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Learning from Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences and Perspectives

Essay Instructions:

 The paper must be 800-1000 words (approx. 4-5 pages, double-spaced) in length.

 You must make connections to course readings/films and/or ppt lectures, or discussions.

Aim for at least 5 sources (course texts/films).

I will upload the sources/film they are all from my course and add new sources from outside to support the paper but you must use least 5 sources from my course that I told you.







 Include in-text citations. Provide a reference list.

 Please use MS Word or PDF for the final assignment as I use track changes for grading.

Final Paper:

A Reaction Paper - Learning from Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences and Perspectives

In this course, we are concerned with understanding and learning from Indigenous peoples’ experiences and perspectives. Read a novel by an Indigenous author, watch an Indigenous film (at least 45 minutes), visit a (virtual?) art exhibit, listen to a podcast featuring Indigenous participants or hosts, take an Indigenous history tour of the city, attend (or watch online) a book reading, a theatre production, or webinar/lecture by an Indigenous traditional teacher, Elder, or scholar.

Then, write an 800-1000 word (approx. 4-5 pages double-spaced) reaction paper. Your paper may include:

 A thoughtful explanation of what you learned from and about Indigenous peoples from the novel, art exhibit, webinar, film or podcast.

 Discuss how the novel or experience contributed to or advanced your understandings of course content with specific reference to some of our course texts/ideas.

 Consider some connections between our course learning and the novel, film, art exhibit, podcast, lecture, or event. Are there parallels? Anything that surprised you?

 In what ways did the film, novel, or cultural event challenge, disrupt, inform, or impact your understandings?

 Are there new questions that arise for you after reading/watching/listening? Explain.

 In what ways does the film, novel, art exhibit, podcast reflect what you’ve been learning

about the diversity and complexities of Indigenous community realities?

Please also include visual details (photo, link, website, screenshot, ticket stub) of your chosen ‘text’ and provide relevant details (what, where, when, etc.). You should aim for at least 5 sources (course texts/films), include in-text citations, and provide a reference list.

To the writer:

Hi,please read my instruction carefully and clearly before start working on my paper. I upload the sources/film they are all from my course and you can also add new sources/films from outside to support the paper but you must use at least 5 sources from my course.

you can follow up the recent news which is about the Indigenous people dead bodies was been find, if this news is useful, please use it to support the paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Paper
Reaction Paper - Learning from Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences and Perspectives
The film Martha of the North focuses on the story of a 5-year-old Martha Flaherty, her family, and other Inuit people who were lured, displaced, and moved to the far northern islands. The Canadian government promised that relocation to the High Arctic would allow the people to continue their culture. However, the Inuit lived a life of hardship but are still resilient even when they did not get game as expected and lived in extreme cold. There is a cycle of pain and trauma among the disfranchised communities ignored by the government and displaced. The Indigenous people’s way of life has been disrupted over time, with the Canadian government has pushed them further away from their lands and culture. Like in other cases involving the Indigenous peoples of Canada, policies, and laws have excluded the people. 
The story of the Inuit moving into an unwelcoming land, based on false promises is common to other cases where the Indigenous people have been promised equal treatment and benefits without this happening. The Indigenous people are at times separated from their community and family based on deliberate government actions that have disenfranchised and ignored their uniqueness. Vowel (2017) highlights that Indigenous peoples are diverse and known by diverse names, but regardless of their origin, they have been called offensive names over time, such as “savage, “red skin,” “primitive,” and “savage.” The dominant narratives on the Indigenous people are told by non- Indigenous people, who often downplay and ignore the experiences of the First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Indigenous people. To improve education that addresses the needs of the indigenous community where teaching practices promote diversity and engagement, but this is often absent when teaching the Indigenous people (Toulouse, 2016).
In the film Experimenting Eskimos, there is an emphasis that western education targeted the Inuit/ Eskimos was shown to be a positive thing among white Canadians. Still, children were discouraged from associating with their culture and people (2013). I appreciate the need to improve Indigenous knowledge and the communities have supported engagement with Indigenous education. In any case, the course highlights that the Indigenous people’s voice is excluded in education, and more people need to be more involved in the learning process and just relying on state-run education schools. Anything the indigenous people do is not seen as extraordinary as it is assumed that it is backward and reflects “savage” culture. There have been deliberate attempts at forced assimilation of the Aboriginal people, which is more like forced genocide as policies and policies disregarded the right of self-determination. Even when the people asserted themselves and sought to reclaim land rights, the governments failed to treat the indigenous people with dignity. Without institutions serving the indigenous people and losing their native languages, it became more challenging for them to uphold their culture. 
Indigenous peoples are left out of conversations on major policies, laws, and constitution-making political structure excludes and fails to recognize. Different policies are linked to suppressing indigenous cultures and families. The representation of the Indigenous people’s identity is often negative, but there is greater support and recognition on the need to promote multicultural teaching and learning (Dion, 2007). In the Martha of the North, the Inuit moved to cold far north islands based on false promises, and it is noteworthy that government officials singled to one of the Indigenous groups to settle there to solidify Canadian sovereignty and claims in the Arctic. A poor understanding ...
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