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A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Module 2: 


Important! Read First.

Option #1: Reader-Response Analysis

Read “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (in the course textbook). Reflect and respond to the story by selecting 3-4 major ideas from the story. For each main point that you select, support that point with quotes from the story, and then share your analysis of how and why the main point and evidence/quotes/examples fit together.

Your submission should look something like this:

Topic Sentence: Character X is important because…

Cited Evidence: We see Character X fulfilling this role when he says “so and so” (Marquez, year, page or paragraph number).

Analysis: By making that statement, Character X becomes a major figure in the story because he is so and so…

This format is our basic academic paragraph, and we'll use this format throughout the course for all assignments. Once you complete this process, look at the paragraph outlines and ask: what is the overarching theme of all of these main points? How do they tie together? Once you answer this question, write a thesis that demonstrates your overarching point—the point evidenced by your 3-4 body paragraphs.

You'll return to this format in Week 5 to draft your thesis and first paragraphs for your final Portfolio, so really pay attention to the process of constructing those body paragraphs, then using those paragraph outlines to define and craft your thesis. 

Remember that reader-response paragraphs are less formal than other types of academic writing. However, as we are working to master APA academic writing, please do not use first person, so no “I” in these paragraphs or in the thesis.

You may also choose to write from one of the following prompts:

Explain how the concepts of good and evil coexist in this story, and which one you think wins out in the end. Use specific lines of text from the story to support your assertion.

Does the fact that Marquez is a South American writer have any influence on the developments of this story? Does its international setting have any impact on the reader's potential understanding of the story?

For a successful Critical Thinking Assignment, you must:

Have a strong thesis statement that you craft after constructing your evidence-based paragraphs.

Use specific textual support from the short story in the body of your paper.

Proofread for errors in spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics. Vary sentence structure and sentence length to add interest.

Follow correct APA guidelines found in CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA with regard to font style, size, margins, and spacing.

Use APA when citing the text; include a reference page citation at the end of the paper for the short story in the anthology. See the tutorial in Module 1 or consult the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Module 2: Critical Thinking Assignment
Institutional Affiliation
Reader-Response Analysis for “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”
Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s short story “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” offers an incredible account that focuses on how the natural can be weaved with the supernatural in an unexpected, but yet a stimulating way. The story intrigues the reader to think about what the response would be if one was confronted with a supernatural phenomenon. The author utilizes various inventive diversions that offer a unique approach compared to the basic storyline, which makes the interpretation of this message more elusive. On the same note, the themes and techniques used in the narrative are inseparable and intertwined. The old man, who is the key character in the story influences the events that construct it, and the author often shifts focus due to interruptions that arise by the undertakings of other characters. The intent of this paper is to address and analyze the key ideas that emerge in the tone, irony, magical realism presented in the narrative.
In the first paragraph, the narrator states “The world had been sad since Tuesday” (Márquez, p. 1). The statement introduces the reader to the mundane and repugnant aspects of life blending with the supernatural. In this context, the tone of the narrative is presented, which is highlighted by creativity with a unique approach to present a narrative that embeds the daily life, but yet supersedes it due to the supernatural phenomenon. Subsequently, Márquez invites the audience to focus keenly on the events of our lives and how we respond to the mundane that occurs. The author inspires us to always take a second glance at events that are not considered normal and might carry a deeper meaning than what we first perceive them to be. Arguably, the author tries to communicate that mingling of the mundane with the supernatural can have a positive impact on our lives if we take a positive perspective. The tone of the narrative is set in its beginning, with the author being able to capture the imagination of the reader with the most natural and unexpected occurrences that are captured in the situation of an unknown man in the midst of changing weather that is exemplified by the statement, “ The light was so weak at noon that when Pelayo was coming back to the house after throwing away the crabs. It was hard for him to see what it was that was moving and groaning in the rear of the courtyard” (Márquez, p. 1). The author goes on to give an account of a magical creature that no-one had seen before. By introducing the magical elements in the beginning of the story, Márquez presents a new perspective to the ideology of angels by exposing the weaknesses and aspects that compromised the old man with enormous wings like those of angels by stating that the man was “ impeded by his enormous wings” despite his efforts (Márquez, p. 1).
Another key idea evident in the story is the use of irony. In this context, the story presents a situation that the factors or capabilities that would have empowered the old man to attain capabilities that supersede those of a normal man such as flying were the same aspects that hindered his efforts. Subsequently, his wings brought him the unprecedented attention that was a benefit to Pelayo and his wife. Notably, the ironical approach is evident throughout the story, which also builds to the tone used by the author. For instance, the context is evident in the statement made by Pelayo’s neighbor, w...
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