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The Justification of Death in Hamlet Essay

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AN ANALYSIS: The Justification of Deaths in Hamlet [name] [subject] [professor] AN ANALYSIS: The Justification of Deaths in Hamlet Introduction More than Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, I think deaths in the story of Hamlet can become the tragedy of all tragedies. The death of his father created a wide-array of circumstances and brought about several deaths. Ironic as it may seem, but the revenge that only come upon to a single individual causes death of a whole family without any guarantee that Claudius is truly the murderer. The Plot of the Story After the controversial death of King Hamlet, two guards discover a ghost that seemingly resembles with the late king. His death transfer the throne to his brother and became the reason of the marriage between Claudius and Queen Gertrude. The watchmen bring Prince Hamlet to the alleged ghost that resembles the late king. Therefrom, the ghost speaks to him and declares that his brother, Claudius killed him. The ghost likewise orders the prince to kill Claudius. Enraged by this fact, Prince hamlet vow to revenge the death of his father. Thereafter, the ghost disappeared. From then on, Prince Hamlet devotes himself to avenge his father’s death. But given his nature, he made it appear that he was succumb by sadness and suffering an apparent madness. Unknown to them, the same is a mere plot by the prince to get to know and to prove that Claudius is indeed the cause of his father’s death. His mother, Gertrude and Claudius worry relative to his changing behavior. They both wanted to determine the cause of it. As such, they employ Hamlet’s friends to observe him. Polonius, on the hand, has his own version of the madness that is apparent to the prince. According to him, the madness must have been the result of the prince’ unrequited love to her daughter, Ophelia. In that regard, Claudius orders his men to observe the prince and Ophelia. However, the truth is Claudius is not in love with Ophelia. He even orders her to enter nunnery and he wanted to ban marriages. Time passes, a group of actors that travel visits Elsinore. Prince Hamlet plans to determine the guilt of King Claudius by making the actors play a scene that is seemingly similar to the plot of what the former imagined how the latter killed his father. The sequence where the murder will then transpire, Claudius stands and leaves the room. Throughout the duration of the play and unknown to everyone, Horatio, a good friend of the prince, is observing the present king. With the reaction of Claudius, Horatio and Hamlet are convinced that the former killed King Hamlet. When Hamlet is about to kill Claudius, he was stopped since the latter was praying. He believes that if he kills Claudius while he was praying, he will be sent to heaven. If thus, it will become an inadequate revenge. Hence, he decided to wait. On the part of Claudius, he is frightened of Hamlet’s madness thus he orders to send Hamlet to England immediately. Therefrom, the prince confronts his mother. Unknown to them, Polonius was inside his mother’s chamber and hiding. It was the honest belief of Prince Hamlet that the one hiding is Claudius thus he simply draws his sword and stabs the fabric behind the tapestry eventually killing Polonius. Yes, Hamlet killed Pol...
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