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ISIS Capabilities and Significant Threats to the United States' Homeland Security

Essay Instructions:

Can you do this in ISIS? you can decide some of the other requirements if it makes it easier.
Select a terrorist organization likely to conduct a major and imminent attack within the United States and complete an in-depth profile on the group you selected. This is the first portion of a three part series of research papers that are employed over the course of this class with papers due in weeks 3, 6 and 8. This same terrorist group and the hypothetical attack you describe in this Midterm paper will also be used for your following Progress and Final papers. In the next paper (progress assignment due in week 6) you will describe how to collect and analyze on this terrorist group. In the final paper due in week 8 you will describe how to stop the attack by making recommendations on how the Homeland Security Enterprise can be better supported with domestic intelligence.
2. Terrorist Group Profile (Organizational Assessment)
For this midterm, write a 5-7 page research paper that provides a description of the organization's ideology, goals & objectives, leadership, funding, and terrorist capabilities. Describe the groups' known or suspected weapons/lethal agents and delivery methods, and the tactics, techniques and procedures that they may use here in the homeland.
Make sure you pick either an international terrorist group from the Department of State list of foreign terrorist organizations, or if you pick a domestic group make sure it is really a terrorist organization (not just radicals). The Counter Extremist Project also has good details on Extremists Groups (but make sure to pick a terrorist organization). For example, the KKK is not a terrorist group (or even illegal in fact), they are a domestic hate group which has had members conduct violent acts and murder. For more on that, see the FBI's definition for international terrorism and domestic terrorism (while either a domestic or international group can work for these papers, overseas terrorist groups are the best ones to facilitate your following research papers). This first Red Cell paper is only to set you up to be able to research and write on how to conduct intelligence operations to protect the Homeland (the following papers). So, a domestic terrorist group may make your progress and final papers harder to write if the group is not sending terrorists from overseas.
3. Hypothetical Terrorist Attack:
In your paper describe in detail at least one major hypothetical terrorist attack on the U.S. Homeland by this group -- an event that could happen in the immediate future (an imminent attack). You do not need advance permission from the instructor on which group you choose, but if you are considering a group unlikely to attack the U.S, Homeland, then pick a different group that could potentially do so.
You can describe the full spectrum of capabilities the group has to conduct attacks on our Homeland in your paper from a specific single site attack (an iconic building), to complex synchronized or multi-city attacks, or even the use of WMDs. Describe only the terrorist capabilities and weapons that are relevant to an attack on our homeland (for example it does not matter that ISIS had battle tanks and other major weapons for this paper, only what they have that could be brought here to attack the US, or acquired here). You need to explain what the impending terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland would look like and how they would do it -- such as attacking a specific sporting event or a certain target you select for the organization. When it comes to picking a target(s) in one or multiple cities for your hypothetical attack(s), you can use your imagination and try to think like a terrorist (big impact, well covered by media, and fear spreading), or you can also considered the list of 31 DHS designated "High-Risk Jurisdictions" to select from (page B-2).
Also, it needs to be a planned attack by a group or at least a cell from the group, it can NOT be a lone wolf, nor can the attack be by a radicalized individual or citizens. While these homegrown attacks are much more likely, these lone wolf or radicalized individuals attacking within the U.S do not allow you to develop your future research papers on how to collect, analyze and then disrupt these attacks (the topics of your progress and final papers).
In sum, you must describe a specific physical attack (not just a cyber attack) on a target or targets that you assess the organization capable of conducting, and it must be an attack within the U.S. Homeland and be conducted by a trained group or a cell of terrorists (not homegrown or cyber only attack). In other words, if you pick al Qaeda or ISIS/ISIL then the attack cell needs to come from overseas like happened on 9/11 or with the 2009 underwear bomber on coming into Detroit or the NY City subway bombing plot, also in 2009 (a traditional terrorist cell that was trained overseas). Tell us how it was planned, surveyed, how they got in the U.S., how many there are in the attack cell, etc. If you are stumped on what they could target specifically, then I suggest this article Soft Targets are Easy Terror Targets.
Conducting a successful major terrorist attack is complicated operation involving a lot of planning, resourcing, reconnaissance, and rehearsals. Most groups use the terrorist attack cycle and include separate teams or cells for each of the following functions: support and logistics, weapons and bomb-making, reconnaissance and scout teams, as well as the attack cell itself. In your paper consider how your selected organization will use the terrorist attack cycle (see the below STRATFOR video for more) and make sure to specify exactly how many terrorists are in this attack cell. Also specify how they will do the scouting and reconnaissance, how will logistical and other support be secured, in what manner will practice runs and rehearsals take place, and exactly how will the attack unfold – so you need to specify how exactly they will attack and what exact location or target will they attack in one specific city (or multiple simultaneous attacks within one or more cities)
So, for your Red Cell papers, have your selected terrorist group use a cell of at least 3 personnel in the attack cell and use an attack model. Some example terrorist attack models include Tokyo sarin gas attack 1995, or the London subway/bus bombings of 2005. You could also describe a complex attack using multiple teams like happened in Mumbai India in 2008, the West Gate Mall Kenya in 2013, the Paris attack in 2015 (to name a few). But an attack by a single individual is NOT what we are looking for since a lone actor (an inspired/radicalized individual) is not an attack by a terrorist cell (so no homegrown only attacks). Make sure to explain exactly how many terrorists are in the attack cells; who did the scouting/reconnaissance; who is providing logistical and other support, how they infiltrated into the US, etc.
You may find this 3 minute STRATFOR Video on the terrorist attack cycle useful.
For more details see this 6 page appendix A on the Terrorist Planning Cycle in the Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty First Century (page 121).
Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 5-7 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the attached rubric.
please also see this

Essay Sample Content Preview:

ISIS Terrorist Group
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ISIS Terrorist Group
The United States has encountered numerous forms of terror attacks, posing significant threats to the critical infrastructures in the country. According to Leaveansworth (2007), terrorism denies human rights and democracy, thus, to violence and fear in the population. ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is one of the jihadist groups that utilize a violent ideology to maintain authority over all Muslims. Al Qaida inspired ISIS to pose significant threats across the United States. ISIS/Islamic State has supplanted Al Qaeda as a significant Jihadist threat. Following increased terror threats, the United States established an elaborate bureaucratic structure to counter insurgency and terrorism across the borders. ISIS is one of the terror groups that pose significant threats to the United States homeland security despite the government's efforts to prevent such attacks.
Islamic State originated in 1999 and pledged allegiance to the Al-Qaeda terror group. Following the invasion of Iraq by Western forces in 2003, ISIS participated in Iraqi Insurgency and pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda. The group proclaimed itself as a worldwide caliphate and referred to itself as Islamic State. As a result, ISIS claimed military, political, and religious authority over all Muslims worldwide. However, the United Nations, government, and Muslim groups have criticized the idea of ISIS being a caliphate, thus rejecting its statehood (Leaveansworth, 2005). The group executed ground attacks on opposition factions and government forces in Syria. In December 2015, ISIS covered an area extending from Eastern Syria to Western Iraq that contained 8-12 million people and enforced an interpretation of Sharia law.
The United Nations designated ISIS as a terrorist organization following its ground attacks on government forces. Besides, the group has destroyed cultural heritage sites and attacked civilians and soldiers. As a result, The United States holds ISIS accountable for executing war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and human rights abuses. For instance, the group committed ethnic cleansing and genocide historically across Northern Iraq (Sheehan, 2017). Over the years, Islamic State has expanded its operations outside the Middle East through its provinces and affiliates. Besides, ISIS has participated actively in the Philippines, Afghanistan, and Nigeria. The core objective of ISIS has been establishing itself as an Islamic state under Caliph as the supreme leader. According to the group’s beliefs, Caliph was the successor of the prophet Muhammad.
Terrorist Group Profile
ISIS has diverse demographics with different ethnicities, agendas, and age groups. The former followers of the Baathist regime under Saddam Hussein comprise a substantial portion of the group. Following the intervention of the United States, Baathist supporters who were not in military prisons went into hiding. After the United States troops withdrew, a power vacuum emerged due to the weaknesses of the interim government. The power vacuum was ideal for establishing ISIS, recognized as Al Qaeda in Iraq. Former Baathists collaborated with former members of Al-Qaeda to form ISIS. Besides, small insurgent groups joined together to establish Islamic State in Iraq under the leadership of Omar Al-Baghdadi, a former Baathist, and Abu Ayyub, a former member of Al-Qaeda.
ISIS targets many recruits to join the group and execute attacks in various countries. Community outcasts and the minority groups in the community are the main targets of the Islamic State. In most instances, recruits are men in their mid-twenties with a history of radical, violent, and criminal behavior (Hoffman, 2021). Besides, traditional Muslims with radical views are likely to join the terrorist group. Youth recruits find violent actions alluring and exciting, leading to the sustainable operations of the group. Similarly, Orthodox Muslims confuse the narrative of the Islamic State with legitimate traditional Islam and perceive joining the group as a pledge of loyalty to their faith affiliation. Lastly, refugees from the Syrian conflict swear their allegiance to ISIS in exchange for shelter, food, and safety.
ISIS has a wide range of funding sources to finance its critical operations across the United States and other countries. Self-financing, oil proceeds from refineries, kidnapping ransoms, taxation, and the sale of artifacts are the primary sources of funds for ISIS (Monshipouri et al., 2017). Despite the Saudi government’s condemnation of the Islamic State, wealthy Saudi business people fund the group’s activities...
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