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Essay Instructions:
During the first three weeks of the block, you are to interview the oldest person you know. This person can be anyone you know or the most senior living family member you know. Many students enjoy interviewing family; others prefer interviewing older people from their work environments, etc. You are to ask them about the changes they have seen in their lifetime. To do that, you need to explain to them what social change is. To explain what social change is, you have to understand what it is. Make sure you do this by reviewing the resources provided below and recording it in your essay. The definition of social change we use in this course is that it refers to the transformation of culture, behavior, social institutions, and social structures over time. You are to record five social changes they like and five they dislike. These are not to be one-line answers. Have them elaborate. You are then to comment on what you have learned from your interviewee regarding material and nonmaterial/ideational aspects of their lives. Discuss these changes with him or her: Why are they important? What were their causes? How have they affected the person you are talking to, even if they are unaware of it? The essay's main objective is to enhance your understanding of the causes of social change - have the changes your subject witnessed and experienced been materialistic or ideational? CONVENTIONS: Your paper is to be in APA format and be at least four pages in length; that’s four pages of text plus a cover page. No reference page is required, nor would one be necessary. You should include a complete introduction telling the reader what you are doing and what your paper is about. Also, I expect you to introduce the person (who they are), why you chose them, how you interviewed them, and where (in person or over the phone). The body of your paper should include a narrative that can be in the first or third person or descriptive (“he said,” “she said”) or a summary or description of what was said by the interviewee and the questions you asked. Change comes in many forms. What must be included, therefore, is the answer to the questions relating to what they liked and disliked. In your conclusion, please give me your thoughts about what they said and what you learned. To repeat one part of the above, include comments and ideas on the type (materialistic or ideational) of changes they experienced. Anticipate spending up to three hours on this project. No shortcuts, please. Finally, before embarking on your adventure, review the material below, particularly the rubric, and use it as a guide for the content of your essay. Your paper is due at the end of Week 3. Resources for assessment: Week 1 PowerPoint-Social ChangeLinks to an external site. Material and Ideational Perspectives on What Causes Social ChangeLinks to an external site. Grading RubricLinks to an external site. Review the Grading Criteria in the rubric for this assignment and use it as a guide for your essay format. Rubric Interview Paper Rubric Interview Paper Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction to the paper should include the following elements: 1. Who is the person you chose to interview? 2. Why did you choose to interview this person? 3. How did you interview them and where? 4. Why are you doing this? 5. What do you hope to accomplish in the paper? 15 to >14.0 pts Excellent All five required introductory elements are present! 14 to >11.1 pts Good Four of the five required introductory elements are present! 11.1 to >9.0 pts Emerging Two to three of the five required introductory elements are present! 9 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory Only one of the five required introductory elements is present, or no introduction is given. 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody of your paper to include the following: 1. How did you explain the concept of social change to the interviewee? 2. In your narrative, clearly show the five social changes they like and the five social changes they dislike (do not mix them). 3. Are they materialistic or ideational? 50 to >46.67 pts Excellent An extensive description of what social change is given to the interviewee, and the five changes the interviewee likes and the five social changes the interviewee dislikes are described and discussed in terms of their being materialistic or ideational. 46.67 to >37.0 pts Good A clear description of what social change is given to the interviewee, and the five changes the interviewee likes and the five social changes the interviewee dislikes are described and discussed in terms of their being materialistic or ideational. 37 to >30.0 pts Emerging A minimal description of what social change is given to the interviewee, and the five changes the interviewee likes and the five social changes the interviewee dislikes are described and discussed, but little attention is paid to their being materialistic or ideational. 30 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory Minimal or no description of social change was given to the interviewee; the changes they have seen were described but not discussed in terms of their being materialistic or ideational. 50 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection (conclusion) should include your thoughts on 1. The five changes they like. 2. The five changes they dislike. 3. What was the experience of interviewing like? 4. What did you learn? 10 to >9.33 pts Excellent All four reflective elements are present and discussed at length. 9.33 to >7.4 pts Good Three of the four required reflective elements are present and discussed. 7.4 to >6.0 pts Emerging Only two of the four required reflective elements are present and discussed. 6 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The conclusion has few reflective elements and is less than a full paragraph (defined as five sentences). 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConventions Proper writing style (proofreading), Organization, Sentence structure, Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Clarity 15 to >14.0 pts Excellent 1 to 3 errors 14 to >11.1 pts Good 4 to 6 errors 11.1 to >9.0 pts Emerging 7 to 10 errors 9 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory More than ten (10) errors 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength (cover page is not included in page count) (1) 4 or more pages (2) 3-4 pages (3) 2-3 pages (4) Less than 2 pages. A reference page would not be needed, but if provided, it is not included in the page count. 5 to >4.0 pts Excellent 4 or more pages 4 to >3.0 pts Good 3 to 4 pages 3 to >1.0 pts Emerging 2 to 3 pages 1 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory Less than 2 pages 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness 5 pts Excellent Received by the end of Week Three (or within a time frame agreed upon by the instructor and an individual student if additional time is required for the assignment by that student). 3:00 AM for West Coast students. 4 pts Good Received one to two days late (without the instructor's permission). 3 pts Emerging Received three to four days late (without the instructor's permission). 1 pts Unsatisfactory Received more than five days late (without the instructor's permission). 5 pts Total Points: 100 Here is the List of the Oldest people I selected for the interview: 1. Roland (Father Age 70) 2. Aunt Esther(age 85) 3. Mother-in-law (age 61) ++++++CLIENT UPDATE This interview will take place on March 16, 2024, and March 17, 2024, respectively. Interviews one, will take place on March 16, 2024, at 12 p.m. Interview two and three will take place on march 17, 2024 at 2pm and 5pm. Review the Grading Criteria one last time and use it as a guide for your essay format. [Weight = 15%) The INTRODUCTION to the paper should include the following elements: Who is the person you chose to interview? how old are they? Why did you choose to interview this person? how did you interview them and where? Why are you doing this? What do you hope to accomplish in the paper? [Weight = 50%] The BODY of your paper to include the following: how did you explain the concept of social change to the interviewee? What was the explanation given? In your narrative, clearly show the five social changes they like and the five social changes they dislike (do not mix them). Are they materialistic in nature or ideational? [Weight = 10%] Your REFLECTION (conclusion) should include your thoughts on: The five changes they like. Were they materialistic or ideational? The five changes they dislike. Were they materialistic or ideational? What was the experience of doing the interview like? What did you learn? [Weight = 15%] Proper writing style and number of errors in conventions (proofreading) Organization Sentence structure Spelling Punctuation Grammar Clarity APA style ~~~~~~~~~ !!!!!!! Hello, I just found out that I am suppose to interview only the oldest person. So on this assignment, only do the paper on my aunt Esther please.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Change Interview Student’s Name Institution Course Name and Number Lecturer’s Name Due Date Social Change Interview Social change is the transformation of human behavior, relationships, cultural norms, interactions, and social institutions over time. These changes have profound and long-term effects on society. Popular examples of social change stem from the civil rights movement, the LGBTQ rights movement, the feminist movement, the abolition of transatlantic trade, the reformation, and the green movement. These movements have contributed significantly to the transformation of relationships, institutions, and cultural norms. The primary aim of social change is to promote equality. History depicts that social movements played a key role in addressing racial discrimination, the slave trade, and many aspects of social injustices in the US and around the world. Currently, society is becoming more inclusive and equitable courtesy of social change. In this paper, I will interview my neighbor, an eighty-two-year-old African-American. I call him ‘my grandpa’ because he qualifies to be one. In my interview, I will ask ‘my grandpa’ about the social changes he has seen in his lifetime. I will also record the social changes that the interviewee likes and dislikes, and comment on what I have learned from ‘my grandpa’ regarding material and nonmaterial aspects of his life. I chose to interview ‘my grandpa’ because he has experienced a lot in life. In his early eighties, ‘my grandpa’ has significant insight on social change topics. This was a face-to-face interview. It allowed me to capture the emotional depth behind the participant’s responses. Observing and hearing the interviewee speak about his experiences adds a layer of depth to the invaluable data. With face-to-face interviews, I could tell how ‘my grandpa’ felt about some questions asked. His reactions helped me establish a deeper connection and understand the intensity of the questions and topics raised. When explaining social change to ‘my grandpa’, I explained to him that it is a societal transformation influenced by a large group of people interested in making society a better place. I used African American freedom as an example because they have obtained more rights today compared to the past. Back in ‘my grandpa’s’ days, black people were racially segregated and discriminated against in every life aspect. However, this has changed and African Americans have equal rights. Today, racial discrimination is unlawful in the US following the enactment of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin. Upon understanding the concept of social change and social movements, the first social change ‘my grandpa’ likes...
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