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How Harmful the Radiation is, and How Harmful Smart Technology

Essay Instructions:

It's Due April 3 Topic :I want to talk about the how harmful the radiation is , and how harmful is the smart technology from the laptop , phone that we use everyday Persuasive speech OUTLINE

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Persuasive Speech outline
Sama Baroom
Fisher College
Speech outline
Attention Getter:
Technology has become part of our lives; everyone interacts with technology in one form or another during our daily activities. For instance, cellphones, laptops, desktops, ear phones, fridges and ovens are common to us. However, is it possible that these electronic devices are affecting our health without our knowledge? When in use, the devices release electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) that is harmful to human life.
B. Thesis Statement:
The long-term exposure to EMF emitted from mobile phones, laptops, desktop screens and earphones, is harmful to the health of the user.
C. Preview
The prolonged exposure of to EMF causes;
Hormonal disruption
Childhood autism
Maintaining a safe distance from the gadgets when using them reduces the effect of EMF. this is a solution not a third main point , I just need you to add one main point and leave the highlight solution as it is !
2. Major points
The excessive exposure to EMF affects hormones such as melatonin, estrogen and testosterone (Sellman, 2006). Melatonin regulates the physical, mental and behavioral changes, cell formation and formation of DNA. The EMF deactivates melatonin exposing the victim to risks of breast cancer, ovarian malignancies, prostate cancer and melanoma. The EMF also increases the levels of estrogen and lowers the levels of testosterone. The adults are not the only ones at risk of power generated EMF; children are also in danger of the radiation.
Childhood autism is on the rise with the increasing use of Wi-Fi and cellphones in environments shared by children. According to Kamath (2007), the EMF affects the cell membrane and the cell physiology in children exposed to Wi-Fi and mobile signals. The EMF radiation causes the metals to be trapped in the cells affecting the rate of clearance and raising the onset of autism symptoms. Therefore, learning classes that are fitted with Wi-Fi signals have to be moderated to ensure that they do not exceed the international standards. However, everything must have a solution.
Research has indicated that mobile phones are associated with cancer which led to WHO in 2011 to classify cell phones and other device that uses microwaves as group 2b risk meaning that they are “possibly carcinogenic to humans” despite the little evidence that they cause cancer. Research has reported that those adults who have been exposed to mobile phones for at least ten years are likely to have brain cancer, eye cancer or salivary cancer (Davis, 2010). Some men have also been diagnosed with testicular cancer since they stash their phones close to the pant pocket (Davis, 2013). However, it has been reported that women who stash they phones under their breasts are likely to have breast cancer.
EMR is not only found in cell phones but also in all the other technological aspects such as microwaves, radios, television, dryers, washers and the power lines that are around our homes. Therefore, we are swimming in an electromagnetic pool in the modern world. Those who live in urban areas are the ones who get more affected than in local environments. The effects of the radiation from these devices vary from person to person and have a direct relation to the amount that person is exposed to. Most of the common effects include: blurred vision; nausea; hearing loss; dizziness; headaches; brain tumors; or brain cancer. Many people disregard these effects by considering them to be not serious but the truth is the radiation of the smart technology devices are very serious (Waderick, Peper, Harvey & Sara, 2013). Their seriousness i...
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