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Literary Elements on Poems

Essay Instructions:

Poetry often employs less conventional sentence structure and figurative language which means close reading and annotation are even more important to practice when reading poetry. Poetry is also best read aloud. This week, try this system for each poem:

1) Read the poem aloud

2) Read the poem aloud a second time, this time practicing close reading and annotation while considering the literary elements we have been studying this semester:

Is there a character identified? Who are they?

Is a setting established? If so, where/when?

What is the tone?

What is the mood?

What sort of figurative language is used?

Do you identify any motifs?

3) Read the poem a third time and consider this:

What figurative language is used in each poem? What other literary elements does the figurative language relate to?

Submit your answer in complete, grammatical sentences for each poem. (2 sentences per poem at least)

Link to poems below,

1) Poem: Sonia Sanchez, "Morning Song and Evening Walk"


2) Poem- Bob Kaufman, "Would You Wear My Eyes"


3) Poem: Mary TallMountain, "The Last Wolf"


4) Poem: CA Conrad,"Glitter In My Wounds"


5) Audio Poem: Jose Olivarez, "Nation of Domination"


6) Poem: Marilyn Chin, "Brown Girl Manifesto (Too)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literary Elements on Poems
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Literary Elements on Poems
Poem: Sonia Sanchez, "Morning Song and Evening Walk"
The character identified in this poem is a narrator who speaks of the people they are surrounded by, including Martin Luther King Jr. and the city's people. The setting is an ancient city. It is not explicitly stated when the poem occurs, but it can be inferred that it occurs in the present. The tone is reflective and contemplative, and the mood is one of sorrow but also hope. The motifs of hope and justice are present throughout the poem. The figurative language used in the poem includes similes, metaphors, personification, and allusions. These figurative language elements relate to the themes of hope, justice, and the people's struggle. They also relate to the motif of the storm, which is used to represent the struggle against oppression. Additionally, allusions to figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and the people of Selma, Montgomery, Watts, and Chicago further strengthen the themes of justice and hope.
Poem: Bob Kaufman, "Would You Wear My Eyes"
The character in the poem is an unnamed person described bleakly and desolately. The setting is implied to be a dark and lonely place. The poem's tone is melancholy and desperate, while the mood is somber and reflective. The poem is filled with motifs of loneliness, despair, and death. The poem employs several types of figurative language to convey its message. Similes are used throughout the poem, with the character's body being compared to a "torn mattress" and an "unfurnished room." Personification is also employed when the character mentions, "long-forgotten Indian tribes fight battles on my chest," giving life to inanimate objects. Metaphors describe the character's mental and physical state, such as when they say they have "shot themselves with their eyes" and "iced their teeth with cold blood" from the faucet.
Poem: Mary TallMountain, "The Last Wolf"
The poem establishes a character, the narrator, who is a witness to the last wolf's journey. The setting is a ruined city. The tone is melancholy, reflective, sad, and contemplative. The motifs used in the poem include the destruction of a city, the power of nature, and the fragility of life. The figurative language used in this poem has metaphors, personification, and symbolism. The metaphors create a vivid and emotive description of the last wolf, highlighting his loping gait, long gray muzzle, and burning yellow eyes. Personification emphasizes the inanimate objects in the ruined city, such as the lighted elevators, flicking traffic signals, and the ruby-crowned high-rises. The symbolism in the poem is used to represent the violence and destruction of war, with the ruined city and shattered warrens conveying a sense of death and despair.
Poem: CA Conrad, "...
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