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Bergeaud: How do the Brothers Romulus and Remus Represent the Different Threads, Sometimes Convergent, Sometimes at Odds, of the Haitian Revolution?

Essay Instructions:

this essay should based on this specific Novel I mentioned in the instruction. ( Emile Bergeaud, Stella)

Thank you.

please the paper should be based on this novel "Emile Bergeaud, Stella".

The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate your thought about how fiction can help to illuminate fact. Or, in other words, how does the creativity flexibility allowed to novelists and poets allow them to capture aspects of historical experience that historians, with their more fact-based approach, must leave aside?


the paper should accomplish the following:

It should possess an original thesis, a.k.a., an argument that is your own.

It should use select quotes from the novels – not long block quotes, but selective quotes that reinforce, rather than replace, your argument

It should draw from the textbook and other class materials to help you fill in the context, i.e., how do the novels compare to the real-life historical circumstances?

It should have a conclusion that offers some thoughts about how the authors chose to depict history and historical events.

Please no plagiarism

Please make me proud

Thank you.

Should be at least 1250 words (please write the word count at the end of your essay)

There should be parenthetical citations – i.e., (Kincaid, 87) or (Games, 223) – when you quote material from your sources

Should be double-spaced

Should have page numbers

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Bergeaud: How Do the Brothers Romulus and Remus Represent the Different Threads, Sometimes Convergent, Sometimes at Odds, of the Haitian Revolution?
Stella is regarded as the first novel written by a Haitian Emile Berguead that depicts the devastation and suffering that colonialism and slavery had on Bergeaud's nation. The Haitian revolution was a violent but fair fight. Stella is the pro-Haitian interpretation of the Haitian revolution and is unique among nineteenth-century histories. Emeric Berguead claimed that this novel calls on future generations to remember the sacrifices and grandeur of the revolution. Although the main characters in this novel are fictional, Berguead assured that the novel Stella incorporates reality to honor his native land. This novel was written to catch the attention of readers who do not dedicate themselves to an in-depth study of the Haitian revolution and culture. The complete novel revolves around the two main characters Romulus and Remus, and how they take an active part in the emancipation of their country from the French domination. Romulus and Remus both had the same mothers; the former had a black father while Remus's father was a French colonist. The novel highlights how the strong relationship between the brothers helped them fight their way in the cause of freedom for their country. The cohesion and unity between the brothers enabled them to gain freedom from the shackles of French colonialism.
Through the figures of Romulus, Remus, and Stella, Bergeaud creates an origin story for Haiti. Stella is a rich text that captures the tumultuousness of the Haitian Revolution by addressing several topics. Those topics include fratricide and familial relations, women's role in nation-building, intra-racial conflict and colorism, and economic viability in the wake of enslavement and revolution. The novel remained out of print for more than a century. Like other writers, Bergeaud thought it was essential to recount the Haitian Revolution in a positive light to offset the unfavorable portrayals of his nation that were prevalent at the time. As a result, the writer hoped that his account of Haiti's evolution from a French colony to a sovereign nation would change people's perceptions of his homeland both at home and abroad.
The novel Stella opens with the narrative of two brothers, Romulus and Remus, one of whom is the offspring of a French colonist and the other of an African father. Both the brothers are enslaved in Saint-Domingue and are working on the colonists' plantations. They are inspired to mutiny by the murder of their mother, Marie the African (Berguead, 8). After their mother is beaten to death by the colonists, they join the maroon slave society of Saint Domingue. Both Romoulus and Remus, sharpen their machetes and their axes anew.....woe be to you" (Berguead, 39). They avenge the death of their mother by burning the plantation of the Colonists. It was the beginning of the revolution. Stella later helped his brothers to wage war against their common oppressor. She proved to be a guiding light for her brothers from enslavement to freedom.
The novel's commitment to history means that practically every aspect of Haiti's origin is recounted, frequently in a symbolic or metaphorical form. The novel delineates the murder of Marie that was committed in 1789 at a moment of significant political instability in France. That was the time when the first French abolitionist society group was created, and the issue of slavery became more heated in France. The novel provides deep insight into the socio-political conflicts of Haiti. When the novel was written, many gens de couleur free color of people had ancestors from France and Africa. The elite usually prefers schooling in France. After the independence of Saint-Domingue Haitian elites are still accused of Francophilia (Berguead, 12). When the Republic of Haiti was established on January 1, 1804, it became the Americas' second postcolonial republic and the first to emerge from a victorious antislavery revolt.
The whole novel is based on real-life events. From 1791 to the end of...
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