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Leadership Characteristics & its Applications to Leadership

Essay Instructions:
Your task in this paper is to be self-analytic. During the first segment of the course you will have received a number of different kinds of information of potential relevance to you as a person. Some of this will come in the form of what you learn this semester. Other information will come from your experiences outside class. This paper should attempt to present a coherent picture of the writer using whatever concepts are helpful with special attention given to the development of you own Philosophy of Management. The central question for this paper is “what do I bring to the role of leader and manager that may influence the way I act in that role?” In this paper you should identify your 2-3 most important personal characteristics, provide ample evidence for each characteristic and speculate on how each characteristic is likely to affect you in the role of a leader (maximum 4 pages, double-spaced, single-sided, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, with no grammar or spelling errors, also include a title page and upload your paper as the final version. The first page of the paper should be a title page. The format of the text should include an introduction that briefly describes the main content of the paper. Then you should provide separate sub-sections for each of the personal characteristics you have identified as being your most important characteristics. Relate your characteristics to your Philosophy of Management. In addition, consider your abilities in leading people. Within each of these sub-sections you should provide multiple types of evidence to support the existence of the characteristics and then speculate on how each characteristic might help and hinder you in the role of a leader. The final section of the main text should be a conclusion. Your written assignment will be evaluated on the following criteria: 1. Your diagnostic ability: the extent to which you can identify and organize concrete and significant data about phenomena that you are trying to analyze. 2. Your analytic and conceptual skills: the extent to which you are able to integrate your own personal experience and the various theories and models discussed in the course.
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Professor Name:
(May 23, 2012)
Leadership Characteristics & its Applications to Leadership
In the real sense, the idea that an individual is born as a leader or simply develops the abilities and skills to become a leader remains open for a lot of debate. Thus, there exist some characteristics which are found in the majority of good leaders. Such qualities or characteristics can simply be developed by these people. On the other hand, these characteristics can naturally be part and parcel of the personality of these people. During the selection of leaders and appointment of managers, all people expect them to live to their expectations
Certainly, leaders having in born characteristics usually offer good leadership style. Actually, little can be carried out to make someone into a good leader. For my case, I am quite convinced that my leadership characteristics are natural, thus, in born. Hence, this makes me not only a good leader but also a successful manager. Because there are various roles which are expected to be executed, it is important for good leaders to portray some few basic characteristics of leadership. In my case, I possess a lot of good leadership and management characteristics.
Among these good leadership and management characteristics I exhibit are confidence, discipline and vision. As we all know, confidence constitutes an essential consideration for many modern leaders and managers. On the contrary, some leaders may lack confidence in some areas. For my case, even in a case where subordinate staff posses much qualifications than me, downward management cannot pos as a threat to me. I contain the ability to influence peers and external stakeholders in a case where authority is absent. In addition, my ability to manage upwards even within a matrix organization makes me indeed, a perfect manager and leader. According to my view, the most important thing as far as confidence in leadership and management is concerned is personal power. This is because personal power can be compared to self leadership. This emanates from an understanding the nature of a person I am and the most important thing alongside the exercising of the right to select.
During downward management, I always remember words spoken by Henry Ford “The generalist will always employ the specialist.” Thus, as a leader or a manager, I do not need to know all things concerning the disciplines of other people. I always look upon knowing how to engage smart individuals in order to get a given job done. People who are highly specialized sometimes miss the huge picture and fail to see the link beyond their discipline. I always try to understand a bit of different things concerning other disciplines. This makes me to utilize the best skills and combine different skills to ensure a given job is done. Actually, the confidence to influence emanates from holding a belief that the made ideas are good and knowing how to pass on the benefits of such ideas or action to other relevant parties.
I always feel very confident to socialize my ideas especially in this age wh...
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