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Domestic Intelligence Collection and Analysis on Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)

Essay Instructions:

continuation of other assignment ***please see links listen in assignment
Develop a research paper to address domestic intelligence collection and analysis of your selected terrorist group from your Red Cell Midterm Assignment. Building on the information that you started in your midterm, prepare a new research paper that addresses which intelligence collection disciplines and agencies are essential to effectively collect on and analyze information about the red cell threat you chose in 5-7 full pages of content (not counting title or reference pages).
2. Domestic Intelligence Collection and Analysis:
Specify the most effective intelligence collection and analysis methods against the terrorist organization likely to conduct an attack within the United States that you selected by clearing answering all 3 of the following:
A) What domestic intelligence collection efforts would be best utilized on the organization you selected? (Intelligence Collection disciplines discussed in week 5) Do not focus on overseas intelligence collection programs; this is an HLSS course and we are focused ONLY on collection within the U.S. homeland.
B) Which members of the IC would be the best collectors of intelligence on this particular organization within the country? (the intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the intelligence community we discussed in week 2) You may address agencies that collect overseas and within the homeland as the terrorism nexus overlaps both domains. You may also consider some of the field agencies of DHS (since DHS I&A is just an office and does not collect) as some of the operating components do collect like ICE, CBP, USCG, and the Secret Service (who does focus on terrorism financing). Again, this is a Homeland Security course, so focus on the agencies that can support the homeland (like the FBI), NOT primarily overseas intelligence collection of foreign targets. Clearly focus your paper only on domestic intelligence and law enforcement and remember the CIA does not collect intelligence on Americans domestically, they are a foreign intelligence agency (as are ALL of the military intelligence branches). See the readings from week 5 as well as this link to Executive Order 12333 (2008) https://fas(dot)org/irp/offdocs/eo/eo-12333-2008.pdf. However, the NSA is very different as they can and do collect both foreign and domestic communications (when authorized by a court [like FISA] or under certain conditions by the Attorney General to support the FBI). See https://www(dot)nsa(dot)gov/about/faqs/sigint-faqs.shtml
C) What intelligence analysis strategies would be the most effective and why? (choose only from the analytical strategies discussed in the week 6 lesson and specifically the reading A tradecraft primer: Structured analytic techniques for improving intelligence analysis or found at this link https://www(dot)hsdl(dot)org/?abstract&did=20945). Remember that critical thinking (brainstorming) and situational logic DO NOT in themselves constitute an analytical approach -- be specific and pick at least two specific strategies you think will help analyze what can be collected on a clandestine terrorist group attempting to attack the U.S. homeland.
Note: Only focus here in this progress paper on intelligence collection disciplines, the most appropriate IC agencies to play a role, and the most effective analytical techniques to employ in this scenario. As a paper for this HLSS course, these questions are to be answered as it relates to collecting and analyzing intelligence on the terrorist group plans and activities within the U.S. as they prepare to attack. Do not address how to stop this attack, that will be the topic of your recommendations in your final paper due in week 7. That final paper will address what law enforcement and security officials here in the homeland can do to detect, identify, and warn on and potentially stop the hypothetical attack. You should readdress your hypothetical attack from your midterm using only a paragraph or two (unless you were specifically told that you did not address the attack in sufficient detail in your midterm).
Technical Requirements:
Your paper must be at a minimum of 5-7 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the attached rubric.
use additional sources as needed

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Domestic Intelligence Collection and Analysis
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Domestic Intelligence Collection and Analysis
The United States encounters many threats both overseas and within its borders. The significant threats are foreign intelligence activities, foreign-inspired terrorism, and foreign-based terror attacks. As a result, the government should enact effective mechanisms to gather intelligence information and counter terrorist threats. Information sharing between key stakeholders is one of the key strategies to address the challenge of terror attacks across the United States. Foreign intelligence entities recognize the United States as a high-priority intelligence target. Although the threat has been on military, diplomatic, and political interests, losing sensitive information is a significant challenge to national security. Although terrorism has been one of the major concerns across the United States, the federal government can utilize domestic intelligence collective efforts to deter criminals from executing malicious intentions.
Domestic Intelligence Collection Efforts
The collection of intelligence is a crucial strategy of the United States government to address the prevalent issue of terrorism. Therefore, the government should obtain information about the operations of ISIS within and outside the nation’s borders as the first step to disrupt terrorist plots. Over the years, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has focused on intelligence collection as a critical step to combat potential terror attacks from ISIS (Zhongming et al., 2021). However, the federal government must collaborate with all key stakeholders, law enforcement officials, and intelligence officials to provide preventive action that protects American citizens. The strategy would enable the justice department to take appropriate measures to defend the country against planned terrorist attacks.
Intelligence collection and apprehension have been a significant focus across the United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation, among other organizations, conducts intelligence collection as a critical strategy to deter criminals from executing their malicious intentions. Following the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, the federal government incorporated criminal intelligence sharing and intelligence led-policing to gather information about terror activities (Miller, 2021). Law enforcement officials at local and state levels facilitate intelligence collection to enhance national security. Similarly, counterintelligence effectively gathers information about the adversary while weakening foreign intelligence operations.
Internet traffic, satellites, human sources, and wiretapping are the main methods of data collection to address terrorism. However, intelligence organizations should comply with the law to facilitate legal information collection. The critical objective of intelligence gathering is to identify foreign adversaries' information regarding a country’s assets. In such a case, intelligence gathering occurs at foreign and domestic territories (Thomas, 2019). Intelligence agencies can gather information about foreign adversaries to exploit existing vulnerabilities and weaknesses. In such a case, the government and political leaders can identify the nation’s assets vulnerable to terror attacks by Islamic State.
Collectors of Intelligence on ISIS
Firstly, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a law enforcement agency that collects and shares intelligence regarding the mission and malicious intentions of ISIS. The agency has authority over terrorist and criminal acts in the United States. In such a case, it would be possible to protect the citizens against national security threats on the nation’s borders. FBI has a mission to uphold the constitution and protect the citizens against any form of threats. Notably, the agency would collect authorized intelligence and professional investigations to identify and counter threats from ISIS as a domestic terrorist group. Similarly, the agency would execute extraterritorial criminal investigations by identifying terror groups' supporters across the United States. FBI will have to design and implement counterterrorism mechanisms that help to minimize terror threats.
FBI should conduct counterintelligence activities and coordinate the efforts of other related agencies for the intelligence community within the United States’ borders. As a collector of intelligence, the FBI will coordinate the efforts of government agencies and departments to protect the critical infrastructures through pinpointing and investigating intrusions of terrorist groups through cyber-attacks. Equally, the agency will conduct professional investigations to identify and dismantle emerging criminal enterprises whose activities affect the safety of United States citizens (Coulthart, 2017). In such a case, the FBI would address the missions of ISIS, which threaten the Americans and their properties. A critical mission in counterterrorism efforts is to review and assess the per...
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