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Inquiry Seminar on Queer and Feminist Publics

Essay Instructions:

This week's reading is about home spaces, identity, queerness, and the Broadway musical. First, read through the essay and find a meaningful quotation that stood out to you. Secondly, write about a musical that you grew up with or that you recently watched (this can include musicals on TV, film, or on stage) and how your experience of this musical might have connected you with a public, or a community of people. If you can't think of a musical, you can also write about a song that was meaningful to you. How does your experience connect to the D.A. Miller essay?

writer can chose anything from the reading

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Inquiry Seminar: Queer and Feminist Publics Updated
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Inquiry Seminar: Queer and Feminist Publics Updated
The essay's most meaningful quotation is "wise men never try" (Miller, 1998, p. 22). The quote expresses how D. A Miller considers himself wise for failing to express his feelings to his secret admirer, who is a man. Miller is secretly in love with another man, but he cannot speak it out, raising numerous emotions and leading to some musical recordings. Later on, Miller and his secret admirer get connected because they have the same taste in music, but still, Miller fails to express his feelings because he is not sure how the man would react. Concerning the quote, a wise person tries; an individual who fails to try is a coward. Trying enables individuals to express their feelings and emotions to the people they want to be with. Whether an individual will be judged or not, whether their proposal ...
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