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Keto Diet as an Athlete

Essay Instructions:

The paper topic is a keto diet as an athlete

Abstracts:  Select a research article of interest to you, relevant to course content.  Abstracts should not exceed 1½, typed, double-spaced pages.  A copy (link or attachment) of the article must accompany each abstract.  Articles must be recent and must be taken from scholarly journals such as those listed below.  After a one-page summary of the article including purpose, methods, results and conclusion(s), answer the following questions:


      What is the “take-home message” of the article?  How will you apply this information as a physical educator, coach, trainer or therapist?  What additional questions are either raised or left unanswered by this research?

     Articles should be selected from journals listed below, should describe a research study relevant to course content, and must be no more than six months old.


Please additionally reference the article at the end.  

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article.Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.   

Journals (Full-text only)

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (Physiology section only)

Journal of Applied Physiology

Journal of Exercise Physiology (online)

Journal Of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (online)

Others as appropriate.

General Grading Criteria

  1.  Properly cited.  For an abstract, you need only do this once unless you throw in a direct quote (which should be unnecessary here).
  2. Summary in your own words.  Basic purpose, methods, results and author conclusion. A sentence or two each.  Very specific method info I can get from the article itself.
  3. Address the additional questions pertaining to “take home message,” application and questions raised.
  4. Proper grammar and spelling throughout.
  5. Article is pertinent to class discussions, from a refereed journal (above listed or check with me), no more than 6 months old and depicts a single research study (as opposed to a review or commentary). 

Finally: Search/choose articles that interest YOU.  It is a big field! 


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Keto Diet as an Athlete
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Keto Diet as an Athlete
Graybeal, A. J., Kreutzer, A., Willis, J. L., Braun-Trocchio, R., Moss, K., & Shah, M. (2022). The impact of dieting culture is different between sexes in endurance athletes: a cross-sectional analysis. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 14(1), 157. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13102-022-00549-4
The article seeks to explore the dietary patterns of athletes of different sexes in a bid to enhance their endurance (Graybeal et al., 2022). This was inspired by the authors' perception that the nutritional patterns among endurance athletes had not been fully explored. The methodology used in the study followed a sample size of 231 endurance athletes, where 124 were female, and 107 were male. The participants were required to fill out a questionnaire to express their preferences for a planned diet, plant diet, balanced diet, and their attempts on different diets. The questionnaire also collected data on participants' preferences for ketogenic, low-carbohydrate, gluten-free, and energy-restricted diets.
Data analysis was undertaken using chi-square and independent t-test. The analysis depicted some significant variations in the behavior of the female and male endurance athletes, often posting varying results in the different categories. The results indicated that female athletes were less likely to adhere to a balanced diet as compared to their male counterparts. The female would rather have a plant-based diet. The result also posted a significant variation in the athlete's attempts on different diets, where male endurance athletes reported having an attempt on more than two diets. Although both sexes maintained a preference for energy-restrictive diets, there was a prevalence of ketogenic, low-carbohydrates, energy restrictive, and gluten-free among the female...
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