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The Pros And Cons Of Abortion: Termination Of Pregnancy

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You have to write an essay sample on The Pros and Cons of Abortion

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The pros and cons of abortion Name Institutional Affiliation Has abortion become a life casualty in today’s world? Well, for some is no while others argue yes. Abortion is a medical procedure conducted on pregnant women to terminate a pregnancy. Since the 1973 judgment in the U.S Supreme Court, over fifty million abortions have occurred with about 4000 abortions happening every day. The choice to end a pregnancy may be a difficult one for any woman. Therefore, before deciding to go for an abortion, you should consider the following pros and cons on abortion. Pros of abortion It is a fundamental right for women The United States civil rights give a woman the ability to control her body. According to the U.S constitution, every individual has the right to choose. Abortion is never a simple conclusion to reach, however, since every woman has control over their bodies; they are at a better place to make the difficult choice. Hence, no law, individual or man should force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term against her desire. Abortion is a safe procedure The current procedure medical professionals use to carry out abortions is safe. Almost all abortions take place during the first trimester, and as such, they pose minimal risks of complications. Also, the procedure is carried out with care ensuring a woman remains healthy and can get pregnant in the future. It prevents the suffering of a child The advancement in technology has enabled physicians to detect various diseases in unborn babies. Disorders such as Down’s syndrome, Cerebral palsy, and hemophilia among others, cause a baby to suffer throughout their life. Thus, giving birth to a baby with an ailment that will make them suffer day and night is a cruel thing to do, suffering that abortion can prevent. Reduces the burden and suffering of a mother Giving life to an unwanted child can elicit untold suffering in a woman’s life. Getting a child requires one to meet emotional and financial responsibilities. If a woman is not ready to raise a child, it would be unfair to force her to do so, as it only serves to make the woman miserable and troubled. Also, about 73 percent of women opt for abortions due to lack of financial support to raise a child. Hence, terminating a pregnancy helps to prevent them from financial b...
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