [55-74.]. Periodical titles and book titles are italicized. Citations of web pages and other works from the internet in a list of References have a special format. Below is an explanation of how to do this, taken from the TUI General Style Sheet: "While there are no established protocols for this new medium, there are acceptable formats to follow. Please see the information at this site for a variety of citation styles as they differ depending if the source is an online book, online article, email message, website forum, etc. http://www(dot)bedfordstmartins(dot)com/online/citex.html In general, follow the convention: Author's name (last name, first and any middle initials). (Date of Internet publication). Document Title. Title of complete work [if applicable]. Retrieval statement.” For example: Benton Foundation (1998). Losing ground bit by bit: Low-income communities in the information age [Electronic version]. Retrieved June 27, 2001, from http://www(dot)benton(dot)org/publibrary/losing-ground/home.html Excluding your title page, your paper should be approximately 750 words. Use business writing: short paragraphs, active voice, and bullets Checklist for Grading ==> Demonstrate understanding of the role of CRM in an organization ==> Application of concepts from background readings ==>Take a strong position (not "both are good" - this is a test of your logic and reasoning) ==>Be analytical rather than critical ==>Evidence of use of required references and background materials (necessary for a grade of "B" or higher) ==>Use of APA formatting Guidelines here ==>Length of 600-800 words (pages not as important as words) ==>Few quotes and absolutely no copying or close paraphrasing from any source without appropriate citation ==>No definitions and no summaries from the text ==>No general statements with "all," "none," "must," "should," "mandatory," and similar terms Module 4 - Background Conlon, Ginger Get Your Facts Straight. Customer Relationship Management. Medford: Oct 2004. Vol. 8, Iss. 10; pg. 46, 4 pgs http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=709650231&sid=12& Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Marchand, Don. Customer Relationship Management Challenging the Myth: Focus on people, not the technology. Perspectives for Managers. Lausanne: Feb 2006. , Iss. 131; pg. 1, 4 pgs http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1024161651&sid=13& ;Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Snel, Ross (2000, Sep 18). Telecommunications (A Special Report): Keeping the Customer The Wall Street Journal. pg. R36 Available in ProQuest on July 26, 2007. http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=60608492&sid=15& Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Krill, Paul (2001, Jul 30). Answering customers. ProQuest. 23(31) pg. R36. Available in ProQuest on July 26, 2007. http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=76648312&sid=16& Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running head; Verizon approaches to CRM
Verizon communications is a broadband organization that deals with telecommunications and is also a Dow Jones Industrial average company component. CRM (Customer relationship management) a strategy that has been put in place by business organizations to help retain their customers, introduce their goods or services to new customers as well enhancing a wide coverage of the company across the globe (Krill, 2001,). The main aim of employing CRM as a business strategy is to win and sustain the company’s clients who are the key determinant factors to business success. Verizon is among the largest business organizations that have embarked on the use of the crm approaches to accomplish their already set goals (Snel, 2000).
A marketing consultant is one who plays a role in creating and implements strategies and plans for his/her clients with an aim of assisting them to market their products. As a consultant at Verizon, I would help solve the controversies of the two VP s. by reporting on the already used approaches by Verizon to CRM, the impacts of the already used approaches and also the best approaches to CRM by Verizon (Rust and Zahorik, 1995). VP blue commented that the Verizon communications needs technology in order to act as the savior to their business which is very right. Over the years, the organization has been using this technological approach to carry out the business prospects across its customer’s coverage and this has been a contributing factor to the company’s success. The company has been able to sustain the customers, win new customers and make good profits. It is very true that all organizations need technology in order to be successful, especially the today’s world that changes drastically with the aggressive need to become a global village. At the same time, competition has become the order of the day in the changing world due to the rampancy of industries and business organizations that produce the same products and those that offer similar services (Pettit, 2002). Similarly, with the modern trends of globalization, it is essential that the company lays better strategies with an aim of achieving its goals (Asthana, et al., 1994).
VP green suggested that the Verizon communications is overusing technology for its Crm approaches thus missing its correct tracks. I can identify with that though not very correct since in the modern world, without technology no organization can become successful (Asthana, et al., 1994). It is true that the company has over-relied on the technology for its customer relationship management, thus missing on some aspects. First, the use of technology has led to loss of jobs by many skilled and talented people who would have delivered the CRM services more effectively than the current use of technology (Anonymous, 2000).
However, it is very essential that the company embarks on the most reliable means of customer relationship. The modern technological developments are very crucial in the CRM since they are very fast in delivering the require feedbacks, they are more reliable ad convenient as CRM approaches. The use of technology has led to the organization creating a wide scope of its operations to an extent of introducing its newly made products through the internet, which ensures that every corner of the world has acquired the information (Monster, and Pettit, 2002). CRM is a strategy which places consumers in a central position for the business. It transforms the heart of the business to better make use of its key link with customers, to considerable benefit for both parties. Thus, it is very essential that the organizational management emphasize on paths that follow the modern global trend...
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