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Liberal Democratic Systems Prove Ideal for Covid-19 Response

Essay Instructions:

Instructions - Read this carefully!

Answer the question below in short essay form. Develop a strong thesis, with three main reasons or premises, which you will prove in your essay. Your answer should be approximately 500 words (about 1 page single-spaced or 2 pages double-spaced). Use proper writing style and grammar, sentences and paragraphs, to answer all parts of the question in a Word compatible file. Make sure to create an interesting and relevant title and organize your essay (introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs) with appropriate subtitles. Follow the Rubric in preparing your short essay (see Assessments on Blackboard). Good luck! You can do it!

In Text Citations:

You *must* use APA style for all aspects of this assignment. You must cite all sources in text; any assignments with improper or missing citations will receive a zero grade. If you are not sure how to do this, please consult the resources on APA style citations (available in Assignments on Blackboard). Also, complete the Academic Integrity Quiz.


The Question:

Which regime or institutional system of government is best to respond to the current COVID-19 crisis? Compare and contrast the core characteristics of TWO (2) of the regimes we have studied in this course and how these features make them better or worse at responding to the pandemic and protecting their peoples. You may select from a) liberal democratic, b) authoritarian OR c) totalitarian regimes. You should draw on the course materials (e.g. Readings, Modules, Class slides) in your answers and cite specific readings in your answer. Be sure to clearly define the core characteristics of the regimes *THEN* evaluate how their institutional systems are or are not suited to respond to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic crisis. You may wish to create evaluative criteria here to audit the regime types. (Consult the Unit 3 lesson on Institutions for some ideas.) Also, provide relevant supporting country cases and examples to explain your regime preference. For “top marks,” students must reference at least three course readings. You will also want to perform some additional research.*

*One short article that inspired the idea for this question was: Yazlyyev, B. and Munro, L.T. (2020). COVID-19 Forces a Rethink of an Old Debate [: Authoritarianism versus Liberal Democracy]. Ottawa: The Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa. Published May 18, 2020. Retrieved from https://www.cips-cepi.ca/2020/05/18/covid-19-forces-a-rethink-of-an-old-debate/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Liberal Democratic Systems Prove Ideal for Covid-19 Response
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Liberal Democratic Systems Prove Ideal for Covid-19 Response
The Covid-19 pandemic has tested governments’ preparedness for the public health crisis based on their respective governance systems. Countries with different governance systems applied different strategies to control the pandemic. It has been a learning opportunity regarding what system of government can effectively handle the pandemic and what does not, especially in controlling the spread of the virus and the subsequent undesirable health care implications. This report argues that a liberal democratic government is best in responding to the current Covid-19 crisis because it is more transparent, can mobilize practical reforms to enhance human well-being significantly, and safeguards democratic citizenship via promoting political rights.
Transparency Could have Slowed the Virus
Both liberal democracies and authoritarian governments are characterized by making authoritative decisions, settling conflicts related to authoritative decisions, and enforcing or carrying out authoritative decisions. However, authoritative regimes undermine the transparency required for effective public participation in discussing the pandemic and appropriate response measures (Johnston, 2007). For instance, China’s decisive action on the pandemic entailed covering up and silencing whistleblowers and media on the scale and nature of the virus (Yazlyyev & Munro, 2020; Cooper & Aitchison, 2020). The virus spread could have been controlled and tracked more effectively via the transparency encouraged in liberal democracies (Cooper & Aitchison, 2020). Liberal democracies consider the perspectives of different stakeholders to protect primary interests.
Protection of Human Rights Remains Important During the Crisis
Unlike liberal democracies that have shown the vital need to safeguard democratic citizenship political rights to encourage transparency and responsive governance during the Covid-19 crises, authoritarian models see no need to mobilize society to attain response ends. According to authoritarian governments, mobilizing large numbers of people nurtures political instability by disintegrating the living patterns and encouraging the emergence of new institutions (Dick...
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