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Challenges in Business Organizations: What Keeping you up at Night?

Essay Instructions:

Please read this article and answer all questions listed below in your essay. Thanks 
Over the past year Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning has enjoyed hosting executive roundtables and author events in most major metros in the U.S., as well as in London and Zurich. These events are attended by senior-level executives in organizational and leadership development roles.
While there are certainly some issues unique to regional areas and vertical industries, we hear a cadre of common themes arising from these talks about what’s keeping us collectively up at night. These challenges inspire and inform our strategy and our work designing solutions for your leadership development needs:
• Developing and implementing human capital strategies that address the breadth of needs across multi-generational demographics – in some cases up to five generations
• Identifying and building the talent pipeline and managing succession planning for the aging workforce -- The Silver Tsunami as some have termed it -- with the accompanying implications for knowledge and expertise transfer as the boomers retire, and the wide variations in learning and communication styles
• Creating collaboration, connection, and engagement amongst employees who are spread over a wide geography for a long period of time
• Working with our senior leaders to develop the “connective tissue” – building shared meaning and understanding to ensure that global managers and workforce are working to the same strategy
• Addressing the lack of management skills seen in parts of the younger workforce, as well as a reduction in vital face-to-face skills -- growing out of increased usage of technology and social media, younger managers’ reliance on text and email
• Integrating multiple cultures and leadership development approaches, and making adjustments from small-company to large-company thinking, as well as local to global resulting from the many mergers and acquisitions taking place in the market
• Instilling skills in managers today to accommodate to the many “change challenges” they face now and in future years
• Aligning talent management and talent development with the business objectives and strategy – helping them be successful by thinking and talking like business people versus HR or training-only.
• Addressing barriers to innovation including lack of time, fear of being perceived as radical, lack of formal strategy, goals, and priorities. Encouraging innovation to happen at all levels in the organization and to live on the forefront of every employee’s mind
What’s keeping you up at night? Feel free to share and discuss with others – we’re listening! 

1. Think what challenges listed by the author can keep you up at night? and Discuss your solution for these challenges.
2. Discuss how other managers go through the challenges you discussed.
3. Discuss what other challenges must be included in the list, based on materials you learnt from this course or on your experience.
Write 2 page Essay, APA style, Times New Roman font, 12 size, Double space.
The paper must have at least 4 scholarly references. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Challenges in Business Organizations
Institution of Affiliation
Challenges in Business Organizations
For many years the global environmental factors affecting businesses have grown in complexity. The nature and size of an organization is determined by their effectiveness in addressing these factors and the level of input of the senior management towards fostering the prosperity of their organization. Large scale companies across the world have reached the competency level through a better understanding and incorporation of their company’s vision, goals, strategy, customer-driven, innovation, team management initiatives, strong diverse leadership, and increasing profitability (Lewis, 2007). All these factors challenge many organizations and therefore needs strategic approaches in addressing them in a bid to improve performance of the individual organizations.
Lack of management skills in the younger workforce is a relatively serious challenge that can keep me up at night. The younger individuals have grown so dependent on technology and media and thus leading to a reduction in their face-to-face skills. This affect the actual performance of duties that require their manual input and therefore render better performance of the tasks assigned to them. Relating to management skill challenges, as a senior executive I would enhance the use of seminars and workshop trainings to instil management skills in the workforce thus improving their performance. The issues of overreliance on technology and media can best be addressed through such events by informing on the negative impacts that is expected through the habit and how they later affect the overall individual performance in the organizationCITATION Goo82 \l 1033 (Goodhew, 2008).
Barriers to innovations also pose an effect on the positive progress of the organization and thus can keep me up at night due to its strength in determining the level of improvement for business corporations. The time limit for the implementation of an innovative model, the fear of radicalism, lack of formal strategy, goals and priorities have increasingly inhibited innovation. With such a challenge, as a leader I would identify internal leaders for innovation implementation process in order to manage the model and deliver new changes that increases performance by informing new approaches and understanding of the business environment (Henry, 2006).
Integrating multiple cultures and leadership development approaches and making adjustments from small-company thinking to a global level is another challenge that would keep me up all night. Many employees report that they find themselves becoming more authentic in their interactions with co-workers and have the desire to create and be part of an organization that promotes learning opportunities (Clammer, 2012). For the challenge, therefore, I would advocate for the implementation and designing of a full understanding of uniqueness of the organizational culture and organizational system within the context of its social system and the need to embrace leadership development.
The international goal on management is solely to achieve firm’s international purposes on obtaining, issuing and using company resources across countries. It is therefore important for all executives and business stakeholders to embrace suitable strategies to meet the desired productivity goals. The strategies will enhance the operation of the business for instance markets are streamlined, sales, customer services and internal accounting functions. The strategies aim at retaining customers, proper utilization of company resources and plans for company to expand. According to the new research in the sociology of development similarly, transitional problems impact negatively to the business hence the problem should be address as early as possible so that necessary readjustments are put in placeCITATION Sta06 \l 1033 (Stark & Vedres, 2006).
The management of the organization...
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