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A Literary Analysis of "The King of Chess" by Ah Cheng

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for literary analysis paper

Please write a paper of literary analysis of a literary text we’ve discussed so far. Length will be 5-6 pages, using 12’ font, double spaced.

A literary analysis essay is a type of essay which includes an argumentative analysis of a piece of literature. You will examine the text - novel, play, story etc. analyze the idea, plot, characters, tone, writing style, devices which the writer uses to narrate his story and contextualize the text in its intellectual, cultural and political context.

Take this as an opportunity to demonstrate your deeper understanding of the text and the key questions arising from it, your ability to address its position in the proper historical and cultural contexts and, if necessary, its relation with other similar texts. Key questions that can help you brainstorm the essay include:

-What is the main problem or issue that the author is addressing?

-What is the author’s central claim, argument, or point?

- What are the literary devices used, such as symbolism, imagery, metaphor, and foreshadowing?

-how does the work develop characters, plot, and themes?

-How is the author's use of language and style?

-how does the text respond to historical and cultural context that may be relevant?

-what is the structure and organization of the text (e.g., narrative structure, point of view)?

- is there any intertextual references or allusions within the text?

You are not supposed to answer these above questions one by one. These were questions aiming to help you develop your thoughts and generating a central thesis for your paper. Critical to writing an analytical paper would be making a clearly stated central thesis and make your argument based on textual analysis and contextualization to convince your readers of your thesis.

Please do:

1.Read the work which you have to analyze thoroughly, make sure that you completely understand the author's idea, the plot and the characters;

2.Collect evidence -facts, expressions, other evidence - to make a reasonable conclusion in your analysis. You should have enough material to be persuasive in your conclusions. Make the notes while reading. You should also learn some information about the author, it will help you to understand his intentions and thoughts better.

3.Making literary analysis outline : You should understand what you will start with and what you will say in the conclusion. Make sure that you devote space to important ideas of the author.

Formulate a thesis and explain why your arguments have a great significance, how are they connected to the ideas and thoughts of the author of the book or novel and/or the historical background.

Please Avoid:

writing lengthy summary of the story or autobiographical essay.

subjective description of what you feel, e.g. you like or dislike of the text.

passing pure judgment on why is this piece of work is a good or bad piece.

Please also indicate in footnote or endnote if you are directly quoting or paraphrasing others’ ideas. No outside scholarly source is required for this analysis paper.

Most of all: enjoy the process of clearing your thoughts and writing down your in-depth analysis in a coherent and convincing way!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Literary Analysis of "The King of Chess" by Ah Cheng

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A Literary Analysis of "The King of Chess" by Ah Cheng

A short novel by Ah Cheng, "The King of Chess," takes readers to a tiny Chinese hamlet where the enigmatic central character, Mr. Guan, is renowned as the "King of Chess" for his dedication and skill at Xiangqi (Cheng, n.d.). This literary study will examine the novella's primary subject, author's argument, literary techniques, character development, writing style, historical and cultural backdrop, and relevant references or allusions. The study wants to understand this intriguing piece of writing and its place in literature.

Central Problem and Author's Argument

In "King of Chess," obsession is the main problem, and Mr. Guan's obsession with chess is the issue. He gets obsessed with chess and isolates himself from his family and friends. Chess obsession is a more extensive investigation of the human condition, where a single passion may have unexpected repercussions. Cheng's tale discreetly suggests that abiding desire may lead to severe isolation, as the case of Mr. Guan's chess fixation illustrates how unbridled enthusiasm may lead to alienation from others and oneself (Cheng, n.d.). The author uses Mr. Guan to show the consequences of chasing passion at the sacrifice of personal relationships, emotional well-being, and life balance. Mr. Guan's family disintegrates, and he becomes isolated.

The novella asks readers to ponder the cost of obsession as Cheng emphasizes the problematic balance between individual ambition and interpersonal connection. The novella suggests that passion may drive success, but it must be balanced by understanding its risks and the need for meaningful connectionism. Guan's character and his obsession with chess illustrate the nuanced complexities of human experience, where personal passions can lead to profound isolation and the erosion of the very relationships that give us a sense of belonging and purpose. "King of Chess" poignantly explores the price of such undivided commitment, offering a thought-provoking look at the human 

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