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Ethos for Eating Meat Based on the Article "A Farm Boy Reflects"

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following questions in 450 words or more. They are based on the "A Farm Boy Reflects" reading.
1. Why does Kristof think future generations will feel differently about eating meat? How much does this matter to his argument?
2. How does Kristof appeal to ethos in his essay? How does his background contribute to the argument he makes?


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1 Why does Kristof think future generations will feel differently about eating meat? How much does this matter to his argument?
In the article “A Farm Boy Reflects” the author presents himself as a humble boy who eats meat and understands more on animal husbandry. The author argues through emotions that animals are also complex beings and they deserve humane treatment. Kristof spends most of his time remembering his experience of animals with family values and unforgettable characters. Therefore, all these anecdotes used by Kristof intricate the consumption of meat into question. The author does not ask the readers to change their beliefs and behaviors, but Kristof is interested in getting readers to rethink on all the issues that the area involved in raising and slaughtering animals.
The article was written in response to a California bill, which was raised for a referendum in 2008. The author also argues on the sympathies of anti-cruelty legislation, and it is good. The author also states that there are countries that have enacted the same laws, therefore, an analogy between the inhuman treatment of animals by the factory farms and inhuman treatment of animals by the boys who ties up and abuses a stray cat is drawn. Although the author faces much difficulty in defining what cruelty is, he uses the level of lifestyle people choose. The author states that he will continue eating meat, but he later points out on shifting from treating animals with cruelty to the humane treatment of ...
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