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Jane Jacobs’ Description of the Sidewalks and of "Public Character"

Essay Instructions:

“The Uses of Sidewalks: Contact,” by Jane Jacobs
Response Questions
1. On page 2, Jacobs shares the driving questions of her essay: "Why [is planned housing] dead and useless without the most determined efforts and expense to inveigh users - and then to maintain control over the users? What services do the public sidewalk and its enterprises fulfill that these planned gatherings do not? And why? How does an informal public sidewalk life bolster a more formal, organizational public life?" What are her answers to these questions?
2. What is Jacobs's definition of a "public character" (9)? Do you know any public characters in your neighborhood? If so, describe them and explain what roles they play in maintaining the "public" life of your neighborhood.
3. How do Jacobs's theories help to explain what Cadogan observed about the Upper East Side, Harlem, and Hunts Point in his essay "Due North"?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

“The Uses of Sidewalks: Contact,” by Jane Jacobs:
“The Uses of Sidewalks: Contact,” by Jane Jacobs - Response
In her work, “The Uses of Sidewalks: Contact,” Jane Jacobs explore the meaning and comprehension of “social space” in a city life. She examines both the strengths and weaknesses of the current cities of the U.S.A. In her analysis, she kicks off with the unpleasant cite of the city sidewalks. Jacobs’ description of the sidewalks gives a complete understanding of the whole city – including the way of life as well as the spaces the city persons have in the city. She illustrates what she thinks goes on in the minds of the city dwellers using her several encounters with the persons in the city sidewalks (Jacobs, J., 2014).
Jane’s concerns about how the city has changed are relevant going by her description of the city sidewalk. The changes can be explained by the increased population and poverty. These high poverty levels have direct implications on the social structure of the city. These social problems as described by Jane cannot be contained even by the highest kinds of social control and ...
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