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Indian Identity In The Arts: Influences

Essay Instructions:

Argumentative essay

Audience Profile and Outline Writing Assignment

Cite in APA.

The Audience Profile needs to be specific: Show me that you know exactly who you will be trying to persuade. Take into consideration age, gender, education level, socioeconomic level, vocations, goals, attitudes, beliefs, life styles, interests, preconceptions, fears and biases on your topic. Choose arguments based on your audience's views and the support you find in your research. Your audience profile needs to be at least 1/2 of a page.

Your Outline needs to have a clear thesis and four topic sentences (reasons) with at least two cited quotes or paraphrased sentences from outside authoritative sources or your Native Case (evidence). Each topic sentence (your reason) should develop your thesis and should take your audience's concerns into consideration while you argue your position (your evidence):

Remember to bring in all three aspects of the Rhetorical Triangle: logos (logic), ethos (ethics) and pathos (emotion).

You may use your Native Case heavily in your outline but must bring in at least three other outside sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Indian Identity in the Arts Author Name University Name Indian art consists of different art forms such as plastic arts (pottery sculpture), textile arts (woven silk) and visual arts (paintings). Geographically, it has spanned the whole Indian subcontinent, including what is now called Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and of course, India. One of the most distinctive features of Indian arts is that it has a strong or powerful sense of design; we can easily observe it in both traditional and modern forms (Tina). Unfortunately, Indian identity is being ignored in the arts for quite a long time. The origin of Indian arts can be traced to the Hominid settlements in the 3rd century, and it has had great cultural, traditional and religious influences. Still, the world is ignoring India’s importance in arts without knowing the fact that it great impacted Buddhism, Islam, Jainism, and Hinduism. Besides its sophisticated mix of religions and traditions, Indian art consists of various artistic elements and styles that can bring revolutions in the art industry (Vashishtha, 2010). How Indian art has the power and strength to change the world? These days, one of the major challenges is that we feel untouched by the issues of our family and friends and by global conflicts and problems such as environmental changes, even when we can take some serious steps to help ourselves. Apparently, Indian art has the power to change the way we think. For instance, if we take our family non-seriously or remain too busy with other things that we ignore our beloveds, Indian art and culture can teach us how to get closer to them and develop a strong relationship in no time. With the passage of time, Indian artists and painters have crafted various artifacts and paintings that depict how important families, friends, and relations are. Furthermore, it allows people to access data which frequently leaves them to feel extraordinary and overwhelmed, or discounted and discouraged (Misra, 2014). Indian art is powerful enough to attract us toward the things or wonders of the world we have not actually explored. Sometimes the artists come up with artifacts related to the Statue of Liberty, Taj Mehal and so on; we might not have seen these things ever in life, but we can definitely explore Indian artifacts and paintings related to these wonders and get amazed to an extent. Our actions, moods, and behaviors can alter thanks to Indian art for making it possible. It doesn’t show individuals what to do or how to react; it actually engages them to bring positive changes in ...
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