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Judeo-Christian Concept of God and Evil Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Please read instructions carefully:

(1) Your paper should be argumentative. That is, you are arguing for or against a particular philosophical position or view. First, you should have an introductory paragraph stating what your thesis is.

For instance, suppose you are arguing that the presence of evil does not diminish the possibility of an all-good, all-knowing, all-powerful God—


In this paper I will be arguing that even though evil exists, it does not mean that the Judeo-Christian concept of God is false. This is because there are other explanations available. Namely….

(2) The body of your paper should contain a statement of the argument you are addressing (including any relevant factual information) also who makes the argument, and where it is found—


In the article God and the Problem of Evil, B.C. Johnson argues that there is too much evil in the world for there to be an omnipotent, omniscient and omni-beneficent God. He says….

(3) Next state your position as to why that argument is problematic (or why you think it is correct)


Johnson's argument fails to consider that there are reasons why God would allow evil even though he could prevent it if he wanted to do so. For Instance….

(4) State your solution to the problem (if applicable)—


The existence of evil does not pose a problem for the existence of Judeo-Christian God. One can explain God's failure to eliminate or prevent evil by ….. This explanation for evil does not lessen God's power or goodness.

(5) Discuss possible objections to your position—


Some may argue that my position is erroneous. They suggest that….

(6) Give your response to these objections—


These objections are not sound. First, they…….

(3)Conclusion/ Summation of your argument


For these reasons I conclude that the existence of evil does not pose a problem…..



Also, please check spelling and grammar!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Judeo-Christian Concept of God and Evil
Institutional Affiliation
Judeo-Christian Concept of God and Evil
In today's world, the existence of suffering and evil seems to pose a serious challenge to the people believing in the existence of God. The people are beginning to ask themselves questions such as; why does God seems not to know all about the horrible things that are going on in our world if He is believed to be all-knowing? If He was all-powerful, why is He not doing something about the suffering and evil and therefore conclude that if He was all perfect then would not all that happen and instead we find that our world is full of countless instances of misfortunes? This existence of suffering and evil seems to conflict with the claim that there is God (Scott, 2015).
In this paper, I will be arguing that the Judeo-Christian concept of God is not meant to be false with the existence of God. This is because there are other explanations available, such as; the problem of evil and animal suffering, the Bible, which represents suffering and evil in twelve different ways soul-making, denies the existence of evil which has been witnessed throughout the human history. However, despite this existence of evil, humanity has tried to reconcile this problem with a Supreme Being God. The attempts to reconcile the evils has led to a denial of its existence as well as to an agreement that God exists. Through the teachings provided in the Bible, Christians belief in a “judgment day” in which God will give His ruling on humankind based on their individual evil doings. However, according to Irenaean theodicy, by Irenaeus, asserts that that one cannot accomplish love for God if suffering and evil does not exist. It is believed that Satan is the primary cause of evil. Judaism and other religions such as Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, Ancient Greek religion, But believe that experiencing evil and suffering is compulsory part of the soul development, Islam who believe theism, Hinduism, and philosophers and many others.
In his quest to prove that God does not exist H.J. McCloskey claims the evil that is being witnessed on Earth is an automatic indication of God’s inexistence. He also criticizes the religious doctrines and beliefs which detail the existence of God. He asserts that "Here it can be shown, not that religious beliefs lack rational support, but that they are positively irrational, that several parts of the essential theological doctrine are inconsistent with one another." He goes further to state that "Evil is a problem, for the theist, in that a contradiction is involved in the fact of evil on the one hand and belief in the omnipotence and omniscience of God on the other." All these assertions are not correct because he fails to explain the origin of evil.
Epicurus, a Greek philosopher, argues that there is too much evil for there to be an omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent God. He says that, if indeed God is there evil should not be existing, but instead, the world is full of evil and misfortunes. He, therefore, concludes that an omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent god does not exist. The modern example of which the subsequent version tend to expand on supports that God exists, God is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient and that He wouldn't wish all these evils and suffering to happen. He knows how the existence of evil comes about and how they can be prevented because He is an omnipotent God, evil exists. Both of these arguments present two forms of logical problems of evil. Logical contradiction is seen in both, and therefore cannot be all correct.
Philosophical debates have proposed that there cannot be evil and suffering while God exists. with the presence of God, or He would have prevented them from happening but with theism defenders such as Leibniz arguing that to accomplish a greater good, God could exist and as well allow the existence of evil. The logical problem of evil can be resolved if it is true God is not omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent but God is not wholly good as believed by dystheists.
The argument of the impossibilities of God's existence with evil is problematic. The antitheist fails to consider the instances where God would allow evil even though he could prevent it if he wanted to do so. The inductive version of the problem of evil tend to show the existence of evil and suffering with God's presence but tends to lower the probability of the theism truth criticizing Plantinga's idea as an example, of a supreme being causing evil contradicts that it is logically impossible for such a being to exist but again argue that its existence is improbable due to lack of scientific evidence and thus its explanation for the existence of natural evils is unconvincing.
The problem of suffering has been extended beyond human beings to include animals such as the cruelty and diseases they suffer. The common version of this problem is based on the natural evil like fear and violence that animals face from predators as well as natural calamities. This version is known as the Darwinian problem of evil which states that "The suffering of millions of the lower animals throughout almost endless time, are apparently irreconcilable with the existence of a creator of ‘unbounded' goodness."
Another evil applied to animals is caused by human beings such as slaughter and even intentional killings when they destroy the property. Scholar Michael argues that this is the most complex form of evil that exists. However, those who believe in Gods existence and that he allows evil to happen conclude hold that God is omniscient, omnipotent and wholly good.
In one of the explanations of the evidence of evil and suffering existence; and the true presence of God is the Afterlife theodicy which justifies the existence of evil by addressing the problem of evil. The theodicy states that the human life is short and the afterlife is une...
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