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The Mind and the Formation of Knowledge

Essay Instructions:

In this essay, it is a précis for philosophy class, i need writer read chapter first, and then based on the reading to write précis, i will upload all the instructions, and essay sample, and reading material. Be sure to provide writer’s own reflection in the final paragraph and state the final word count. Thank you very much.

You must do this assignment based on one of the chapters from the Course Packet.

The ideas in what follows are adopted from R. Douglas Geivett’s

2.3- On Writing and Grading Précis (Talbot Philosophy Resource Book pp. 37-40): August 2015.

Douglas defines a précis as a concise and evaluation-free exposition of the most significant elements of some substantial and worthy piece of writing.

  • General guidelines:
  • Begin your précis with a clear and detailed statement of the author’s thesis with an accurate description of every aspect of the thesis.
  • Proceed to an explanation of the author’s line of argument.
  • Show how the author hopes to persuade the reader.
  • Do not list a bunch of steps. Your précis needs to have a good logical flow as in any academic essay.
  • Every word counts, so make the maximum effort to include important things.
  • No room for repetition and ambiguity.
  • Say what you want to say most directly and concisely.
  • Don’t write anything you don’t understand. Don’t use bombastic and technical terminologies to impress your professor. Rather use direct language/understandable words in putting together this precis.
  • Know that précis is strictly expositional. So avoid any evaluation of your own in any shape or form. For example, avoid terms such as ‘the author seeks to demonstrate such and such’, or ‘the author shows such and such’, or ‘I agree, disagree’.
    • Be bold in your exposition. Avoid words that indicate your lack of confidence in what you say. For example avoid words such as, ‘seems’, appears’, etc.
    • Do not include illustrations, discussions of thought experiments, rhetorical questions/discussions, recapitulations/repetitions, and various sorts of filter material that the author uses to expand his/her discussion.
    • Remember that the précis is an essay. So follow every rule that applies to good essay writing.
    • The word limit has to be strictly followed. You cannot write even one extra word. You need to use exactly 1000 words. You need to indicate that at the end of your précis.
    • Now it is time to write the précis: what to do?
    • Read the essay carefully over and over again until you familiarize yourself with the content of the essay.
    • Master the essay. Use a dictionary to learn new vocabulary and other references for any technical terms that you don’t know.
      • As you read, take notes. Turn your notes into an outline which can then be turned into a detailed outline.
      • Preparing a good outline will save you time and helps you to write a coherent essay.
      • Make sure that you use your own words in writing the précis.
        • The final paragraph of your precis has to be devoted to critique or defend a certain aspect of the article you've read. This does not have to be an elaborated discussion. Just pick an issue that allows you to say something interesting in one paragraph. Make sure to defend your claim.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment: Precis
Student’s Name:
The principles of human knowledge have long been studied with various explanations provided on how knowledge is gained. One of the scholars that sought to tackle this concept was George Berkley, who in his essay A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge offers explanation on how the mind works and eventually leading to knowledge building. In the work, Berkley argues that the mind has the power to form abstract ideas or notion of things. He explains that this ability is used in forming knowledge of the world around a person which then is used to form further ideas on things that the mind has already developed.
Knowledge is believed to be gained when one develops a new sense or perspective in interpreting things than they did before. Berkley believes that the formation of knowledge is always reliant on previous knowledge gained and the mind just creates extensions of the idea to mimic the process of new knowledge. Therefore, the various processes that a man uses in interacting with their immediate environment are responsible in the creating the abstract idea at the first place of its interaction. For example, the taste of an apple, Berkley argues has already been imprinted on the mind and it would be challenging for the mind to start creating a new taste of an apple that has been established and reinforced over several experiences of eating apple. Therefore, in developing knowledge on the apple, the mind will have to form an extension on the original taste without having to create a new one. Based on the argument by Berkley, human knowledge is a complex concept as it is understood differently by various people which are based on their past personal experiences.
Berkley explains that in the creation of ideas can be divided into two qualities that are primary and secondary. In explaining the primary qualities, they are meant to explain extension, figure, rest, motion, solidity, and number. On the second quality of secondary, it is used to denote sensible qualities that include taste, sound, smell, colors and so on. In explaining the above qualities created by the mind, Berkley postulates that secondary qualities are created from primary qualities. Therefore, the mind takes the knowledge of the primary qualities and uses them...
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