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M8A1 Writing Assignment: Is Justice Served?

Essay Instructions:

M8A1 is Justice Served? Hamlet seems obsessed with moral justice in Act 1 and Act II. He was so concerned that moral justice be served that he refused to murder Claudius in prayer, afraid that Claudius' soul would go to heaven. In Acts I and II, Hamlet acts with the apparent understanding that revenge would condemn his own soul. As a result, he tries to ascertain Claudius’ guilt in order to justify killing him. However, when Hamlet finally decides to murder Claudius in Act III, he does so impulsively, actually killing Polonius instead. It can be argued that the death of Polonius leads to Ophelia’s madness and death, which turns Laertes against Hamlet, setting up the final duel. This final paper asks you to analyze the question of whether moral justice is finally rendered at the close of the play. The conclusion of Hamlet sees both Hamlet and Laertes seeking to right wrongs committed against them or their families. It is significant that, with Polonius’ death, both figures have lost their fathers. However, Laertes seems unconcerned with moral justice, stating plainly his desire for revenge: “I am satisfied in nature,/ Whose motive in this case should stir me most/ To my revenge” (Act V, scene ii, 3882-3885). Discerning Hamlet’s motives is more difficult. In examining the question of whether justice is served at the end of the play, you might want to consider why Hamlet decides to fight Laertes. It could be helpful to look at the following speeches, although you certainly should not restrict yourselves to them: 1. Hamlet tells Horatio of King Claudius’ plot to have him killed overseas. Hamlet switches the letters, causing Guildenstern and Rosencrantz to be executed instead. In response, Horatio states: “Why, what a king is this!” (Act V, scene ii, 3716). Hamlet condemns King Claudius (Act V, scene ii, 3716-37). 2. Hamlet regrets his fight with Laertes at Ophelia’s grave and equates their causes: (Act V, scene ii, 3727-3735). 3. Horatio asks Hamlet not to fight Laertes, emphasizing that Hamlet cannot win: “You will loose this wager my lord” (Act V, scene ii, 3845-3847). You final paper should be between 500-700 words or 2-3 pages on whether or not moral justice is served in the play. http://shakespeare(dot)mit(dot)edu/hamlet/index.html If you want to read Hamlet online, I would recommend the version at Shakespeare’s Words Web site http://www(dot)shakespeareswords(dot)com/Hamlet because it gives both line numbers and definitions of words not commonly used in modern English.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Justice in Hamlet
Justice is a concept that is seen to have some subtle element in the play from the time it starts all the way to the end. There are quite a number of ills that are elaborated in the play such as the fact that, the king is killed by his brother in conspiracy with the queen (Langis, 2010). However, following the play closely all the way to the end, there is evidence of justice to the various characters for their sins and the various acts of injustices. In the last four pages of the plays it is evident that four characters meet their death. In total there are ten characters that in the play (Langis, 2010). As such, it can be said that the element of justice did have did have some significance in the end.
When his father is killed, at first it is not clear how he died. However it later comes to emerge that the queen was behind the death of the king. The plan to kill the king has been hatched by his brother and his wife so that they could finally enjoy his birthright without much objection (Langis, 2010). The justice that comes to Claudius is delivered by Hamlet. At first he is not sure whether he should go ahead with the plans to kill the king. Ideally, he felt that the spirit of Claudius may go to heaven an aspect that he did not want to happen. At the same time he had the pressure from the ghost of his father, which basically wanted to be avenged. Finally, Hamlet kills the king’s brothe...
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