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Information Systems Integration Project

Essay Instructions:

Health care information is highly complex, dynamic, and time-oriented, and it is important for students to understand the growth of technology in health care. This assignment is designed to assist the student in gaining a broader understanding of the complexity and challenges that accompany the integration of health information technology. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of efficiency, effectiveness, and the challenges of overcoming the barriers while utilizing technology in the management of a health care organization.

The Information Systems Integration Project assignment has two components: an individual written paper (Part One), and a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) slide presentation (Part Two). The Part One assignment is due in Topic 4. The Part Two assignment is due in Topic 8.

Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) groups will be assigned by the instructor in Topic 3. The instructor will observe group participation within the CLC discussion forums; therefore all materials and communication for both Part One and Part Two of the Information Systems Integration Project assignment should be exchanged in this forum between team members. Individuals not participating may lose points at the end of the assignment.


For the Information Systems Integration Project - Part One assignment individual students are required to interview at least one health care IT professional regarding the integration of a health management information system (HMIS) into an existing facility. You will need to develop your own interview questions to successfully complete this assignment. Please read chapter 7 in your textbook prior to completing your IT professional interview and address the chapter questions to assist you in formulating appropriate and insightful interview questions.

You will use the results of the individual Information Systems Integration Project - Part One assignment for the Part Two CLC component in Topic 8.

After completing your individual interview(s), compose a 1,000-1,250 word paper that includes the following:

Describe the type of health care organization and the role(s) of the IT professional(s) that you interviewed.

Explain what HMIS means to the individual(s) and provide a summary of the interview discussion.

Discuss the importance of HMIS both within and across health care organizations using examples from the interview(s) that you conducted.

Describe the cost, time, and delivery of quality services associated with an HMIS.

As an "Addendum" section to your paper, attach a printed copy of the interview questions you crafted and used in your health care IT professional interview.

You are required to use a minimum of three qualified references with in-text citations for this paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Information Systems Integration Project Author Name Institution Affiliation In this paper, I have shared details of the interview that was conducted with an IT officer working in a reputed healthcare center of the city. During the interview, he was asked a number of questions, and the officer was happy to share his ideas and opinions about HMIS, EHR and the cost and services he provides to his customers. The name of the IT officer is Manuel Johnson, who is working in the same medical center where I have been working for over a decade. In the evening, Manuel provides his services privately, and his responsibilities include ensuring that all of the medical equipment or machines are running properly and updating the software and programs once a while. At the end of this paper, I will share the list of questions that were asked by Manuel Johnson. Prior to joining this medical center, Manuel Johnson was working at a giant IT firm of the country, but he came to this healthcare center as he thought that he was not making enough money out of his job and that he was always asked to undertake multiple projects at a time. When he joined this healthcare center, Manuel Johnson was confident about his skills, qualifications, and experience, and he ensured that he would be doing better than the previous IT officer. He also stated that he had learned many things from the previous job and that he had also worked with a healthcare provider in his private clinic in the past. Mr. Johnson joined this medical center two years ago, and during this time, he has helped update various medical equipment and has successfully transferred paper charts to a comprehensive electronic system, which is now trusted for its accuracy. He was also able to back-up the official documents and files of the medical center. For this purpose, he introduced a health management information system (HMIS) along with his team of two junior IT professionals (Tan & Cobb Payton, 2010). Both of them have always helped Manuel Johnson accomplish his IT-related tasks in a short time. He is of the view that as an IT officer, he has to face multiple challenges, ranging from fixing bugs in a computer system to updating the server to choosing the right kinds of applications for the accounts department of the healthcare center. Having worked myself with this IT expert for over five months, I have found that he is a hardworking, dedicated and sincere person. He is not someone who will avoid uncertain situations. Whenever there is an IT-related issue, Manuel Johnson tries to resolve it as soon as possible. So far, he has fixed many bugs in the hospital’s system. He has connected the entire system to a server and has made it easy for the staff to connect to the internet using their personal mobile or computer devices (5 Ways Healthcare Providers Can Reduce Costly Hospital Readmissions, 2014). When I asked about the role and value of the health management information system (HMIS), Manuel Johnson stated that it is an essential system for him and his team of junior IT professionals. Through this system, he can ensure that all electronic devices are working smoothly and efficiently. In addition, this system helps doctors, nurses, and other...
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