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Introduction and Philosophy of Leadership

Essay Instructions:

In your final project, you will provide a summative statement about the leadership skills you have studied. This project can serve as a Personal Leadership Best Practices Manual that you can refer to long after you have left the course. You will also be reflecting on the lessons in leadership that have been covered in this course, and you will assess how they may have impacted your approach to leading.

Students are provided the opportunity to analyze and evaluate approaches to leadership as well as analyze, evaluate, and improve their own style, skills, vision, and ethics. Specifically, the student should:

Demonstrate comprehension and analysis of course topics and objectives;

Provide a personal evaluation of your leadership style, vision, and ethics;

Set out a plan for improving and applying your skills, vision, and ethics in your business life; and

Use personal examples to best illustrate the concepts you are describing.


The following outline indicates the topics and items that your evaluation should cover:

1. Introduction and philosophy of leadership. Explain the dynamics of leadership.

2. Core leadership skills. Describe your competency and development plan in the following areas: your administrative skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills.

3. The value of vision. Identify the purpose and characteristics of a vision.

4. Setting the tone. Illustrate how attention to both vision and core skills supports organizational strategies and goals.

5. Challenges: out-groups, conflict, and obstacles. Describe how you will create strategies for responding to both group/out-of-group members and handling conflict.

6. Your leadership style. Demonstrate how your skills, vision, and the role of ethics and social responsibility impact your personal and/or professional life.

Report Specifications:

Label the six topics described above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
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Course Tittle
Introduction and Philosophy of Leadership
Leadership is a multifaceted machine that involves defining an aim or target, encouraging others to act, and offering guidance and inspiration to accomplish mutually agreed-upon objectives. As per Peter DeLisle, leadership is the power to influence people, whether by authority or not. A leadership philosophy is a collection of values-based concepts about how a leader must behave and the origins of authority. Any leadership philosophy is a collection of beliefs and practices. It consists of a collection of principles and convictions. Philosophy is a collection of reference points or a framework used to construct, create, and apply systems, judgments, behaviors, and plans, among other things. Finally, leadership philosophy ties governance to society, morals, ethics, and, most importantly, trust. Leadership philosophies assist in comprehending how a leader gains and maintains control. They are not intended to be seen as a blueprint or a template, but they offer way more insight into the broader factors of and impact on leadership from a human's perspective. Servant Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Ethical Leadership, and Values-Based Leadership are only a few of the leadership principles (Rudolph, 2018).
Finally, leadership is a question of deep persuasion and firm belief in a basis or goal, whatever the reason or goal might be. It is almost as though it is a mental state. To govern, one must not need to be "instinctive" a leader; all you require is to change your mindset or be sufficiently motivated by a purpose. Your theory is most likely already known to you if you have sound ethics and straightforward goals. Moreover, it is through this that you will grow. It is vital to apply all of the ideas in tandem and ensure that everyone and everything work towards the same target. Examine your thoughts and actions to get a better understanding of yourself. Is that in line with the core values? Is it inspiring for others to keep their motivation and performance up? It is essential to examine your ideals and convictions to see if they will help you achieve your goals. Be aware that it does not describe the leadership style or model; instead, it lays the groundwork.
Leadership Dynamics
Leadership is a process rather than an end target. Moreover, as in any process, you must be ready for both the anticipated and unforeseen challenges. Successful leadership does not happen by chance, regardless of how you become a leader. Interpersonal Communications, Conflict Resolution, and Problem Solving are only a few of the critical competencies and skills required to lead successfully. Furthermore, three aspects of interpersonal efficacy are directly related to the nature of leading: awareness, ability, and commitment (Laurindo, 2018).
The ability to identify oneself, people, activities, and circumstances in real-time is known as awareness. It is the capacity to evaluate the effect of one's decisions on circumstances and others while still being critical of oneself. It is just a learning method influenced by things like knowledge, conversation, self-awareness, and input. Our professions are built on our ability to study and comprehend technological problems. To lead is a trait of authority, which includes negotiating, settling disputes, fixing challenges, and making choices. We affect others as team members in a collective attempt to discover new solutions or solve problems. Commitment: Even in no-win situations, one must make a complex judgment. Everyone is aware of the issues; nobody can take action. "You said that you would do anything it takes to make things right," and now I am willing to assist you. A commitment was made (Laurindo, 2018).
Core Leadership Skills
Successful leadership is difficult to achieve and necessitates a set of skills. Administrative skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills are therefore essential skills that any leader must perform a successful management job. In order to create a personal strategy to improve my leadership skills, I must first recognize that leadership is a combination of skills and expertise that can be observed and learned. Leadership is a collaborative process, and leaders come with a variety of personality traits, each with a distinct intent and set of objectives (Pidgeon, 2017)
I consider myself to be reasonably competent in creative and critical thinking. Depending on the situation, I can switch between the two to find the optimal solution to whatever problem is at hand. Without question, one of the qualities that I need to acquire to be a successful leader is conceptual skills. It would allow me to envision an organization as a whole by allowing me to generate and articulate the solutions that form an organization's objectives and purpose and addressing challenges in the most effective way. As a leader, the conceptual skills would assist me in setting targets and making plans for any occasion.
I plan to develop my competency skills further by attending more seminars and conferences to learn new skills in handling different situations and problems. Moreover, I will also do my reading on critical thinking and ways to go about decision-making to gain more insight on and learn how to develop my skills. Moreover, I will open myself up to new challenges by getting out of my comfort zone. Like that, I will get first-hand experiences in handling unexpected situations (Browning, 2018).
I could say that I am very self-aware of myself and those around me; I can make decisions that consider my needs and other people's needs. I also work well in teams. I can collaborate and accommodate people's thoughts and opinions. Since leaders must communicate and collaborate with others, interpersonal skills are advantageous. As a leader, interpersonal skills enable me to successfully guide, inspire, learn, connect, build team spirit, and collaborate with my team members.
I will acquire this skill by cultivating more of a positive outlook; By teaching and reminding myself to be positive at all times, I can separate my feelings in professional environments and thus prevent myself from lashing out at people when angry. Moreover, I plan on developing more of my interpersonal skill by learning to be an active listener. I will achieve this by learning to talk less and listen more (Pidgeon, 2017)
A good competency I have is that I am a very responsible person. I value organization and time management. So I have never gone past the deadline on any task, be it professional or personal. Making arrangements and policy necessitated managerial expertise, and a leader is expected to do so. I will undoubtedly need particular abilities to complete tasks, organize operations, delegate high-level functions to t...
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