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The Beneficial Effect of Psychological Counseling for Traumatic Event Victims

Essay Instructions:

2) Problem, Purpose, and the Question (Due in Week 1) a) Problem and Purpose i) Think about what you have learned with regard to the five critical steps of evidence-based practice. ii) In a formal paper of 350- 500 words: (1) Identify and describe one topic that may resolve a patient-care-quality problem or issue. (2) Draft a possible problem statement. (3) Describe a problem. Explain why it is a problem, and why it is significant to your discipline; using the literature you gathered, as support for why this is a problem in relationship to your practice. (a) The problem should focus on the resolution of an issue or problem significant to improving patient care. (4) Draft a purpose statement in relationship to your problem statement that states what you hope to accomplish if you implemented this project. b) Defining a Searchable, Answerable Question i) From what you wrote about your problem and purpose, write a question that will be the basis for your implementation plan. Word count is not relative in this section. (1) The background should include your research question in a PICO format. (2) Include evidence-based resources. ii) Use APA format, including a title page, introduction, and conclusion. An abstract is not required. Cite in-text and in the References section.

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The Beneficial Effect of Psychological Counseling for Traumatic Event Victims
The Beneficial Effect of Psychological Counseling for Traumatic Event Victims
One of the cornerstone pillars of healthcare is to improve the quality of human life. In most cases, delivery of healthcare services ends with the doctor’s diagnosis of an illness ands prescription of medicine. However, while this approach may be sufficient in treating mild symptoms and common infections, it may not be effective for serious and life-threatening cases. This is a problem in healthcare because although medical treatments may heal physical injuries, patients may have to endure emotional and psychological pain for the rest of their lives. For instance, rape victims experience stigmatization which affects their psychological, cognitive, and social development (Edna, et al. 1991). Other examples involve accident victims who lose their limbs, prisoners of war, combatant soldiers and people who experience traumatic events (Helzer, et al., 1987). The common factor in all these cases is that the subjects usually experience post-traumatic stress (Bradley, et al., 2005). Consequently, they might find it difficult to adjust to new life situations or assume normal lives after treatments for physical injuries. Such patients may experience post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms like stress, depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders.
In this regard, it is of great medical interest to explore the beneficial effect of psychological counseling for patients who experience traumatic events....
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