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Marijuana Consumption among Juvenile in US

Essay Instructions:
This paper has to do with the bibliography that I had done previously by customeessayorder. This is what the instructor said to do for the paper I am ordering now, in reference to the bibliography which is part of this project: "Juvenile Crime -Institution Affiliation" and are looking at several articles. As you know, this is a broad topic and you may want to focus on a specific aspect. I see you are spending time on the treatment of juvenile offenders, so perhaps you will review a certain crime or age group. Please look at the requirements for the next assignment and let me know if you have any questions. Here are the instructions for the paper: Topic: It's only marijuana Each case presents an ethical dilemma. Describe the ethical issue fully, as well as the arguments both for and against your final course of action. What are the considerations? What are the potential long and short term consequences? Who benefits or is injured by the decision options? Using information from the textbook, the course conferences, and 2 outside resources, what course of action would you take?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Marijuana Consumption among Juvenile in US Name: Course title: Professor: Institution: Date Due: A research conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) indicates that marijuana is the most popularly used illegal drug in the society today. This study interestingly noted that juveniles were among the users of this illicit substance. The popularity of the drug is due to the belief by many that marijuana is “agate way drug”. However, the fact is that there are many adverse effects both physical and mental that emanate from the use of this illicit drug. Moreover, its effects are not only on the user but also affect the user’s family members and the society at large (NIDA, 1996). The use of marijuana among the youth has been increasing, owing to its low cost, few risks associated with it, and easy available. It is sad that this harmful commodity is becoming better and easily accessible to any one including juveniles so long as they are able to pay. According to Witmer, (2009) approximately 10000 teens in US undergo treatment for marijuana related risks and dependence every year. Studies have vividly indicated that the earlier juveniles start using marijuana, the more likely they get addicted to it. According to Bonso (1998), peer pressure has to blame for the escalating use of marijuana among the youth. When a teen begins a habit of smoking marijuana, he or she becomes addicted to it and relies on it to solve his or her emotional problems. The consistent use of marijuana subsequently affects a teen’s life course such as school since it becomes cumbersome for such a teen to focus on normal activities. It can also have adverse effects to the teen’s health, hygiene, relationship and so on. This paper will discuss the necessary course of action to curb marijuana intake among the teens. My first step to take will be to create awareness to parents and caregivers on the necessity of being concerned and talking with their children with regard to this vice. I will have to inform the parents that they are influential in discussing with their children on the dangers of using marijuana and other drugs. In addition, I will also inform the parents on the benefits of engaging themselves with their children’s lives and not abandoning them. It is essential that even after these children enter high school, parents should involve themselves with their children’s school work, social activities and recreation activities. Studies indicate that proper parental involvement could reduce future drug use including to juveniles who may have been addicted to marijuana, those who are rebellious, and those may unable to control their emotions. Pressure from their peers in trying out drugs such as marijuana is strong among the youth and juveniles. Many of those who use this drug get tempted probably from their peers and close friends who make them to belief that marijuana use is both fan and cool. Many of these children feel that they have to involve themselves in such activities to be accepted in the group. Parents, caregivers, teachers and school administrators ought to work in their best so as to discourage such a behavior. They should also warn them on the dangers of involving themselves in such a vice. Nonetheless, many of these youths submit to pressure from their peers. This creates other ethical dilemmas such as what they are supposed to do in case they have been intoxicated with the drug. In such a case, it is very rare for them to do the right thing; however, they need someone to tell them on the consequences of wrong choices in their lives. Another ethical dilemma that may be experienced in this case revolves around the relationship between the teen’s family and friends. A teen may have a friend whom he suspects of involvement in marijuana intake. Should she tell the parent or teacher about that? In most cases, juveniles encounter dilemmas with their parents and therefore this will make it hard for them to effectively and freely discuss the issue of drug use among them. It is a common phenomenon for these children to lie to their parents so that they could go on doing what they wanted to do. It is therefore crucial to involve teens in ethical discussions so that they could be in a better position understanding on how their decisions could influence their future. Another significant measure is awareness programs. It would also be very important to go round schools creating awareness on these teens concerning the dangers of involving themselves with this drug. This is because as studies indicate, many of these children get involved with this commodity because of the false myths and perceptions that go round concerning marijuana. This is because many of the things which people know about marijuana are just mere myths and perceptions. Some of this and which are utterly wrong include: Marijuana as being harmless, it is not addictive, experimentation is inevitable among the youth and teens, is not related to violence, illegalizing it only leads to crime and not the drug itself , and police jail marijuana users who are not harmful to the society leaving out real criminals and so on. Therefore, it would be paramount that these kids get the right information with regard to the effects and consequences of engaging themselves in marijuana. This should be done through awareness and presentation campaigns in elementary schools where a motivation speaker would present the fact to them. Studies on juven...
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