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Labor Struggles of the Immigrant Population

Essay Instructions:

Please write 3 commentaries to 3 articles with 2 pages each.

Commentaries should be two double-spaced pages and should focus on one or more topics of interest from the reading. You are expected to not simply summarize the main points of the reading, but analyze them.

There are a number of ways you may approach your analysis, but the key is that you should bring something to the commentary that is not already explicit in the reading itself. Your commentary should start with a summary of what you see as the most interesting and important points raised in the reading, but it needs to go beyond this as well.

In thinking about how to bring your own critical analysis to the reading, you might consider addressing one or more of the following questions: What is the nature of the evidence that the author marshals to support their analysis? Is it convincing? Why or why not? What are they missing? What are the broader implications of their analysis? Of the other authors we have discussed, who might agree or disagree and why? Could the analysis enhance our understanding of other course materials? How? How could the arguments or information in the reading inform some aspect of your own life experience or current event? Are there aspects of your own life experiences that don’t seem to fit? Why not? These questions aren’t meant as a straight-jacket, but as a jumping off point.

End your commentary with a question for class discussion. These questions are an important part of the commentary, and of my evaluation of it. Think hard about what you want to ask. Good questions focus on core and critical issues or make connections between different readings. The best will prompt extended discussion. Don’t waste your question focusing on a small detail or tangential point that can be easily answered in a sentence or two.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Commentaries
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Article Commentaries
Choudry, A., & Thomas, M. (2013). Labor struggles for workplace justice: Migrant and immigrant worker organizing in Canada. Journal of industrial relations, 55(2), 212-226.
The article is critical to explore the nature of labor techniques and models amongst the migrant and immigrant worker population in Canada. The dynamics of the article mainly focus on two case studies. These include the element of recent efforts aimed at organizing migrant farmworkers in the Seasonal Agricultural Workers’ Program. The other categorical setting is the work of the Immigrant Workers’ Centre in Montreal. Accordingly, the critical aspect of the first group is that it hires workers from regions around Mexico and the Caribbean countries. This program works effectively to exercise best practices in the migration policy as observed by Canada's policymakers (Choudry, & Thomas, 2013). The articles argue that though some of these policies tend to favor the Canadian working policies. Evidently, the review of these programs is that they allocate long working hours for the immigrants with low wages characterized an exemption from the basic labor standards. In this view, the developing rationale is that some of these policies fail to honor and favor the workers (Choudry, & Thomas, 2013). On the other hand, the article sheds light on understanding the Immigrant Workers' Centre formed in early 2000, which provides a safe place for the migrants. From a different perspective, the program acted as the best policy to unite immigrant workers (Choudry, & Thomas, 2013). Radicalized immigrant groups share the comfort of the group that tends to educate and create awareness of their workplace environment's expected challenges. In this view, the article is critical to illuminate the different challenges and issues associated with the various challenges facing labor organizations in Canada.
The immigrant population experienced several challenges in different countries, as is the case with the Canadian immigrant population. Notably, the article tends to address a comparison between the migrant and immigrant worker groups. In different views, the article represents worker organizations' impact that favours migrants over the immigrant population. The evidence presented in the article is that an existing complication for the two groups is where some worker population has privileges compared to others. The article explains the limits and the possibilities to the different approaches used in labor organizations, especially in Canada. By reviewing the article, it is possible to report that Canada records a significantly growing population of migrants and immigrants (Choudry, & Thomas, 2013). However, despite the different opportunities that offer value for the workers, Canada's immigrant population seems to suffer challenges of working under poor conditions. Some of these conditions include low-wage, low-security occupations associated with expanding Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program. In light of these facts, reviewing the article provides an imperative to explain the worker populations' challenges, the migrant and immigrant groups. The self-organizing element is apparent in the article, which provides a sense of identity for many labor groups (Choudry, & Thomas, 2013). Though the labor groups ought to work and support the worker populations in various capacities, it is critical to note that some of the segregation in labor standards remains evident in developed countries like Canada, which is vital for discussion.
Canadian immigrant employment policies fail to respect the changing labor markets. These issues remain to challenge the employment opportunities and working environment for the immigrant population and migrant groups. Canada remains to be an employment growth opportunity country that many of the immigrant-dream. In this regard, the article's review sheds light on the critical element of the nature of labor organization in Canada to an extensive capacity. A challenging question is; should the Canadian government continue mistreating the Immigrant worker populations?
Wingfield, A. H., & Chavez, K. (2020). Getting in, getting hired, and getting sideways looks at Organizational hierarchy and perceptions of racial discrimination. American Sociological Review, 85(1), 31-57
The article is critical to give the impression and reflection of the black people on the concept of racism. The presented views in the article is that racial discrimination has a significant impact on the black people who retain a perceived view of the approaches and ways to dealing with varying changes in various institutional systems (Wingfield, & Chavez, 2020). The main points addressed in the article are the fact that some of the significant populations of the black tend to encounter racial discrimination, especially at the workplace environments (Wingfield, & Chavez, 2020). The evidence presented by the authors has significant value in defining the changing dimensions of equality th...
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