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Labor and Relations

Essay Instructions:
Just like assignment 2A and 2B there are two parts. 4 discussion questions for 3A. 3B is a team assignmet and would work over the this 34 weeks my team is the Management team let me know if you need more information
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1 TITLE: LABOR RELATIONS AND NEGOTIATIONS INSTITUTION : DEPARTMENT : TUTOR : NAME : DATE : RUNNUNG HEAD: LABOR RELATIONS 2 Abstract In any working environment the employers and the employees should engage each other in an amicable manner. Round table negotiations, arbitrations, mitigations and exchanges play a vital role in uniting the employees and the employers. Talks creates conducive working conditions, they create harmony, boosts trust and reduces tension and wastage of valuable working time. Workers’ unions and the management should always engage in dialogue for mutual understanding and to resolve work related issues. Impasses between workers and employers should as much as possible be resolved without resulting into strikes. RUNNUNG HEAD: LABOR RELATIONS 3 In the Absence of a Strike Deadline there can be no True Collective Bargaining In the absence of fruitful dialogue or complete lack of dialogue and when the employees feel that their grievances are not being addressed accordingly, they issue notice to withdraw their services. Through their union, they issue a strike deadline in order to compel the employer act on their demands. However, a strike deadline is given within which the grievances should have been addressed and resolved amicably. Upon the expiry of the strike deadline the workers results to the industrial action-the strike. Issuing a strike deadline compels the management to act on the grievances in fear of the anticipated loss when workers go on strike. Without a strike deadline the talks between the two parties would drag forever without any meaningful commitment from the employer. By issuing a strike deadline the union demonstrates its seriousness in having the workers demands met and on the other hand the management negotiates in an effort to beat the deadline. Hence a strike deadline brings in the seriousness of negotiations of true collective bargaining. Democratic Unions Workers unions should always be firm and never ready to be compromised. The unions should be focused and have the workers interests at heart. The opposite of this would result to the union being weak and easily compromised. Democracy in the union is of great importance since union members bear allegiance to no one and hence they aren’t fighting for any favor or seeking any protection. Democratic unions are not easily intimidated or manipul...
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