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Jobs Satisfaction

Essay Instructions:
Prepare a 1,050 to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following items:Define job satisfaction, Explain the impact that organizational socialization has on job satisfaction. Provide an example of how an organization can use organizational socialization to positively impact job satisfaction. Describe the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Provide an example of how an organization can use organizational commitment to positively impact job satisfaction. What factors are important in your personal job satisfaction. do not use...... Jex, S. M., & Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational psychology: A scientist-practitioner approach (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons
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Jobs Satisfaction
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(March 23, 2012)

Jobs Satisfaction
Job satisfaction resonates with the level of contentment an individual has regarding his/her job. It has been noted that happier employees are satisfied with the job they do. Job satisfaction relates with attitude and motivation, it identifies with the attitude in an individual that allows him/her like or hate the job (Stride et. al., 2007). Researchers have noted that job designs enhance the performance of individuals and job satisfaction. There are methods applied by the job design that influences the level of job satisfaction. The common ones in the market identifies with job enrichment, job rotation, job re-engineering and job enlargement. Organizational socialization relates to the process in new employees adapting to the existing organizational culture (Stride et. al., 2007).
It has been noted that there are other factors that influences the job satisfaction namely, employee involvement, management style, organizational culture, job autonomous and the empowerment issues. Organizations have identified it vital monitoring the levels of job satisfaction. This is because job satisfaction has been identified to have influence on the performance of the organist ions. Organizations employ rating scales in determining the levels of job satisfaction (Stride et. al., 2007). Rating scales entails monitoring the employee’s reactions to their jobs. Rating scales identifies with asking questions in work responsibilities, pay rates, tasks, co-workers perception and the promotional opportunities in place (Stride et. al., 2007). Rating scale has questions with ‘no’ and ‘yes’ answers and there are some questions with scaling of one to five. The result was one representing ‘not at all satisfied’ and five identifying with ‘extremely satisfied’ (Jones, 2012).
There are a number of theories developed by scientists that describe job satisfaction namely; Affect Theory, Equity Theory, Discrepancy Theory, Two Factor Theory or Motivator Hygiene Theory, Dispositional Theory, Job Characteristic Model and Opponent Process Theory. Researchers concur that environmental factors and emotions influence the job satisfaction.
Organizational socialization identifies with the organizational culture in place. This is critical considering that culture defines the way employees act in organizations. This is crucial because culture influences the employee’s relationships which in turn relates to the emotions of the individuals and ultimately affecting the job satisfaction in new employees (Stride et. al., 2007). Employee’s socialization is crucial in that individual employees assimilate with the organization which in turn influences the level of employee identification within the organization. Employees and organizations are dynamic in nature indicating that changes are evident (Stride et. al., 2007). An organization socialization that values and respects the employees results in a positive job satisfaction. This is crucial in that employees feel proud being associated with the organization, ultimately influencing the production of employees. This is vital considering that the employee’s works beyond the limits to maintain the healthy relationship with the organization (Stride et. al., 2007). Organizations that do not value the employees find hard times managing the employees, this in line that an organization socialization that disrespects its employees ultimately influences the job satisfaction in a negative way. Employees never get assimilated too the organizational culture. It becomes a style of working for the money.
There are various models that can be applied in impacting positively on the job satisfaction. There are productive behaviors and unproductive behaviors in organizations. Productive behavior is essential in organization socialization in that it contributes to the positive aspects of the organization. This is crucial considering the organizational culture in place that defines what is wro...
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