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Economic Dimension of Globalization in East Asia

Essay Instructions:

In your final research paper, you must discuss at least two dimensions of globalization--history, the economy, politics, culture, ecology, ideology--and their impact on East Asia. Be sure to describe both positive and negative aspects, and explain what you imagine the future of the region will be as a result.
You also need to conduct outside research using at least one outside source and list the outside source on a bibliography/works cited page.
The final research paper is a formal paper. You should state a thesis at the outset, support your thesis in the body of the paper, and write a convincing conclusion.
WORD LIMIT: 1200-1350 words, not including the bibliography/works cited page.
*The final research paper is worth 20 pts. and will be graded based on the following rubric:
Thesis is stated clearly at the outset in relation to globalization in East Asia (4 pts.)
Discussion is well organized, supports your thesis, and shows accurate grasp of concepts and facts (4 pts.)
Discussion addresses both positive and negative aspects and explains your vision of the region's future (4 pts.)
Discussion makes good use of at least one outside source and reflects multidisciplinary perspectives (4 pts.)
Conclusion is convincing, fits your thesis, and derives logically from your discussion (4 pts.)

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East Asian Culture
East Asian Culture
Globalization has been described by many and there have been numerous studies which have tried to explain the intricacies of the same. There are also numerous definitions which have been put forth with authors trying to provide their best version of what they believe globalization to be. Some also seem to confuse it with free trade or to believe it is the same thing as free trade. However, the two are quite different and each represents or seeks to communicate a different idea. While free trade simply denotes a policy which some countries seem to have adopted, globalization is much different at least according to Hahn and Narjoko (2010). According to these researchers, globalization refers “to a process or an evolution of closer economic integration by way of increased trade, foreign investment, and immigration.” Globalization is, therefore, much bigger and denotes an idea that is beyond what free trade is. It represents increased interaction of various entities including people, money, countries or states, culture, and even ideas. In East Asia, the idea of globalization was at first repelled because countries like Japan favored policies of isolation. However, slowly, the countries have indeed restructured and seem to have a change of outlook. This article seeks to address globalization in East Asia but from a cultural and economic standpoint.
Economic Dimension of Globalization in East Asia
East Asia is one of the regions that has greatly benefitted from globalization. The economies of East Asia at least according to Lawrence Greenwood (2004) “are among the world’s greatest beneficiaries of globalization.” He continues to state that “robust exports and large flows of foreign investment have driven economic growth and rapidly improved welfare, reflected in rising social indices.” However, as one would expect, globalization has also had major effects on the region’s status quo. First of all, competition has increased tremendously, and the influx of ideas has also led to internal wrangles which seek to change the politics of the land. While learning keenly from the West, the region went on a growth spree especially in the 1980s and 1990s and this growth came with certain pressures as well. However, it is essential to note that the region’s leaders used almost the same model to fuel their growth. This model was deeply grounded in “sound policies” as Greenwood notes and mainly included “responsible fiscal and monetary policy, a robust foreign exchange regime, and a pro-competitive regulatory environment.” Greenwood continues to add that without sound governance as well, the region could not have experienced the growth it did.
One of the major positive economic aspects of globalization is “the emergence of a large middle class and the virtual elimination of poverty” (Nabi, 2016). As the East Asian economies grew and benefitted from globalization, the most conspicuous signal of the growth was the change in the middle class and the way the countries managed to escape or fend off poverty. Every country’s growth is always measured by looking at the size of the middle class as well as the size of the people considered poor. Nabi notes that in a majority of the East Asian economies, globalization provided a spurt in growth of income for the people. “The rural poor received higher wages after finding better quality manufacturing jobs in urban centers.” Additionally, she notes that in other countries like Malaysia, “globalization contributed significantly to the reduction of racial tensions rather than exacerbate them.” According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2010), “developing Asia’s middle class ($2-$20) has grown dramatically relative to other world regions in the last couple decades.” ADB continues to state that “while it made up only 21% of the population of the developing Asian countries in 1990 (using survey data), it more than doubled to 56% by 2008; up more than three-fold from 565 million in 1990 to 1.9 billion in 2008 in absolute terms.” A strong middle class is always a good indication of a budding economy and a majority of the East Asian economies have indeed grown if one is to consider the size of the middle class.
Aside from the above, there is also the issue of a ...
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