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M5D1 Assignment Analyzing Elizabeth Bishops The Fish

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M5D1 Analyzing Elizabeth Bishop
M5D1 Analyzing Elizabeth Bishop’s “The Fish”
"The Fish" by Elizabeth gives a unique experience of a persona who laboriously catches a fish and then releases the fish back into the water. The persona provides an admiration with perspective on the observation regarding the fish. She sees the fish as a little creature at the beginning but later realizes that the fish is a hero and a warrior who has fought different hardships in life. The fish has faced the hook five times occasioned with barnacles among others. However, the persona admires the fish especially the beautiful skin that has faded. The sight of the fish lines with swivels that hangs on the jaws give pain, and the persona fills pity. She is full of compassion and love for the fish that makes her release it back to the water.
Elizabeth gives different literary aspects in the poem. For example, symbolism and imagery appear in many stanzas all over the poem. The rainbow appears in the water right before the persona releases the fish is a symbol of compassion and pity feelings that makes the fisher release the fish. Secondly, the persona describes the medal in the jaw of the fish as “Like medals with their ribbons/frayed and wavering” (Bishop & Ishii, 1974 61-62). The description tells that the person gives the fish respect after realizing the past endeavors of the hero fish.
Secondly, Elizabeth uses personification and takes the fish as a warrior. At the first catch, the persona sees the fish as just a fish from the water. Towards the end of the poem, the persona considers the fish to be a great veteran and a warrior in the water. Besides, the fisher empathizes with the fish and begins to feel the pain that the fish goes through. Thus, the compassion within the persona makes her release the fish with dignity and respect (Bishop & Ishii, 1974).
Reaction to the Post by Caleb
Caleb gives superb descriptions of the poem appreciating the use of elements such as imagery. I...
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