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Leadership Skills and Emotional Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

There are some articles in this week's readings that are just classics: almost a rulebook for leadership. Particularly good are "Why should anyone be led by you?", "What makes a leader" and "Crucibles of Leadership". After you have read and thought about the readings, we would like you to self-reflect on how you do or don't have the characteristics described in Goffee and Jones. Then look at the characteristics of emotional intelligence and think about a crucible in your life - what Bennis describes as a transformational event in your life. Getting fired - getting promoted when you don't feel you can do the job - prejudice in the workplace are a couple of examples. How did emotional intelligence help you rebound from this event? Where do you think you can improve? Leadership skills are a lifelong quest, and knowing our weaknesses and strengths is the foundation for improving our skills.

Please use this reference

Bennis, W., & Thomas, R. (2002). Crucibles of leadership. Harvard Business Review, 80(9), 39-45.
Goffee, R., & Jones, G. (2000). Why should anyone be led by you. Harvard Business Review, 78(5), 62-70.
Goleman, D. (2004). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, 82(1), 82-91.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Author’s Name: _______________________________
Institutional Affiliation: ___________________________________
Article 1 – Goffee and Jones (2000)
After reading the article, I could affirm that I hold remarkable empathy towards my team. I exhibit utmost concern towards the problems experienced by my team in order to maintain cohesion at a noticeable degree. While serving as a nursing supervisor, I am highly adapting and agile in changing my style based on the requirements of my audiences.
However, I hold few weaknesses in managing my emotions, particularly in non-supervision role. I tend being upset and irritated if a positive feedback is not received from my supervisors. The expectation of similar empathy I demonstrate to my team is a major cause of this weakness, which is adverse for sustaining my role in the leadership position. Nonetheless, my agility allows me to excel the situation in my second job, which is a positive sign evidently.
Article 2 – Go...
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