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M3A1: The Theme of William Faulkner’s Barn Burning

Essay Instructions:

M3A1: The Theme of William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” This activity asks you to identify a theme in a complex modern story of the deep south. Completing this activity gives you the skill necessary to write about theme in other forms of literature such as poetry and drama that you will study over the duration of this course. Begin this activity by reading William Faulkner’s famous short story “Barn Burning”. Use the module notes and readings from Module 1 to help guide your understanding of the story’s theme. Clearly, the story grapples with a universal theme of justice, but what about justice does this story focus on and how, if at all, are the complexities of this theme resolved? To help understand Faulkner’s very sophisticated narrative techniques and to see an example of a scholarly analysis of the short story, please read: Ford, M. (1998). Narrative legerdemain: Evoking Sarty's future in 'Barn Burning'. Mississippi Quarterly, 51(3), 527. You can also view the following videos to help you understand the plot, characters, and narrative of this profound little story: • Plot of Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=JOkgGSMk-XU • "Barn Burning” by William Faulkner Analysis https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=VfMZJOxdYp8 • Shelby Foote on William Faulkner and the American South https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=cBFMFTxyIx0 When you have completed the introductory work, write a 500-750 word maximum essay on your understanding of the primary theme of William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning.” You should quote short passages (4 lines or less) from the story to support your argument. Of course, there are many essays on this classic story, so if you use another author’s commentary on the story, such as the one you are asked to read in this module, make sure to cite that author’s article including the website using APA formatting As a reminder, before you begin your essay make sure to read the section on evidence and literature in the Module Note section above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Barn Burning
Barn Burning
The complexity of the Barn Burning is enshrined in the themes that the author is trying to bring out in the story. A closer look at the content and context of the story, brings the theme of disillusionment. This is a theme that is quite vibrant in the entire story. The character Sarty is seen to struggle with a dilemma, with the decision that was pulling on the two sides of his moral compass. On one side he was trying to be in a position to honor his family through loyalty and on the other was the call for justice and the truth (Barn Burning by William Faulkner, n.d.). The pull of his family blood was strong, however he was disillusioned on what to do relative to the fact that he knew what his father was involved in was wrong.
At one point during the court sessions, Sarty is seen to think about the plaintiff as an enemy to his family. In and out of the courts, he is seen to defend his father as a sign that his was loyal to his family ties. His thoughts on the other hand are pulling in another direction. As a grown up, Sarty is starting to feel the element of reason within him (Ford, n.d.). He is able to discern what is right and that which is wrong relative to his moral code and that of the society. It is a projection of what he hopes to achieve as an adult. A person that stands on the moral grounds of the community and defends what is true and just. This is a th...
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