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Four (4) social revolutions have occurred as a result of new technologies essay

Essay Instructions:
SO115 Essentials of Sociology Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements. Historically, four (4) social revolutions have occurred as a result of new technologies; identify the technologies which led to these social changes and explain the consequences of each of these technologies. Then identify and explain the three (3) processes of social change according to William Ogburn and provide one (1) example of each process. THIS IS THE END OF ASSIGNMENT 08.
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FOUR SOCIAL REVOLUTIONS HAVE OCCURRED AS A RESULT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES ESSAY (Name) (Class) (Instructor`s Name) (January 15, 2012) Four Social Revolutions have occurred as a Result of New Technologies Essay Social growth comprises of two unified facets which is getting the knowledge and then using whatever you have learned in application. The people find out enhanced ways to accomplish its ambitions and objectives then develops executive mechanisms to articulate that acquaintance to attain its economic and social goals. The course of action in discovering all that develops the human perception while the procedure of applying what has been discovered improves social order (Ogburn, 2010). The social order grows in reply to the getting in touch and interacting among themselves and their social, intellectual and material atmosphere or surrounding. The invasion of external intimidations, the demands of social and physical circumstances, the mysteries of physical environment and convolutions of human conduct prompt humankind to test, craft and innovates. The familiarity consequential from these acquaintances makes one to learn of three diverse stages of our being. On the physical rank, it augments our power over material practices while on the social stage; it improves our ability for effectual interaction between inhabitants at better distances and speeds. On the mental stage, it improves our comprehension (Ogburn, 2010). Despite the fact that the process of learning occurs at the same time on all these levels, there is a natural succession from physical occurrence to mental perceptive. In times gone by, society has grown by a process of physical testing with several trial and errors, similar to the way kids gain knowledge in the course of a constant procedure of physical study, trying and even experiencing. This procedure physically leads to the attainment of new physical abilities that facilitate indi...
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