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Essay Instructions:
https://implicit(dot)harvard(dot)edu/implicit/ and click on demonstration . Complete at least two of the Implicit Association demonstration tests, one on race, and one on another area of prejudiced or stereotypical attitudes such as religion, age, weight or gender. As well, do some background reading on other areas of the website. Then answer the following questions in your journal. 1. What is implicit social cognition? 2. What is the IAT? What is it intended to measure and how does it work? (summarize in your own words, do not use descriptions straight from the website) 3. What were your results on each of the tests? Were you surprised by your results? If so, why, what had you expected? If not, again, why? 4. Do you think the IAT is an effective (valid) measure? That is, does it measure what it is intended to measure? Is that an effective measure of attitudes in your opinion? 5. Looking at the various causes of prejudicial attitudes (or lack of prejudicial attitudes) which theory(ies) best explain your two IAT results? Why?
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(25 March, 2012)
What is implicit social cognition?
Implicit social recognition is the use of attitude, stereotypes and self esteem to identify social behavior; this is based on a study that social behavior occurs unconsciously
What is the IAT? What is it intended to measure and how does it work?
IAT means an Implicit Association Test.
IAT is intended to measure the implicit or subconscious thoughts and views on a given topic or idea by answering basic questions about that topic; for instance, to understand the actual views or opinions of people on racism the IAT will ask questions related to that topic to access the actual views held.
What were your results on each of the tests? Were you surprised by your results? If so, why, what had you expected? If not, again, why?
For the first test on race the data suggested a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American. The second test on Career and Family data suggested a moderate association of Female with Career and Male with Family compared to Male with Career and Female with Family.
I was not surprised by the results as they reflected the questions answered, they reflected my mind and what I believe in. The questions seemed to be a reflection of what I think and believe in.
Do you think the IAT is an effective (valid) measure? That is, does it measure what it is intended to measure? Is that an effective measure of attitudes in your opinion?
IAT is an effective measure of the people’s opinion on a given topic, however it can be manipulated for those taking numerous tests as they will understand what is needed and indicate a different idea to achieve a malicious intent.
Looking at the various caus...
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