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Literature Review: Social Inequality

Essay Instructions:

Literature Review

You have been working hard on identifying appropriate scholarly sources to inform your final written product, and you have an approved research proposal.

As noted in Excelsior College’s Online Writing Lab (2016):

The purpose of the literature review is to give you an overview of a particular topic. Your job is to discover the research that has been done, the major perspectives, and the significant thinkers and writers (experts) who have published on the topic you’re interested in. In other words, it’s a survey of what has been written and argued about your topic.

By the time you complete your literature review you should:

Understand the history of what had been written and researched on your topic.

Know the significance of the current academic thinking on your topic, including what the controversies are.

Have a perspective on what work remains to be done on your topic.

"What do researchers know? What do they not know? What has been researched and what has not been researched? Is the research reliable and trustworthy? Where are the gaps in knowledge? When you compile all that together, you have yourself a literature review." ~ Jim Ollhoff, How to Write a Literature Review

A good literature review serves as the foundation for your final paper. You may need to review, reorganize, revise, and rewrite this assignment until you have demonstrated the level of scholarship expected. To help you with this process, review this Literature Review Instructions resource. You can also download the following matrix to help keep you organized: Literature Review Matrix download.


Your literature review should be submitted here and should follow these guidelines:

Include 9-15 scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources related to your field of study/problem.

Use the literature review matrix you create to inform your paper.

Have an introduction paragraph that identifies your global problem.

Identify your thesis statement (Links to an external site.) in the last sentence of your introduction paragraph.

In the body, focus on analysis and synthesis (not summary or description) of articles. What are the similarities and differences?

Conclude with a paragraph that concisely summarizes the literature.

If you need help searching the academic databases, contact an Excelsior librarian.

NOTE: This is a Turnitin assignment. Please review your Turnitin similarity report to make sure it has less than 15% similarity. Even if you have properly cited and referenced your sources, a similarity score higher than 15% indicates you need to use more of your own words to complete the assignment. Notify your instructor and revise, then resubmit.

To be on track for completing this course on time, you should have submitted this by the end of your fifth week of the class. You will be assessed using the Literature Review Rubric and will be able to move forward when you've achieved at least a 70%.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literature Review
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Literature Review
Social inequality is a consequence of diversity in all aspects, including socioeconomic statuses, gender, race, ethnicity, and educational attainment. It creates a barrier that separates the majority from the minority groups and distinguishes differences in statuses. As a result, the lower ranks and the minority suffer from the gap, further degrading their current situation. This may be attributed to the exploitation by the higher ranks and majority groups, as the former is treated with prejudice and discrimination (Murali & Ovebode, 2004; Wright & Taylor, 2007, pp. 361-364). Afonso et al. (2015) explained that inequality does not pertain to the status of being equal. Instead, it should be analyzed based on the circumstances, and these include the inequality of outcomes and inequality of opportunities. The former is based on the development theory, which consists of several theories that aim to describe how to attain the intended changes in society. It analyzes how the standards of living are affected by health, education, nutrition, and income.
Conversely, the latter pertains to how the individuals should be measured based on their functionings, the ability, skills, and talents of a person valued by others, capabilities, or the liberty to decide and act (p. 1).
Based on the report of the United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs (2020), these factors have a negative impact globally because, despite the efforts in reducing the gap between social classes, the inequality among the per capita national incomes worldwide remains high, and this is attributed to global inequality that increased from thirty and forty percent in 1990 and 2010, respectively (p. 26). Consequently, the groups of lower social ranks are at a disadvantage due to the lack of opportunities secondary to income disparities (p. 41). Therefore, to prevent further widening the existing gap, it is essential to study factors surrounding social inequality, including the relevant theories, ethical dilemmas, and factors relating to social responsibility, to strategize excellent and long-term solutions through a comprehensive analysis.
Ethical Perspectives
In the United States, the wealth of the 400 wealthiest Americans exceeds that of those in the bottom fifty percent combined. It shows that from 1979 to 2007, the income of the top 1% based on wealth reached 275%, while those in the middle class have only grown up to 40%. This placed more individuals at risk of extreme poverty, demonstrating that inequality is nothing but a detriment to society (Reich & Satz, 2011).
In health, studies revealed that mental health issues are more common in socially disadvantaged people, including those with low incomes. Moreover, disparities also exist between genders, such that females are 24.4% while males are 8.9% likely to suffer from this (Marín-León et al., 2007). Cooper (2001) also stated that social inequality based on ethnicity in the United States has cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality even among the disadvantaged groups. The results revealed that African-Americans are two to three times more likely to die from a CVD than Asians.
In education, García & Weiss (2017) cited that the children’s educational achievements are the principal determinant of their social class. Consequently, educational success is also related to their job and income opportunities in the future, which will aid them in changing their current social status. Thus, it is an interrelated process that involves socioeconomic and demographic landscapes.
These reasons encourage individuals to analyze social inequality solely based on its negative impact disregarding the advantages of having some inequalities in society. In other words, some inequalities are justifiable and essential for society’s continuous functioning, and this is where ethical dilemmas enter. Setting aside the adverse effects of unequal opportunities, in a market income, the differences in the effort exerted by each individual create the gap between the industrious and the indolent, showing that some rewards are rightfully given to those who were diligent. Moreover, social inequality is essential for intergenerational mobility to allow for changes in the statuses per decade. However, this is disputed for a massive gap might not permit changes, such that the poor and the ric...
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