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M3D1: The Strange Truth Of Fiction, Leading Contemporary Writers

Essay Instructions:

M3D1: The Strange Truth of Fiction This activity introduces you to one of Asia’s leading contemporary writers. His story is a very modern take on the old story telling genre of the fairy tale. This is a fairy tale for adults and represents an interesting twist on the theme of love at first sight. Through this discussion you will learn how to talk about themes in literature and how ancient themes still present themselves in modern literature. This shows the universality of literature. Read the story, Murakami, Haraki. (16 July 2012). On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful april morning. Start by writing a paper of 250 words or more, respond to the following set of questions. How would you define perfection in a romantic partner and have you ever observed such perfection? What purpose do fairy tales serve? Why do you think the narrator uses the form of a fairy tale and how does his story differ from fairy tales you have read or heard? What truth, if any, does this story contain about the purpose of stories? And explain your answers. Now reply to the two post below: Post#1 by Wesley T. 1.How would you define perfection in a romantic partner and have you ever observed such perfection? I believe there is no such thing as the perfect romantic partner. We all have this delusional concept of what perfect is to us and typically it as a physically attraction that be believe makes a perfect relationship. Physical appearances will fade with time and the things we lust for disappear. Others believe it is happiness that someone brings us that makes up a perfect partner, but why does it take someone to make us happy for them to be perfect partner. We can’t allow someone to dictate our happiness and not every day is rainbows and unicorns. What happens when they disagree, is that person no more the perfect partner? 2.What purpose do fairy tales serve? The purpose of fairy tales are strictly stories to amuse readers and in some circumstances these stories teach some form of moral lesson. Fairy tales stories typically take place in a land far away to help the readers lose themselves and take them away from today’s real-world issues. These tales typically have fictional characters such as wizards, dragons, princes, princesses, goblins, etc. Majority of fairy tales have a happily ever after ending where the good always complete their conquest or gets the partner they were to win over. 3.Why do you think the narrator uses the form of a fairy tale and how does his story differ from fairy tales you have read or heard? The author uses a form of fairy tale because it is something that children always hear about growing up; love at first site and happily ever after. That isn’t what happened in this story. The young man has the chance to meet his “perfect partner”, but instead he pulls the trigger. As I read the story, I felt like I had already known the ending before it happened because I pictured it as a fairy tale. I was wrong, and I found myself disappointed that they never got together. I had to remind myself that life isn’t always about happy endings. I honestly did enjoy reading this short story. 4.What truth, if any, does this story contain about the purpose of stories? The life lesson that I take away from this story is don’t allow a good thing to pass you by. If you see something that you want or like, you should go after it. Life is too short to regret the past and to wish I had done things differently. Would she be the perfect partner for him? He will never know, because he never took the chance to find out. He will spend the rest of his life wondering. Post#1 by Caleb M. Defining “perfection” in a romantic partner can be difficult. My own personal opinion may be affected by me being married for the past 7 years, but I don’t think there is such a thing as perfection. As awful as that sounds, I believe my wife is as close to perfect for me that it can get. She’s my best friend, someone I can confide in, we have complimenting personalities, but different at the same time. It’s hard to think of perfection when you actually sit down and think about it! I think fairy tales gives us a chance to fantasize about a perfect world. It allows us to put ourselves in the hero’s shoes as we conquer whatever obstacle is facing us, even though we live in a world where it’s never as easy as completing a task and being rewarded with a princess. They’re normally happy “feel-good” stories that leave a smile on our face and normally carry a simple theme that is easy for even a young audience to understand. I enjoyed this short story. I believe the author did an amazing job at telling the story of how they were meant to be by adding the previous love story from when they were younger. I think the fairy tale aspect gives the reader hope for the star-crossed lovers. I found myself hoping that the two would find each other again. I assumed that since it was a fairy tale style of story that there would be a happy ending, but I was surprised at the end when they continued their own ways. This is where I believe his story differs from the fairy tales that I am used to. There are multiple truths one could take away from the story. You have to be willing to take a chance in life and this story is no different. Another truth is that the short stories that make up our lives don’t always have a happy ending, regardless of what we want the outcome to be. Murakami, Haraki. (16 July 2012). On Seeing The 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning. Retrieved from http://youmightfindyourself(dot)com/post/22131227213/on-seeing-the-100-perfect-girl-one-beautiful-april.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Strange Truth of Fiction
The Strange Truth of Fiction
How would you define perfection in a romantic partner and have you ever observed such perfection?
First of all, I believe in the old adage that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty is indeed simply a perception or a view one can have and in another person’s eyes, what one considers beautiful may not be considered as such.
Perfection in a romantic partner for me is when one’s better half completes or makes a person whole. We all come into the world with our faults and flaws some of which we keep hidden. However, there is always a time when some people make us comfortable about our flaws and accept us with or without them. These people are often our exact opposite and seem to want to help us live our lives without holding anything back. With them, we can be ourselves and we seem to understand ourselves better than before. To me, the above is perfection in a romantic partner. It is not one’s physical appearance or shape of their face but their personality and how seamless we gel.
I have not explicitly experienced or observed such perfection in a romantic partner but I have had glimpses of it.
What purpose do fairy tales serve?
Fairy tales serve the purpose of amusing the readers and to help people veer off their daily and faulty lives and world. Fairy tales have perfect endings where love conquers all. However, the reality is, love is simply never enough and life does not have perfect endings. Life is full of challenges and the ‘love conquers all’ tirade simply makes little to no sense in the real world.
Why do you think the narrator uses the form of a fairy tale and how does his story differ from fairy tales you have read or heard?
The narrator uses the form of fairy tale because he was fantasizing or imagining or picturing a perfect world. He never spoke to his 100% perfect girl but his mind was way ahead of him and had even...
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