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Marketing: Peloton

Essay Instructions:

As the Peloton is experiencing slow growth and low sales, the question becomes, where do they go from here?
Please explain how Pepoton should market its product to gain market shares and customers using class and lecture notes.
APA Style, which includes a cover and reference page.
250-Word Minimum
Support your Opinion with research and source facts.

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Peloton is experiencing slow growth and slow sales. Such a factor can affect the company in the long run because slow growth and slow sales reduce the company’s profitability. If a company is making low profits, it would be challenging to take care of its obligations. This means that the company will have to seek external funding to cater to the obligations. Such forms of funding could be new investments or loans. New investments would be a challenge because a substantial number of investors would not be willing to invest in a company that does not show signs of growth. Therefore, Peloton needs to develop a growth strategy to continue making huge profits. The huge profits would make it possible for the company to cater to its long-term and short-term financial obligations (Carlson, 2019). In turn, Peloton would not have to deal with growth issues.
The ideal growth strategy for Peloton would involve an expansion of its market share. A reduced market share is one of the main reasons companies experience a reduction in sales. Peloton is experiencing slow growth, and therefore, it needs to market its products to ensure they reach a huge number of individuals. Given the current technological advancements, Peloton would find it easy to market its products on the internet. Many consumers spend a substantial amount of time on the internet, and therefore, a marketing campaign that focuses on internet users would be a success. The more people the marketing campaign reaches, the higher sales would be. Peloton should also focus on traditional advertising because many of its potential consumers rely on ...
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