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Marketing Old Navy

Essay Instructions:
Questions/Tasks Read this story: Anonymous (2011), Old Navy Campaign Targets Men. Advertising Age June 18. Imagine you have been hired as a consultant to the VP of marketing for Old Navy. The VP wants to get an objecdtive opinion from someone outside the company who is familiar with current marketing basics. Assignment: (1) Write a short memo - 750-1000 words - critically analyzing Old Navy's promotion strategy. In particular, note that the company has decided to use online video instead of television. What assumptions did they make about the viewing habits of their target market? Do you believe their assumptions have a basis in reality? What could they have done differently and why? Don't spend a lot of time digging in the company website. Focus on the background readings. There are no right answers; after all, we don't have inside information. You will be evaluated on your understanding of the background materials and your logic and reasoning. In particular, you need to show your understanding of the way a change in target market affects the company's promotion strategy. Don't just rehash what the company did. Introduce a critical perspective. (2) Add a paragraph or two stating why you would NOT use a particular strategy and Why
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(January 18, 2012)
For quite a long time now, Old Navy which is a family-oriented mega retailer has continued to penetrate the market through its massive rebranding. The company has also launched its first ever advertising campaign which seeks to specifically target men from across the globe. The company intends to initiate well-articulated interviews and conversations which will be channeled to the potential consumers through online videos. And in pursuing the market, they look forward to target males aged between 25 and 35 years. Such people are financially stable and are hence potential consumers of the Old Navy products (Adage.com, 2011).
It is quite important that the interview should aim at acknowledging the major developments that the company has so far produced in the recent times. Amongst such should include the modern denim was and style men`s fashion that has been established. In addition the company has established more tailored shirts and pants for men. Since the world market has had a great shift into online marketing, the company also needs to change its marketing strategies. It is for this reason that the company embarks to online video advertisement in order to capture more men under their target group. Online media is more effective compared to the traditional television advertisement which the company has been using in the past. It is also relatively cheaper compared to the television advertisement and it hence reduces marketing cost.
Through online video, Old Navy will be able to ...
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