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Engagement with Contract Grading

Essay Instructions:

Labor Based Grading has been theorized by many recent scholars, including Asao Inoue. For this grading badge, you will (1) read a blog post by Inoue on grading contracts as an anti-racist practice; (2) evaluate and reflect on your experience with a grading contract in this course; (3) make connections between the grading contract and the content of this course.

First, either read or listen to Inoue’s blog post.

Then, craft an essay response (500-750 words) that engages with Inoue's ideas, drawing connections between your experience and the concepts of this course. Responses should go beyond summarizing Inoue's text and engage with this theorization of language, violence, and evaluation.

Questions to consider: How does Inoue's articulation of a labor-based grading contract as anti-racist pedagogy connect to bell hooks’ articulations of "emancipation" and education? How has your experience with this system encouraged or limited "freedom" in writing? In your experience, is this system of grading just? If not, what alternatives do you recommend?


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Labor-Based Grading Contracts
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Labor-Based Grading Contracts
Labor-based grading is a system that produces a final course grade by focusing on how much labor or efforts a student does in the course. Several scholars have discussed labor-based grading contracts and how they apply to the life of the learner. In this case, it can be argued that students are better off illustrating their efforts if they wish to score higher. Asao B. Inoue produces several blog posts on this subject, and the ideas presented therein help develop a further understanding of how this grading system works. One of the blogs simply seeks to answer the question of what a labor-based grading system is and how it produces a final course grade in a writing course (Inoue, 2021). The arguments that Inoue presents show that writing a paper is an end product of a student's labor rather than the labor itself. The labor is the act of writing, which means that the piece of writing is not the one that is graded. Rather, the efforts that the learner has put towards producing the piece of writing are what is graded.
From personal experiences in the literature and writing course, labor-based grading has often manifested itself in the amount of work given in class. In many cases, the written assignments are not prioritized as the teachers focus on making the students engage on a subject through discussions and reflections. The learning process often takes place through engaging with the teacher and peers in the classroom, where the efforts of each student are monitored. Even though not as elaborate as Inoue describes it, labor-based grading contracts ...
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