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Example Questions For Business Interview A Business Owner

Essay Instructions:

BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Each student must conduct an interview with a business owner or upper level management. The interview must consist of minimum of 10 questions (see D2L for suggestions) posed to the interviewee. The interview needs to be completed and the  written assignment turned in by 3/18 at 11:59PM. A 5 to 10 minute presentation will be required for this assignment, in addition to a written assignment which should be between 2 to 3 pages.

Example Questions for Business Interview

What Work is Like

1. Could you describe one of your typical workdays?

2. What skills are required in your position on a day-to-day basis?

3. What parts of your job do you find most challenging?

4. What do find most enjoyable?

5. Are there any negatives to your job?

6. How many hours do you work in a typical week?

7. Which seasons of the year are toughest in your job?

8. How would you describe the corporate culture?

State of the Industry

9. Is this field growing enough so that there's room for someone like me?

10. Are too many or too few people entering this profession?

11. What developments on the horizon could affect future opportunities?

12. This industry has changed dramatically in the past five years. What have you seen from inside your company? Where do you think the changes will happen in the next five years?

13. How frequently do layoffs occur? How does it affect employees' morale?

14. Why do people leave this field or company?

15. Who are the most important people in the industry today?

16. Which companies have the best track record for promoting women and minorities?

17. Are there opportunities for self-employment in your field? Where?

Money and Advancement

18. What would be a reasonable salary range to expect if I entered this field? What is the long-term potential?

19. What is the advancement potential in the field? What is a typical path?

20. How did you get your job?

21. If you could start all over again, would you change your career path in any way? Why?

22. How long does it take for managers to rise to the top?

23. What is the background of most senior-level executives?

24. How do you handle the finances of your company?

More Information

25. What qualifications do you seek in a new hire?

26. How do most people enter this profession?

27. Where can I write to get up-to-date information on salaries, employers and industry issues?

28. What professional journals and organizations should I be aware of?

29. Is there anything else you think I need to know?

30. Who else would you recommend I speak with? When I call, may I use your name?

please use 10 of the above questions to do the interview. please send me a message if you have additional questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Interview with a business owner
The interviewee is the owner of a management consulting firm and assists businesses across industries in performing better by solving their external and internal strategic problems. He spent 12 years working for two global giants- Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey & Company.
Talking about his typical day, he highlighted the fact the knowledge is capital in the consulting industry, so he goes through the daily news to keep himself updated and try to learn about the different businesses and their operating environment. After reaching his office, he conducts morning meetings with the team leaders, to follow on the existing projects. After his meetings, he looks to catering of the queries of the clients by meeting them in person or responding them via phone or email. He is also responsible for bringing in new business for the growth of the firm.
He emphasizes on the fact that since he has to look after multiple activities on any day so multitasking is a necessary skill. He also talked about that as one grows in his career, the focus shifts from execution to supervision, so leadership is also another necessary skill. He also recommended that one should focus on improving their communications skills as client interaction is an integral part of the job.
He also talked about the corporate culture at his organization- He termed it to be very open so that anyone can pitch in their suggestions. This is a necessity of the job as they need to offer best solutions to the client and he strongly believes that anyone irrespective of the experience can come up with a good idea. He understands that there is a possibility that a new hire might not have the experience to analyze all the aspects or know how to execute it, so he can take guidance from the experienced team leaders and anybody can approach him as well. He also talked about the fact that their work requires them to travel a lot (which is exciting in the initial days, but as one age the excitement reduces). He also talked that he emphasizes on project completion and not the number of working hours. All that being said, he ensures that everybody in the organization maintains professionalism as client...
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