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How listening is valued in Chinese culture

Essay Instructions:

In class we have focused on spoken language and culture. In Carbaugh (2009) I uploaded, the connection between culture and language focuses not on the spoken word per say but on listening and the act of listening. Discuss how culture influences the way a person listens. Focus on how Blackfoot culture values listening. Conclude by discussing how listening is valued in Chinese culture. To value is this case can be both positive and negative. (3 FULL pages, Double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman)

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Generally, people have accepted the relation between language and culture.  Language is normally taken as the verbal expression of a culture. Many of the fields we express our thoughts in are influenced by the language we use even the way we think to an extent is shaped by the values and customs of the areas we live in. Basically, culture is the foundation that a person’s world lies on and many aspects such as language, beliefs, values, art, music and many more, define it.
Carbaugh in his book “Listening and Landscape among the Blackfeet” he explores listening as a form of cultural communication. Blackfeet "listening" is thus a highly reflective and revelatory mode of communication that can open one to the mysteries of unity between the physical and spiritual, to the relationships between natural and human forms, and to the intimate links between places and persons, all the while providing protection, power, and enhanced knowledge of one's small place in the world (Carbaugh, 1999). In this light, culture will also affect how we value listening.
When used in a special way, listening refers to a form of communication that is unique among a group of people called the Blackfeet – Native Americans who have lived in northern Montana from the beginning. In its special way, it has an intimate connection to the participants and a specific physical place. The kind of listening that will then follow will be a form of cultural listening. Thus, it refers to a cultural practice among the Blackfeet.
Many times we feel the disconnect with own the surrounding when we travel to places with a different discourse. Without knowing the discourse, we are not sure how to act. Caught in such a place, we feel disoriented and out of place. Discourses hence will dictate cultural actions. There is, I think, much we can learn from "listening" to places through discourses and cultures. The results can be surprising, even mysterious. We may find, as a way of knowing places, a linguistic cultural routine, at other times ways of knowing are non-linguistic. (Carbaugh 1999). For instance in the case of the Two Bears, Carbaugh metaphorically credits the power of listening to finding problems to solutions. “How is it, as Two Bears says above, when one has "a problem" or "can't find an answer," one can go to a special place, "sit down and listen"? How can it be, if you do this, "you'll find an answer"? Or how is it that "you might hear a raven," or "talk to a tree," or listen "to a mountain lion"? Or, if you are "quiet" and "patient," "the answer will come to you"? Why is it that a remote, verdant valley is "an ideal place" for "our people having trouble with drugs or alcohol"? An...
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