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Literature & Language
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Letter to the University President on Its Environmental Efforts

Essay Instructions:

For this last writing assignment of the semester, I would like you to use the skills that you have learned in writing an essay to write a “business letter.” The whole point of this assignment is to show you that writing an essay and writing a letter are similar – you need to state a point and you need to support that point.

Since 2020-2022 has been a struggle for all of us – and maybe in particular, students and teachers – let’s end this course on a strong self-reflective note. First, watch the following video for how to compose a business letter:


Then, I want you to think about something you could say about your experiences as a student at ___ during this past semester. In short, use your analytical skills to respond in some way to something that you have an opinion about in terms of our college. Focus your discussion on your experience and observations at ____. You can bring up a problem or a joy (something, for example, you think our campus of ____ is doing well at addressing!)

For example, perhaps you wish that our campus has more food options. How would you like to see food options if you were in charge?

Maybe you have issues with the way that online courses are taught and organized.

How does this impede – or challenge – your education?

Is there something the school could be doing that could make your experiences as a student better?

Your Audience: For this paper, you will address your letter to one of three people:

 President or Chief Academic Officer or Dr. your instructor!. Decide on which individual would be the best audience for the topic you want to address.

***** Important Note if you want a Publishable Essay: In order to get the highest grade possible, you are required to bring in one quotation somewhere in the body of your essay (in other words, a source!). Since this is a “letter” you do not need a Works Cited page. But you must be clear about where you got the quotation (i.e. According to John Smith from the article “The Best Students,” researchers have discovered that access to coffee on campus “creates a 50% jump in student GPAs.”) You want to make sure that your source/ quotation is somehow working at helping you backup your idea.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Address
September 30, 2022
Nick Mance
1001 E University Ave,
Georgetown, TX 78626, USA
Dear Nick Mance:
I am XX AA from the literature and language department, and I express my appreciation for the progressive environmental-inclined efforts that make SWIC an aesthetically appealing institution beyond supporting other far-reaching goals.
Since enrolling at this university, I have witnessed its remarkable transformation and shift towards improving its environment through diverse programs. Being part of this institution has been a life-changing experience because it has instilled in me the desire to actively participate in constructive projects that contribute to a larger agenda other than my academic progress. One aspect I have noted in the last semester is that the university has persistently demonstrated its commitment to the environment through organized care for the existing trees and meticulous landscaping. These efforts ensure sufficient room for the natural environment to coexist with the past and upcoming structures.
I recognize that an institution of such stature as SWIC cannot remain stagnant regarding its amenities. The expectation is that it has to constantly strategize the appropriate changes fundamental for supporting the needs of the students and other faculty members. In this context, the competition for space emerges as a leading issue of concern because erecting new structures would destroy a green environment section. The most encouraging aspect I have noted in SWIC is that although the past projects interfered with nature, the university also found a creative tactic for counteracting the change. As a result, recognizing the importance of an appealing nature is a unique aspect that I would want to highlight as an undermined but significant achievement that makes SWIC a leading participant in global agendas.
My interest in this area stems from the passion for environmental conservation I have gained in the last five years. Although I do not have a membership in a recognized body that advocates for the protection of natural sceneries, I have been an active participant in related programs in my neighborhood and beyond. As a result, witnessing similar efforts within SWIC ignited my interest and isolated this ongoing achievement as the distinguished one for the institution. Its impact on my experience as a student here has been immeasurable, making campus life enjoyable and motivating. It has enabled me to understand that one can contribute to a greater global agenda, even in small ways.
I learned that SWIC collaborates with various institutions to advance its green initiative through the school website. For instance, the 2019 project, in conjunction with Homefield En...
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