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How Research Will Innovate PR

Essay Instructions:

Rough Draft

Each person or group should propose a study to research a topic. The proposal should discuss the strength and impact of the proposed research (purpose), the parameters of the study (what are you researching), and a research question(s).

Projects might convey how the research will innovate PR or contribute to PR development or contribute to the field while incorporating a digital element.

The field is constantly evolving with new platforms, features, law/ethical boundaries, etc. Determine a trend or phenomena that is happening right now in PR (such as customers focusing on brands that support social issues, brands moving off social media, companies focusing on e-commerce vs. in-store experiences, mentions of #nofilter and #bodypositivity, hashtag activism, social media relationships with influencers, etc.). Select a specific topic to study with a content analysis, interviews, or case study (content analysis is encouraged).

Select a method that does not require IRB. If you conduct a content analysis, this will allow you to observe and collect available data on the internet (Tweets that use a specific hashtag, statements in support of social issues on company websites, any digital trace data). The amount of data (e.g., number of Tweets collected), should be justified by your research question.

Some ideas that I had:



Lit Review-why is it important to study AI

The need for the study-what is the need for the research?

3 concepts-concept of engagement, community building?

What concepts are you looking at in your qualitative content analysis?


What makes a QCA helpful for what you study?

Walking through all of the key points used to analyze data

What is qualitative content analysis?


Sharing finding

Main patterns or themes-what were they?

What surprised you?


Interpreting the results

Why is this important to know as a PR professional

How is it suprising

How does it align with the literature?


How are agencies implementing AI and embracing it? (Lit review-what is AI and Chat Gpt-convenience vs humanness in crisis responses/ why its important to disclose AI) How will this affect the future of crisis com within PR ?-how would you advise a PR professional to do or/not to do (discussion) What are the positive and negative consequences of using a Chatbot? (Implications-here are the consequences that we see come out of the study) - benefits in using it crisis com

The publics response to AI assisted crisis apology:

Is there any positive? I’m so happy they used chat GPT was it positive in anyway?

Lit review-why it’s so inapropriate to be used,

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rough Draft Innovate PR
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Rough Draft Innovate PR
For decades especially in the 21st century, the world has been experiencing tremendous growth and development in every field thanks to technological development. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the technologies developing alarmingly. Artificial intelligence has been gaining massive popularity; thus, it is essential to understand what it entails, including its strengths, impacts, and the parameters used to study it. The technology comes with several benefits and risk factors, which need more understanding to ensure it assists in enhancing the well-being of people in all rounds.
Literature Review
With time, AI is projected to continue to grow and evolve and thus significantly affecting the work and lives of numerous individuals. Incorporating AI is difficult and needs a comprehensive understanding of the possible benefits of the upcoming technology. Okonji (2023) asserted that even though AI is a technology that can contribute to several advantages, it can also be used for evil work. Its negative effect can be deteriorating for humanity to control or last. Therefore, there is a need for international treaties and controls to be embraced to monitor this Promethean technology. Understanding AI can help researchers to evaluate its advantages in a detailed manner effectively. Soken-Huberty (2022) purported that it could be essential in reducing human errors when programmed efficiently. This study showed that AI projected 78% accuracy of a patient experiencing sepsis would eventually die after 30 days once released from ICU.
Studying AI can assist in evaluating areas, especially in risky zones. Soken-Huberty (2022) argued that an organization could utilize AI to work on dangerous jobs. For example, a person or company can utilize AI to do public work, including garbage collection and sorting, which are considered dangerous jobs globally. On the other hand, studying AI can effectively enhance one's employability. Stimulating technical skills through understanding the AI world, which can be used in business and career opportunities, is one of several reasons to study AI. As a result, knowing these skills can be used directly to address daily issues that can enhance individuals' employability.
AI has some notable disadvantages and has been banned in some cases. ChatGPT can glean context from whatever you have inquired. However, some institutions, like schools, have banned using chatboxes. For example, the New York City Department of Education removed chatbox from learning institution networks across the district. Seattle Public Schools and Los Angeles United School District have also blocked the use of this tool (Nolan, 2023). Also, the use of ChatGPT to write a letter concerning the community during a human tragedy was seen as a poor judgment by one of the signatories in Vanderbilt. Students argued that this occasion was confusing why administrators would turn to chatGPT to write a message concerning the Michigan State shooting (Korn, 2023). Therefore, even though AI is vital, its drawbacks hinder its effectiveness.
The Need for the Study
The need to study or research artificial intelligence is to understand various issues associated with this technology. One goal is to evaluate the implications of AI. Over the years, humans have communicated over long distances and long periods. However, the machine used in agricultural, industrial, and post-industrial periods has been deskilling and substituting humans from their traditional careers, from clerical to craft. Furthermore, it is clear that AI affects various industries, and job types will differ, where certain jobs can become more resilient to automation than others. Certain groups of workers could have income inequality and disparity (Okonji, 2023). Thus, policymakers must consider these matters and embrace measures to combat the negative impacts.
This study also focuses on bringing to light various regulations of AI. Over the years, numerous guidelines have been projected due to the development and deployment of AI systems. These guidelines include transparency, human oversight, non-discrimination, privacy and security, and accountability. Besides, other essential guidelines include human rights, continuous monitoring and enhancement, environmental and societal wellness, and human-based values. These plans aim to promote artificial technology's safety and effective application, although no regulatory body implements these guidelines.
This research also objected to identifying human rights violations due to this technology. In developing nations, the study found that AI effects on larger socio-economic matters are beginning to become present. The process automation likely to restructure jobs is a worrying concern for females and marginalized groups working in informal areas. Alternatively, nations can utilize AI to develop measures to enhance human rights. For instance, videos can be produced for audiovisual content, which is more accessible to deaf individuals. Therefore, this research has assisted in understanding AI's role in violating and promoting human rights.
Concepts of Engagement, Community Building
Community engagement refers to collaborating with the community and groups of individuals connected by special interest, geographical proximity, or the same scenarios to address the factors influencing their welln...
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