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Final Examination – Is the Punishment of Reading Enough?

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Teenage Vandals Were Sentenced to Read Books. Here’s What One Learned

By Christine Hauser

A Virginia judge handed down an unusual sentence last year after five teenagers defaced a historic black schoolhouse with swastikas and the words “white power” and “black power.”

Instead of spending time in community service, Judge Avelina Jacob decided, the youths should read a book.

But not just any book. They had to choose from a list of ones covering some of history’s most divisive and tragic periods.

The horrors of the Holocaust awaited them in Night, by Elie Wiesel. The racism of the Jim Crow South was there in Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. The brutal hysteria of persecution could be explored in The Crucible by Arthur Miller.

A year has passed since the youths spray-painted their hateful messages on the side of the Ashburn Colored School, a one-room, 19th-century classroom that had been used by black children during segregation in Northern Virginia. The swastikas and words were long ago covered with paint. The teenagers have read their books and written their reports.

The charges, destruction of private property and unlawful entry, were dismissed in January, Alejandra Rueda, a deputy commonwealth attorney who suggested the reading sentence, said.

“I hope that they learned the lesson that I hoped that they would learn, which was tolerance,” Ms. Rueda said.

So, did they?

What one teenager learned

The juveniles who vandalized the old schoolhouse in Ashburn, a community of about 43,000 people northwest of Washington, D.C., could not be identified because of their ages. But the commonwealth attorney’s office has said they were public school students ages 16 and 17. Two were white, and three were nonwhite.

One of the teenagers agreed for this article to share the list of books that he chose. Among them were The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, set in Afghanistan; To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee; The Tortilla Curtain, by T.C. Boyle, about a Mexican couple trying to make a life in California, and Things Fall Apart, a tale of Nigeria by Chinua Achebe.

He wrote that two books affected him deeply: 12 Years a Slave, a memoir by Solomon Northup, a free black man who was kidnapped in 1841 and sold into slavery in Louisiana, and Night.

An excerpt from one of his court-ordered essays was provided to The New York Times, with his permission, by his defense lawyer. He describes not fully knowing what a swastika meant, and that he thought it “didn’t really mean much.”

“Not anymore,” he wrote. “I was wrong, it means a lot to people who were affected by them. It reminds them of the worst things, losing family members and friends. Of the pain of torture, psychological and physical. Among that it reminds them how hateful people can be and how the world can be cruel and unfair.”

Now, he wrote, he sees the swastika as a symbol of “oppression” and “white power, that their race is above all else, which is not the case.”

He also wrote that while he had studied this period in history class, the lesson lasted only a few days.

“I had no idea about how in depth the darkest parts of human history go,” he wrote.

He wrote that he feels “especially awful” that he made anyone feel bad.

“Everybody should be treated with equality, no matter the race, religion, sex or orientation,” he wrote in his essay. “I will do my best to see to it that I never am this ignorant again.”

How the community reacted

After the graffiti episode in September 2016, the Ashburn schoolhouse underwent a renovation organized by students from the Loudoun School for the Gifted, a private high school that owns it. Money was raised, work teams were drawn from community volunteers, and the little schoolhouse eventually opened as a museum.

Some criticized the sentence. For example, an English teacher at Loudoun balked at the idea of associating reading with punishment, said Deep Sran, the school’s founder.

Kamran Fareedi, 17, a senior at Loudoun, had been working on the renovation before the vandalism. He said he thought the sentence “reeks of pampering and no consequences.”

"When I heard that the punishment was that they were going to have to do homework assignments, I was very disappointed,” he said. "All over the country we have a giant mass incarceration problem. And particularly African Americans do the slightest thing, their interaction with the criminal justice system is way more harsh. When people of color make mistakes they don’t get the chance to start over.”

He said the fact that three of the youths were minorities also reflected the economic privilege of youths in the Ashburn area.

“It is astonishing that they are that disconnected from the serious implications of their history and their heritage and people of their background today in non-privileged areas,” Mr. Fareedi said.

Shailee Sran, a 16-year-old student at the school, said she hoped that the teenager learned the value of bravery in defending what is right from his reading of To Kill a Mockingbird.

“I actually thought the punishment made sense,” she said. “I feel like if they don’t understand what they did wrong it is not helping the problem. It is just teaching them not to get caught.”

“It is like what we were doing in trying to restore the schoolhouse,” Ms. Sran added. “We are trying to remember and trying to show people what happened and what is still happening. This shouldn’t be forgotten.”

In both cases, the youths also had to visit museums and had the option of watching relevant documentaries and speeches.

Ms. Rueda, the commonwealth attorney, said she saw the sentence as an opportunity to expand their minds. “Is it going to change their perspective on swastikas if you put them in the juvenile center and locked them up?” she said.


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Final Examination – Is the Punishment of Reading Enough?
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December 18, 2020
Understanding the importance of diversity and inclusivity in society is important for any student. It allows him to have a better awareness of the societal issues that are not visible at first glance and develop a keen awareness of the things that he could do to change for the better. Accordingly, this article would focus on an analysis of the case of children who were punished for vandalizing a historic black schoolhouse with racist remarks with a reading assignment. Particularly, the author would like to provide his idea about the debate whether the punishment of reading is enough to sanction the students for their acts. All in all, the author believes that the punishment of reading is the best course of action, not only for the students but even for the general society as well.
Reading as a Punishment
One of the reasons why the imposition of a reading punishment was the best decision for the case is because they are also victims of the current educational system. Despite the inclusion of diversity and inclusivity in the school system, there are still a lot of lapses that limits the children’s awareness about the experience of the minorities under the hands of their tormentors. This could be evidenced from the fact that one of the perpetrators only realized that what they drew (swastika) was a “symbol of oppression” and that the minorities have suffered a lot of discrimination, violence, and even death, during the past CITATION Hau18 \l 1033 (Hauser, 2018). In other words, it shows that since the perpetrators were also merely victims of the educational system,...
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